Any recent hack and slash games that take skill?

Any recent hack and slash games that take skill?
Pic unrelated

Don't know about skill but darksiders is pretty fun with zelda-like gameplay, second one has a challenge mode also.

Hack and Slashes have never taken skill

Even hardcore mode on Diablo 2 was mostly about patience and being careful.

I played the first one. It is along the lines of what I want rn.

Does the second one hold up?

I mean things along the lines of Devil May Cry, God Of War, Ninja Gaiden. That hack and slash.

So 3D beat em ups?

But OP. That game has the best waifu. That counts for something right.

Yes and no. Not looking for Batman style beat em ups.

I really don't know how to call the genre I want, but you get where I'm coming from.

Pleas don't

You say waifu, but post Sam. Are you trying to tell us something?


Not him Lad, but i like the second one more. Although it is unfiinished and kinda unpolished as well. It has faster, more fluid and deeper combat. Platforming and movement in general is also a lot better.

Seems worth a pick up. One question. The studio closed, will I get blue balled?


Bayonetta 1 is hard in normal difficulty, Bayo 2 is easier in normal but harder in the rest

Wish I had a Wii U for that one

Had to look up a trailer. Looks fun, is it challenging?

>he doesn't want to rub his face on pic
what a fag

furier can be pretty challenging but mostly because of fucking bullet hell phases

Ah. Gonna download it then might as well check it out

user, Sam is my husbando. Still wouldn't rub my face on his butt, hand is all he would get.

Is this game enjoyable for someone who's not into weeb shit and has never played a MG game?

It's challenging because bosses have more phases than an emotional highs chooler

Yeah. it's got kinda like a a B-Movie charm to it. It's enjoyable and pretty straightforward

This actually sounds very appealing. Specially for a boss rush game

I'll probably check it out than, thanks

first boss (giant robot fight) was dull as fuck to me, but after that it got a lot better

final boss + dialogue had me burst out laughing in a good way

I hate weebshit and found mgr enjoyable. Fun as fuck.

This. It's really weebish at first. Then it gets kinda goofy. Then it gets super serious it's so out of place it turns out funny. And you know the developers wanted that to be purpose.

Do things get dynamically like shadow warrior or do they just fall apart like fruit ninja

>Google "Shit-Eating Grin"
>Jetstream Sam is the first result

It gets progressively harder like Bubsy 3D.

The IP was picked up by Nordic Games (now known as THQ Nordic) who claimed they would totally not leave it to collect dust but have done nothing with it so far.

diablo 2

But the melee is total ass in this

>meme gear rising

>its real

Oh man.

Is it really? Piracy it is

the game's mostly a shmup

the melee sections are clearly not the focus considering how they're rather simple and there's like four patterns shared among all bosses

Unfinished? Never noticed that.

Archon and Samael are awesome boss fights.

Hmmmm. If anyone has any other suggestions please

combat's still pretty shit since there's like four enemy types (including mini-bosses that keep showing up)

mgr's difficulty only ever amounts to "damn that was fucking annoying", and that only happens if you try to get all S ranks achievement

Ever noticed the ennemy on this visual doesn't exist in the game ?

Spectacle Fighter is what you're after.

Yes, pic related altho not a recent one but still very challenging and will push you to the limit

"Character Action" gets kicked around for "cool person doing cool combos" games.

Shadow Warrior 2 has a pretty neat melee system, also guns. Better than Doom anyways.


it's maximum cringe and played straight in game.
but it just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Raiden is wearing stilettos the entire game and the heavy attack is him attaching the sword to his heels and kicking.