
he was right

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oh no he made fun of a ff gaem

where were you when a middle aged man completely obliterated the whole japanese videogames industry?

He didn't even play the game though. Elijah did, and they did nothing but walk around.

Nice forced meme.

>Ghostbusters tanks
>Seth and Amy get dropped from Budweiser campaign
>Kobe scores 60 in his last game
>SJWs have something other than vidya to whine about, continue to get BTFO on a daily basis
>Gawker done
>Conan single handedly destroys FFXVs chances AND exposes XV fans as safe space cucks

There might have been no vidya this year, but I dont want off this ride



>tfw Final Fantasy is finally over
>you can stop wasting your money on them

>Conan single handedly destroys FFXVs chances AND exposes XV fans as safe space cucks
Where did this happen?

All I saw was Elijah walking around doing nothing while Conan was trying to make funny joeks because he didn't know what was going on, and Aaron kept loading up different save files from different points of the game and they were seeing things out of context again, with them just walking around not doing anything. He didn't do shit, it's like acting if Conan jsut showed the cross dressing scene in FF7 with them walking around the empty world map and then cloud standing doing nothing while his ATB bar fills up.

>le ebin joke tv segment is super srs business because he made fun of game so it's shit now XD

Nice lack of new IP by the way faggot.

Dude, I know America is still sore after Pearl Harbor, but how many times do you have to savage a country before you let it go?

Poor Japan.

>that wall of butthurt

It just keeps giving

Holy shit, calm down faggot.
Quit being sensitive or fuck off back to Neogaf.


so does it actually take 72 hours to beat that boss or was that a joke


conan post in /ffg/, its hilarious, thye get mad as fuck

>with them just walking around not doing anything.

They showed a boss fight.

And it didn't the game any good.

That's the segments of the game SquareEnix gave to them and thought that it'd be a good impression. So either the game is that bad that those were highlight moments, or SquareEnix is useless at their jobs. It's likely a bit of both to be honest.

As a moderate fan of Final Fantasy, the latest instalments have been dull, this looks like more of the same, and any non-fan who was watching Conan will feel that even more so. SquareEnix got fucked by this, and yes in video games there is such a thing as bad press.

Sorry you're so desperate for everyone to like a game you like, but it's just not going to happen, so get over it.

>Conan finally gets the meme recognition he deserves
Truly this is a fair world

Yes your samefagging is obvious.

I'm not sensitive, I thought the segment was funny, I'm pointing out shitposters desperately trying to use a fucking joke segment to shitpost against the game with.

Exageration. It's 72 in game hours which is 3 real time hours on a low level. Adamantoise is an optional superboss at level 99, it would take quicker when you are max level and also have high power magic and summons with you.

Samefag resetting his IP detected.

No they didn't because that wasn't the fight, that was just a segment where Adamantoise wakes up but they didn't even fight it, just walked around it. He even said the actual fight happens later.

They didn't fucking show anything besides plain walking around and some out of context dialog scenes.

slowpoke here, who and what hapenned?



Conan was asked to play FF15 on his show and absolutely destroys it, rightfully so.

Fuck off shills

No, Aaron is the one who chose the save files to give to Conan because he's the one who plays the games and has those saves.

How the fuck is the game bad when it showed a cutscene of them pushing a car for 30 seconds which is a fucking character introduction with dialog until it cuts to a cutscene of them at the gas station, not "gameplay". Then them just walking around the gas station for a few seconds, then them walking around the desert for a few seconds, then them walking around a mid game city with some out of context dialog about the MCs fiancees wedding dress because he's getting married to her in that city, which no one told Conan because they just loaded up the save and overheard it when walking around. Then them just walking on chocobos in a desert for a bit and then walking passed the adamantoise and that was it. They didn't fucking do anything, they didn't even try to do anything.

You are a fucking idiot if you take anything they showed at face value when literally not a single thing they showed is indicative of anything "bad" let alone whatever the fuck meme you're trying to spout here.

>TV host played FFXV
>It looked like shit
>He said it looked like shit
>Frodo also said it looked like shit
>FFXV apologists are bootyblasted by this unforeseen reaction
>Everyone else is laughing at them
>Damage control is making everyone laugh harder

Conan is based
FF will be trash


Conan played XV and made some jokes at its expense, and so faggot shitposters are trying to use it as ammo against the game because "he le rightfully so got them XD" or "le game is shit based conan am i rite the same guy who likes resident evil 6 is based because he made jokes about japanese game that is threatening western games!?"

Because the character interaction and dialogue are complete shit. This isnt Nier or Lost Odyssey kid


People saying that Conan "BTFO" people who play jRpgs even though he didn't know anything because that's the whole point of the clueless gamer bits. Honestly it's doesn't mean Jak shit just people blowing it out of proportions

are you positioning FFXV as a sjw game or something? SJWs hate it because muh female representation.

>Aaron is the one who chose the save files to give to Conan
You're honestly retarded if you think this is how marketing for games works, this is basically a televised closed doors demo, SquareEnix cherry picked things for them to make sure it played flawlessly.

Why do you think there was representatives there, not only that but they requested a live feed of the game session.

I want to see him play dark souls for 5 hours and still not finish the Asylum.

why is his forehead so big xD

he has a big brain


He didn't say it looked like shit and neither did Elijah. Conan went in wanting explosions and heads blowing up but instead he was greeted with intimate moments of bonding between bros as they pus ha car and general JRPG flow of talking to NPCs in a town, buying shit in a store and going out into the field. He wasn't even trying to get invested in a 40-50 hour RPG you dumb fucking cunt.

Stop resetting your IP you desperate shill.

No they aren't. The character interactions are great and you would know this had you actually played the game. Something not even Conan did because he was busy talking over introductory dialog scenes instead of paying attention to what's happening.

For you

>Stop resetting your IP you desperate shill.

>tells you to not buy a game because it's shit

Kys bazztek

You're retarded if you are this fucking new to Clueless Gamer. Aaron is always the one who picks the saves and spots that Conan plays, because Aaron is the one who plays the game, he even does a fuckton of lets plays on the Conan channel too.

>this is basically a televised closed doors demo,
No this is just Aaron showing Conan a few random sections of a game and Conan commenting on them without any context for anything. Aaron is always the one who picks what to show and do, stop being fucking retarded. Even in the sections they were in it was just fucking walking around doing nothing, despite the fact they could have gone off doing monster hunts, fighting enemies, basic combat, whatever the fuck else, yet they showed none of that because it was just shit Aaron had prepared.

>Why do you think there was representatives there,
They were secretly there and not even Conan knew they were there, so they weren't even in the fucking room with him when Elijah was playing. And they were in the greenroom you idiot.

>Stop resetting your IP you desperate shill.
Do you even know what a shill is?

>Conan went in wanting explosions and heads blowing up
Yeah he's just a dumb Call of Duty player, he can't understand the deep and wonderful writing of glorious Nippon!

uh, shills are paid to promote a game, not the opposite

Fuck off Antifag.

You first.

Yes. Someone like OP who keeps posting Conan all over Sup Forums because they are shilling this meme trying to force it down everyone's throats.

Yes that is exactly right, and the fact that you said that as a joke makes this even more ironic because that is exactly fucking right. Conan does not get excited over anything but explosions, tons of on screen blood, tits or ass. That's it.

So young and naive.


Someone's got da 'tism

How are you supposed to beat a boss that takes 72 hours?

That's not what a shill is.
Dont use buzzwords that you dont understand.
The only one acting like a shill is you for being overly defensive about negative opinions.

I hate him, I was looking forward to FFXV but now he completely exposed the game to be shit so I won't be buying it. The problem is now I have no games to look forward to this year.




mash X

have you seen any of his other videos?
he rips on all of them

>Being this pathetic
How embarrassing.

what an amazing case of genuine, extreme butthurt

he likes Tomb Raider because Lara is his waifu

>No this is just Aaron showing Conan a few random sections of a game
Yeah no. He'd not have given them all the shit moments if he was given free reign to pick and choose what to play. So either these were the best moments, or SquareEnix was protecting their story by giving them these shit moments and thought it'd play out well.

>They were secretly there and not even Conan knew they were there
Yup, they just walked into a television studio and just casually strolled past security. Do you think Conan is given any heads up about what the producers have agreed on? Why would he care or need to know?
>And they were in the greenroom you idiot.
Green rooms are closed off areas away from any production areas to stop noise from travelling, they were literally outside the room you moron.

Mario and pokemon outsold your entire gta and cod franchise

i still don't know who he is

No seriously. Is it like a short fight then come back the next day or is it actually 72 hours of gameplay fighting like the review sounded like?

He already wrote a few of the actually good Simpsons episodes, isn't that enough?

>A joke video made Sup Forums lose it's mind
Conan and Trump have me on a salt trip, it's glorious

He was right. The only time he has ever been wrong was when he bashed Trump. But I know the Jews made him do it, I could tell from his face.

Just stop. They played the game longer than any they've ever played before. If there was something interesting in that barren open world for them to find and do, they would've done it and shown it. Though, Aaron definitely should've had the controller for a game like this. It probably would've looked at least slightly less bad.

who the fuck knows, it sounds god awful either way.

OP here

this thread has gone far beyond my expectations

ausfag btw

Like we needed further evidence of how cancerous weebs are.

Here's your (You).

Yes it is. You fucking moron. OP is literally shilling his meme and he's doing it for fucking free, the worst kind of shill who goes out of his way to shitpost about a game for 3 fucking years straight.

>overly defensive
Sorry but succicntly explaining why this shit is meaningless towards anything to shitposters who are trying to use it against the game is "overly defensive". Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you people. You fucks literlaly know fuck all about the game and instead of bothering to get informed you watch a joke video and then start spouting "hurr it's le shit see told you XD" which is completely ass fucking retarded based on what they showed nowhere near being something that reaffirms any such notion.

And more samefagging with resetting your IP. Jesus fucking christ you are absolute fucking scum.

Yes? You mean a fucking dialog segment where the characters are talking giving some exposition while pushing a car for 30 seconds? Are you really this ADHD addled?

ITT: shitposters unironically take a comedian's non-gamer review seriously for the sake of shitposting

Death to the open world meme

Based redhead is right

easy bro

i would tell you to kys, but i want you to wait until FF15 comes out and you finally realize what a complete piece of shit it is.

Was being Irish a part of your plan?

Maybe you could argue about the game for 72 hours

Do you SERIOUSLY consider moving between quests in an open world enjoyable gameplay?

>The Super Smash Bro video
>His nerd is telling him all about the game and all the various characters in depth
>"Who's our second president?"
Conan is the shit

not just me, my bootyblasted friend



Fuck off weeb, Connor knows his shit when it comes to videogames, he described TW3 as incredible and it was incredible.

>Do you SERIOUSLY consider moving between quests in an open world enjoyable gameplay?

That depends on a number of factors. If the story is really good, then yes I will enjoy it. If the gameplay is really good, then I won't mind either.

Tons of people enjoyed playing through Witcher 3 while moving between quests and I don't see many complain. But suddenly when it's a weeb game, everyone shitposts it like it's the end of the world.

That's half the damn game right there

Don't say bullshit because its always been the case with open world games

Help me out here, Sup Forums, I'm trying to think of games he wouldn't shit on to be funny.
Is there really any game a normalfag wouldn't think is weird? Zelda maybe? Western AAA games?

He liked Witcher 3 just shows nu-males don't really like gameplay they prefer story driven nu-male made stories.

Witcher 3 is trash as well

The story was "WHERE'S CIRI?" for thirty fucking hours before the Wild Hunt stepped on stage for literally 15 minutes and then died. Game finished. Waste of 60 bucks

To be fair, calling it Open World is a bit of a stretch, Open Barren Desert is more apt.

This is an amazing case of samefagging from a phone posting/PC posting faggot desperate to do anything in his power to shit on the game.

>He'd not have given them all the shit moments if
Nigger he literally just fucking gave them an open section where they could have gone and done anything but they didn't do anything but walk around. Then they loaded a mid game section where they could have gone off doing anything in that city too but he just walked straight ahead and overheard some girls talking about the princesses wedding dress because she is getting married to the fucking MC. And then them just walking around the desert again but this time on chocobo and then them walking around the adamantoise after it woke up but wasn't the actual fight. That was all on Aaron and what Elijah was doing, Conan wasn't even playing. SE gave them the full game and Aaron played it and had his own saves set up to show Conan stuff. You have clearly not watched a single fucking clueless gamer because Aaron always shows shitty stuff from his saves.

>Yup, they just walked into a television studio and just casually strolled past security.
Are you literally fucking retaraded? They were there kept secret from Conan, no shit they were allowed in the building by security, but they don't report everything to Conan on who is and isn't in the building. SE were not there in the room nor did they actually tell them what to show, Aaron picked everything because that is what he wanted to show.

>Green rooms are closed off areas away from any production areas to stop noise from travelling
They were in the fucking greenrom right outside another room they happened to be filming in. God fucking damn it you are retarded. If you honestly think anything mentioned in the video is valid then you really need to fucking kill yourself.

He likes good games

are you retarded? the answer is Mario.

He had positive things to say about several games like Smash Bros and Witcher 3.

Nigger youre are making the wall posts out of butthurt just because some people dont like the game.
You're defending it like your life depends on it.
That sounds like you being a shill.

XVkun is going to go into cardiac arrest if you keep posting that, you're going to kill him

He actually enjoyed playing Hitman.


>Witcher 3 is trash as well

why the fuck are you THIS triggered?

Wtf I love Conan now