What exactly is it about Sonic in particular that appeals to internet spergs and oddities like CWC, JustinRPG and so on?
What exactly is it about Sonic in particular that appeals to internet spergs and oddities like CWC, JustinRPG and so on?
It's had the most time to fester on the internet out of all the fandoms
Dorky and safe but really tries to be edgy?
Furry potential?
Goes fast?
>sonic goes fast
>autists are slow
>has attitude
Same shit with blue horse
It's full of brightly coloured, simplistic characters that are easy to draw and Sonic is the caricature of what marketers in the early 90s thought was cool.
Ding ding ding.
What's bad about blue?
Because they are trapped in a metal prison. Sonic going fast represents freedom, freedom from their autistic prison. That's all they want.
Kill yourself
Are autistic even self-aware enough to know that they are autistic?
Sometimes i fear that i am autistic and everyone just plays along pretending i'm normal.
It's the 2cool4u attitude that attracts smug autists who end up drawing original characters do not steal and end up with a furry baby diaper fetish later in life as a result.
>Are autistic even self-aware enough to know that they are autistic?
No, not until the damage has been done at least. I think some autists may become aware of it as adults, when they're contemplating how their life turned out the way it did while sitting in their mom's basement.
Why is it that things like Sonic, Touhou, Pokemon, MLP, or Vocaloid attract autists, NEETs and the like?
Because they're still 8 years old in their head
Out of those I like Pokemon and Vocaloid, Sonic can be okay when his games aren't shit
What kind of retard doesn't get the appeal of giant fighting robots that transform into vehicles?
truth be told, I'm a NEET. At least for now, and I like Pokemon, Vocaloid and Touhou out of those things. I've just noticed a particularly large amount of autism surrounding the fanbases of these things.
Why would you need a thesaurus for the phrase "Life is like a dying apple in red wine?"
I can't do it, fucking Dobson
Whatever happened to him?
Eaten by Lugia
What kind of autist goes around offering people periodic tables?
Characters based around individual colors makes them easily recognizable even for autists who can't into reading faces
Sonic and team are all friends, adds to escapism
Their personalities are paper thin and incredibly simple which makes them understandable to autistic people who have a hard time understanding real people with complex motives
He tried to delete everything and stay out of the spotlight after he realised that people were hunting for information on him.
If only Chris-chan had such foresight.
It was all over the news like a month ago. He was eaten by some sort of legendary pokemon, I forget which.
He really only pops up every now and again on Pokemon-related Facebook groups. As said, he scrubbed everything pretty thoroughly when he realised /cwc/ were paying attention to him. That's half the reason he never got as notorious as CWC, despite his antics being arguably more bizarre, his reactions when confronted by trolls weren't nearly as provocative.
Oh burgers!
Fear not, there's still a treasure trove of his material out there.
yes, unless incredibly low functioning like the individuals mentioned in this thread
t. actual assburger
Don't forget that sonic porn "artists", even the talented ones seem to be way more fucked up than their furry collagues.
You take that back about blue horse you fucker.
user here of a younger brother with actual autism and not the Internet kind.
It's the eyes. Something attracts him to them, probably because they have trouble looking people in the eyes IRL. He's into Archie and MLP comics too and as far as I'm aware doesn't have access to any weird fetish forums. He's been into Sonic for as long as I can remember.
>His favorite Shamalama movie is the one where the self-insert character turns out to be the chosen one, and the critic character dies.
Whodathunk it?
>thinks people only play sports because they're dumb
>cannot comprehend basic algebra
rly mks u thnk
>The, Pmurt, The
What did """"""""she"""""""" mean by that?
>he doesn't realize Trump doesn't give a shit about trans people, either way
>he doesn't realize Mike Pence would lock him up and shock his cock
He will Pmurt this country badly
>his cock
You mean what remains of it?
transformers really does suck tho
>people who play sports are all dumb!
>I don't understand math!
So he's unathletic AND a dumbshit? Wow, really makes you think
He looks like fucking Buffalo Bill from SotL
fuck you user
oh fuck that picture of moltres shitting on a carpet is his work?
Oh yeah. He made all those pictures himself.
>scared to open
>come back 10 minutes later
>fuck it
Fuck you, user.
Extremely simple mechanics for extremely simple people.
No simpler than Mario or Zelda, but those don't seem to have the same huge autistic following. Next.
Small cute mascot looking animals. It's the same for Pokemon.
I would really prefer it if you stopped posting
isn't this the dude who wears diapers he nukes in a 50's microwave or some shit?
oh god, where have I seen this picture before?
I dunno about 50s microwave, but yes, and apparently he got colon cancer or some shit.
yeah that's right, not got the forum post though, sure someone else'll have it
Yeah pamperchu
Kanker I hate that guy
Sonic characters are actually pretty tough, hence the bad quality on all oc's