"user.. stop playing with dat Switch, you disturb the class"

>"user.. stop playing with dat Switch, you disturb the class"


>so long, gay bowser!
manchildren were a mistake

I want to FUCK that teacher~!

Why is the classes' cumtoliet talking?


>that shoes
too tacky


>you will never fuck a teacher
is an MBA worth it Sup Forums ?

*tips fedora*
>my lady

>white woman

this shouldnt be allowed

She is russian
Russian aren't white


>yfw Russians are asian

>playing with dat Switch

Playing what on the Switch?

>mfw all these virgins who will never experience what it feels like being a boytoy as a high school student.

When older woman especially ones in positions of authority want to have sex with you it's basically like one of the biggest confirmations you can receive as a male in life especially when you're in high school and I had it happen to me twice

Russians are AZNs, not slavs

Why not?

>slavs are whittest asian

Of what? That you're a sub?

i'd like to whack her with my switch

Kill yourself inferior eurocuck

I demand more.

We had a teacher like that and she once wore literally a miniskirt to uni.
She got a warning from the uni and since that day she wore jeans.
Its not funny. You literally cant concentrate. Youre quite happy not maintaining a constant boner. She was a fucking hot bitch though.

>American degenerate reminiscing about being corrupted by a degenerate pedophile teacher

Yeah, I'm not surprised

She knew you all wanted to fuck her.
She knew you would jack off to her.

>Confirmation Of what?

Oh gee I don't know, maybe that you're desirable or attractive above conventional levels? or that you posses a sexual affinity that makes woman literally break the law?

I wasn't taken advantage of by any strech of the imagination, I let them take advantage of me, huge difference, I'm not a sub.

because every male in the room get a boner
imagine being hard during two hours and suddenly she asks you to go to the blackboard


Post the one teacher who fucked a student

tfw no slav teacher gf wife mom

My dick didn't even twitch.
I don't get hard from cumskins unless they're pic related.

Fuck off back to /soc/ niggerfag

I'd much rather play with you miss.

>= -cos160º
I never understood cos and sen.

>this insecurity
no one cares

Thanks Japan.

>not rubbing it against your teachers bare legs

by male, i meant men not apes

How do they call it in Japan?

>za zwitch

how about japs?
>stupid hypocrite

I only had old gross teachers and I still fucked up in school.

How the hell kids do it these days I'll have no clue.

Just remembered how many loads I busted to some of my teachers.

Mrs. Davenport your ass was truly a gift from the gods.

Other than being groomed by a pedophile, have you actually achieved anything in your life? The way you talk about this taboo and repulsive life event of yours makes me think you haven't.

I don't know what you're implying. Only apes would get hard from some stupid whore wearing a non-revealing dress.

There should be an occupational ban for beautiful people to become teachers.

heterosexuals are usually aroused by a nice looking girl
nigger faggot

I'm not attracted to white women.

I hope you're non-white

I'm very white.

>"S-sorry m-mom.."

Well, it is a real problem that attractiveness is distracting and hinders the class focus, but you get used after a while to it.

t. buttmad black american

Oy vey! Good, degenerate goyim! I suggest killing yourself for the greater good of the white race.

It's honestly sad how many sex-negative neogaf tier sjws have penetrated this board


niggs endorse japs actually

I got a switch for you teacher, NOW DROP YOUR PANTS AND BEND OVER!

Die, profligate

you are just fucked up then


Why does she look thick as fuck in that picture but in reality she isn't

>Against the corruption of childhood innoence and pedophilia
>Neogaf-tier SJW

Are you a troll or just a fucking stupid monkey?


>da JOOZ
consider suicide Sup Forums. I'm going to have many multiracial children with my African wife.
>Sex negative
>Sex negative
pick none.


>in reality she isn't
how do you know?