Why do people here seem so embarrassed about calling themselves gamers?

Why do people here seem so embarrassed about calling themselves gamers?
is it something to be ashamed of?

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Because the term Gamer has become synonymous with the fat, lazy, greasy, doritos and dew stereotype.

It doesn't help that normie companies, TV shows, the media and movies all portray 'gamers' in the same way, that we're all L33T EPIC WIN meme gamers.

they are modern, cancerous Gen-Z faggets who still worry about "muh street cred" or "fame", plus listen to what ever the fuck their (potentially SJW) e-celebs say or write in their blogs.

because it's cringy and makes you sound like a try hard.
just play games, you don't need to turn it into a badge like feminist do with their vaginas.
everything starts going to shit when you start putting labels on it.

women in gaming...

'I guess women and gaming just don't mix'

>caring how tvs shows and media are portraying you

who cares.

"gamer" is still a good word for what we do, no reason to change it.

Because playing games is just an activity people engage in to pass time and entertain themselves, like listening to music or watching movies.

When you say "gamer" it sounds like it's describing one's whole personality, which some people find silly since they only see video games as product to use for entertainment.

It's like you would describe someone as "movie watcher" or "music listener", it sounds stupid.

You need to actually play games to call yourself a gamer.


anyone who feels like playing vidya needs a special title is a femenist or a autist.

Worked for me, but then again I'm simply part of that 1% of 10+ years ago and not the 51% that is claimed to be the past years.

I never say I'm a gamer though, I simply like to play videogames on consoles, portables and pc. Pc is a difficult choice as it clashes with other hobbies that require pc though.

Defining yourself by your likes and hobbies is never the right idea.

But a hobby can be the 1 defining factor of ones life, it can become your career even.

I am a reader

of japanese ero vn's?

Post a pic of yourself and tell me how many times you've had sexual intercourse


> Wanting to be labeled at all.

It's how they control you man. The idea of accepting someone elses title, or even worse actively trying to cultivate your life so you can fall into someone elses preconcieved notions disgusts me to the core.

Most things I've achieved in my life, are thanks to early interest in videogames. I even met my wife that way.

Gaming defines my life. It's my hobby and job, pretty much all I do. I still don't call myself a gamer, I just say "oh I play video games"

People who use the title and think it is a good thing isn't a real gamer. Actual gamers are embarrassed by the term and cringe whenever someone willingly choose to call themselves a gamer. So either way it is a lose-lose. You are admitting you are a loser or you are admitting that you are retarded.

Video games should only be listed as a hobby on shit like facebook where it doesn't matter. It isn't something you even talk about on say your first date unless you are asked directly and even then you gotta enforce that it is a hobby for the source and sake of your entertainment choice, not your fucking life where if you are on Sup Forums most likely mean it is in fact your whole sad life.

Even though liking games shouldn't be a bad thing by default doesn't really make it any less of a red flag. Just like there is nothing wrong for a women to own 7 cats.

This. Despite social media and cancer shows like the Big Bang Theory telling people "it's cool to be a nerd now". It actually isn't the case. You'll still be considered an outcast if you try to discuss any game outside of CoD seriously in public. You keep that shit hidden.

Cause the gaymer that is being portrayed by the media and general public is faggots who own razor products, chug mountain dew and doritos and are detached from reality.

I play video games, I like reading about how they're made, design choices, problems on the way etc.
In the same way I like movies, computer parts etc.

Having some faggot like Wil Wheaton or Felicia Day who just spouts "I'M A GAMURRR" and quite frankly, I've seen them as voice actors.
Do either of those two play games? Evidently not considering every video of them playing anything they're shit incarnate.

Felicia makes a living off being a gamer but if you actually watch her play anything she's terrible.

Letting your hobbies/interests define you as a person is an exercise in pretentiousness. Whether it's gamer or stoner or the alt right. Hell, even if it's something socially acceptable and even encouraged like painting or photography, to let that define you as a person just shows how shallow you are as a human being. The only time it's ever acceptable to label yourself as such is if your hobby becomes a professional job for you. So learning programming on your own fun and calling yourself a programmer makes you a huge faggot, getting paid to actually work as a programmer and then calling yourself as a programmer is fine.

Which just reinforces my point, for being someone who's life consists of video games, being a video game "icon" she's fucking terrible at video games.

Why she's even popular is beyond me.

>Why she's even popular is beyond me.
She's a girl. She lives off thristy beta males giving her views.

Because when I was growing up you kept the fact that you played video games a secret otherwise you risked being an easy target for bullying.

Categorizing yourself by a hobby is pretty shitty desu.

its such a gay ass title.

Anyone who defines their entire being around one hobby or interest is guaran-fucking-teed to be either pretentious or a chore to be around, or fucking both.


>"Film Buff"
>Sports "#1 Fan" (especially if they're the type to only watch one sport)
>Activist of any kind

b..but she's been playing games forever she must have just had a bad day it was noisy there

Only if you're a beta nerd. You don't get bullied for liking video games alone. You need to have the beta look and personality to go along with it. No one would have ever bullied Kobe Bryant in high school even if he wore a Naruto headband and constantly talked about his 2D waifu because everyone knew that nigger could play some ball and he would have blown the fuck out of anyone talking shit to him on a basketball court.

I prefer "Video Gamist" myself.

you should watch her twitch streams.
I have never cringed so much. she doesn't seem to understand game mechanics at all, it's so bizarre.
here's her playing Sonic

How anyone can say that word without physically cringing is beyond me.

oh shit I forgot


>to define oneself by media consumption is not just unhealthy, it’s vacuous. To do so is to go beyond the necessary distractions from the real world’s tedium and travails. It’s a demand for a Huxley-esque perpetual childhood.

>Gamers won’t die because there will always be, in capitalism, people who define themselves by what they buy. When their imaginary identity politics are challenged, they’ll lash out, angrily, with as much vitriol as they can muster.

Because of leftover shame from Gamergate.

Gaming is not a respectable hobby. If you're gonna make a hobby define your entire existence, it would be in your best interest to choose a respectable one.

>sandwich artist
You don't define a person by a single hobby, most people do more than one thing in their life.

Hobbies and interests are what define people.

people who are really into movies don't call themselves "watchers"

people who are really into comics don't call themselves "readers"

people who are really into music don't call themselves "listeners"

How does an average looking girl with no skill make a living from video games?



>Muh special snowflake.

Why even announce it? Everyone I know plays games and not just the casual kind. Do you also call yourself a tv'er? It's a common medium now.

>Why do people here seem so embarrassed about calling themselves gamers?

Most people aren't embarrassed at all. It's only the sjw who come into Sup Forums that shitposts it all day long.

Who are you quoting?

People like Felicia Day call themselves "gamers."

It's a dumb term and gaming """""journalists""""" did a hit piece on the term anyway so no thank you.

it's equally cringy to saying 'i'm a tv show watcher' or 'i'm a book reader'

theres also the fact that most people who call themselves that are mostly pretenders who play maybe an hour a day on average, and the most popular games also.

basically it's exactly like someone saying they love listening to classical music and then only know the most popular works of mozart, beethoven, bach, and if you're really lucky something like chopin etc.

Why do people elsewhere seem so adamant to label themselves as something?

>Actual gamers
GTFO kid

Jesus fucking christ, she's one of those people? Her entire life revolves around video games, and she's the kind of person who simply cannot move more than one of her fingers at a time or independently of the others? Not only that, but her reaction time looks like it needs to be measured in minutes and hours. She can't even react to her own aiming: she drags the reticule over a guy, stops moving, then almost a full second later fires, after the guy is way the fuck outta there. This is like watching a 3 year old or an 80 year old try to operate a gamepad.

Was she the pro gamer behind this masterpiece?

Because most people here don't play games

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out gamers have a lower overall IQ and social intelligence compared to other hobbyists

If you're ugly or socially inept and you play games, you don't want to call yourself a gamer

If you're good looking or don't sperg out in public, you can call yourself a gamer and no one will think anything of it


The same reason I don't call myself atheist.
I'm afraid of the memes.

>you have to be good at games to enjoy playing them
this just reminds me of the thread yesterday where the only thing it takes for Sup Forums to like a game is e-peen potential, not how much fun it would be to actually play the game

>I'm a gamer xD THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!! XD
oh you don't get it? Let me explain the whole story of the game for you :3
If this is you, stop

Where did you get my resume? Please delete it.

>>you have to be good at games to enjoy playing them

Thanks for strawmanning the fuck out of me and not even in a reasonable manner, I said nothing about enjoying the game or not.

My career field is welding and, specifically, structural welding. Buildings and shit. I've been doing it for about a decade. Now, if I told you that and you were to look up the construction projects I had worked on and you noticed that every single fucking building and bridge I worked on collapsed, what would you think? Would you think I suck ass at my job? Would you expect someone who is *working* in a field for so long to be so incompetent, or would you expect me to at some point either give up or get better?

My point is that I get paid to do something because I have some level of understanding and ability in that something I get paid to do.

That person is in the exact same position as I, except she is brutally and irredeemably lacking in ability.

She's not even fucking good looking. Her face is fucking bizarre from most angles. The dyke construction and factory bitches I see sprinkled around are consistently more attractive than her. And they're not wearing makeup or getting photoshopped by professionals - professionals who, mind you, would lose their fucking job if they had the same level of skill in their field as Felicia Day does in hers.

I play video games anywhere from 2-6 or even 8 hours/day, and I don't give a fuck if you call me a gamer or not.

There isn't a dichotomy of "skilled" vs "trash at games". Everyone who has played games for a while develops a few basic skills when it comes to controlling games, like operating two analog sticks to control both movement and the camera at once.

White knights and surfing the progressive wave of popularity.

I love when Felicia's white knights show up.
She gets paid a lot of money and gets sent free games and consoles constantly because of her persona.
People overlook the fact that she's terrible at gaming because she's a mildly attractive woman.
anyone can plays games and enjoy them even if they're bad at them but this is Felicia's job.
she's meant to be some sort of professional.


would you play Mass Effect with felicia?

Felicia Day used to be cute! CUTE!

Would you be satisfied if she respecced her talents from mildly attractiveness to mildy good at video games?

>Why do people here seem so embarrassed about calling themselves gamers?
It's like being proud of being a photographer. It's either a hobby or a profession if you're autistic enough. Nobody should make a big deal out of it

You forgot
>trekkie, whovian, or any other title based on liking shitty trope fiction


Yes because then she'd just be a female version of the average "gaming celeb" and this problem wouldn't exist.

"Gamers" wear Zelda shirts and spout gaming memes IRL.

Gamers aren't alone in being a bunch I don't want to identify myself as
It's the same shit with every other form of media and fandom.
>read books all day
>identify yourself as a bookworm who has the superior intellect and taste in books than other people.

>listen to music 18 hours a day
>identify yourself as a music junkie and can't stop spamming your last.fm everywhere and putting down "plebs" for listening to entry level music

>watch movies all day long
>identify yourself as a film buff and get 2 deep 4 u and become the weirdo who watches some super obscure movies from the 40's that weren't even popular then and ridicule anyone who enjoys V for Vendetta unironically

>mildly attractive
>used to be cute

enormous overstatements


Why does her face look so fucking bizarre? She looks like she's constantly pushing her upper lip downwards over her teeth, her entire skull structure is strange, I swear her eyes are lopsided, her mouth is really low down on her face and her jaw is awkwardly shaped and wide, her smile is almost sinister because of how uncanny it is, her nose is practically a jewish beak

it's just a giant fucking mess all around. It isn't any one thing, it's all of them combined like some fucked up voltron of facial features

I could be that guy 20 years in the future with an insulin pump and colostomy bag, and 3x more chins, and what I said would still be true

If you could be her, would you? Look like that, but get rich playing video games?

>playing video games with a crazed third wave feminist that adheres to the marxist ideological cult of social justice

Defining yourself as a "gamer" is just as hollow and cringy as those who do it with "I love to travel" and "I'm a real show binger".

Wow big deal you are entertained by products designed to entertain you. Try a little more productive hobby you useless sack of shit.

she has a pretty bad over bite so her mouth struggles to stay closed.
her nose is very unfortunate and a human beings nose never stops growing so soon she will be all nose.

If you've been doing something for more than +3 years and you're still awful at it, you're terrible.

Which is what is being said, Day is awful at games, yet she's being thrown new technical stuff to advertise them, aswell as having her own DLC in DA2(Which is another level of awful).

If someone plays a instrument everyday for 3 hours for 3 years, you expect them to pick up on stuff. Just like in games you start to see how the game is built up, i.e what is collectible, hints where to go etc aswell as a basic "this is how X works".

As opposed to what, defining yourself by your job?

>Actual gamers are embarrassed by the term
>mfw you're a self-hating gamer

What about not defining yourself like a underage kid for once?

a "gamer" is somebody who thinks playing video games is part of their identity

a person who plays video games is somebody who enjoys the medium

no everybody who plays video games wants to identify with people who make playing them the central (or one of them) aspect of themselves.

for instance, i play music, play video games, watch documentaries, listen to lectures, watch baseball, and do home improvement projects as my primary free-time activities. if i had to choose to identify primarily with the culture of any one of those, "gamer" would probably be last, because i have little interest in the culture aside from the games.themselves. so while i play video games as much as my other hobbies, i dentify with it the least.

I don't have any friends, so it doesn't really matter. Back when I had friends, they figured it out when I was, oh, I dunno, actually playing video games.

Nowadays it's just a quick way to have your opinion on literally anything instantly discarded, and for normies to point and laugh at while they jerk it over consoles.

No, cuz then I'd be fucking awful at them and I wouldn't like them. I doubt she likes video games nearly as much as a typical, normal, non-memecelebrity person does. If she did, she wouldn't suck total dick.

I used to work with Felicia Day.
She does enjoy video games but doesn't really play anymore.
She's kind of tired of being a symbol for women in gaming too because she never asked for it