Sup Forums I need your help. I'm going to the pokemon sun and moon midnight launch tomorrow, and when I placed my preorder yesterday the cashier told me to bring ID. Now I don't have state ID yet (long story), but I have my college ID. I'll also have my receipt and the stupid member card thing... Will those work or do they actually need a state ID, even for a not M-rated game?
Sup Forums I need your help. I'm going to the pokemon sun and moon midnight launch tomorrow...
Depends on the state and how high the cashier is, I would think.
>being this underage
hey have fun at college though, assuming you are in your first year
No I'm actually in middle of second year, just haven't gotten a state ID yet
any form of identification with a photo id should be fine
it's most likely just to prove you are the person, not that you're over 18 or some shit
You got a voter ID? Some people take those
shit I guess I forgot to mention this is at gamestop so if that matters at all
>amerilards don't have an ID card as a standard
How's life in Our third world shithole, americucks?
Actually, this reminds me. I heard that most Americans don't have a passport. Is that true? I wonder why?
Yeah, it's true. It's because it's expensive as fuck to travel to other countries. Also, you have to go through a lengthy process to get a passport and also drop $150+ Just to buy the fucking thing.
Passports are a damn good source of ID though. Absolutely no one will say it's not good enough and even children can get a passport.
It's costly and takes time to get, most Americans have a form of state ID be it a regular ID or a state driver's license. The use of a passport is only to leave the country and not many Americans do this, so there's no point is getting one for 90% of the population.
Having an Identification in the US is required by law. Most people get some form of ID by the age of 16 and it's required to present ID if an authority figure such as an officer ask for it. Before the age of 16 most schools are adopting student ID.
Receipt will work by default.
Student ID works as a state ID as long it has photo identification.
Member card would have your basic information on it such as phone number and address so that also works as ID.
Had a ex pic up my pre order once. She had the receipt and the credit card that bought it. It worked
Jesus, is this how they do in America? Where I am all I need is to bring my EB games membership card, they save preorder and transaction history all on that. Shit, I even sent a friend with my card to pick up a preorder on my behalf one time.
this is what I assumed, I was just worried that they'd pull a gamestop and say "oh can't give it to you sorry"
I used to work at gamestop: you need an ID with your name and picture on it.
Its so your friend cant overhear that you have the game already payed off, come in and take it, saying they are you.
we had the biggest policy problems with moms trying to pick up things for their kids.
so a student ID would work no problem then, yeah?
I accepted them before, as long as its you on there, I'm good.
great. I was hoping to get input from someone who'd worked there. Thanks a lot
No prob, hopefully your place isn't employed by dicks. if it was an M rated game you might get a little more trouble, but its pokemon, they are going to want you in and out as fast as possible so they can get the next person in
oh, and to buy a strategy guide. fuckin by that guide you asshole, the new kids that just started for the holiday season, their jobs depend on it.
if you didnt get enough additional pre-orders or add-ons (season passes, strategy guides, disc protection, whatever other bullshit they could think of for that game) then you were let go right after christmas.
you needed at least 5% of your sales to have some sort of addition or you got a talking to.
Additional pre-orders? Like, let's say I walk in to pre-order game X. That's not enough? They have to try and sell me a pre-order on game Y or a game guide or some shit? Who the fuck even uses a guide when the internet exists?
Honestly, if brick and mortar stores want more sales then they need to do what Japan does and just fucking drown you in character goods. Buying a waifubait fighting game? Then how about buying this cute little plush doll of her for an extra $40?