What do you think of this year's candidates?
What do you think of this year's candidates?
Was this year really that fucking awful?
I'd pick Dishonored 2, but since it's apparently not better than fucking Inside, I'd say Titanfall 2 should win.
Holy shit, this is some 2014 tier garbage
Sony paid the good $$$ I see.
Fuck this might as well go with Overwatch
you fucking joking m8
why do people like that trash
Doom's the only real contender there right?
I mean, Overwatch and Titanfall are fun enough, but not GOTY at all, and inside and Uncharted are just Cinematic bullshit.
>goty """""""""""""""""""awards""""""""""""""""""""
Those were some of the most popular games of the year so it makes sense they are competing for the GOTY award, this is a concept Sup Forumsirgins cannot grasp, just because you dont like it doesn't mean everyone does, Sup Forums is not the center of the videogames community and represents a very small portion of the it
Sorry if your favorite niche as fuck game isn't on the nominated list but that's how it is
Uncharted 4 will probably get it
People love cinematic shit
>matching uncharted IV with all those literally who's
its trump vs clinton all over again
DOOM is fantastic
I don't know why anyone would play a game made by the same people that made the snorefest that is LIMBO
Overwatch is my personal GOTY
Titanfall 2 is pretty good, but not GOTY material
Uncharted 4 will win because the judges are most likely faggots who wank off to cinematic experiences
Its missing Hitman
how much do you think dorito pope charges for a nomination and for a win?
Literally the crown of jewishness
doom is the only one there that deserves to be nominated.
everyone game under doom is shit.
nothing you said is real.
I had fun with it but I completely forgot about it entirely after a week or so. I wonder if Sup Forums will turn around and say it was shit in a year like with Wolfenstein
Mainstream gaming was a mistake
Seem Dark Souls 3 flopped pretty hard. I'd go for Uncharted 4. Never heard of Inside btw.
I didn't play any of those games.
>Good contender
>No fuck off why is it on this list etc.
>It's okay and is quite likely to win because it's VERY popular
>Decent, but singleplayer mode was a bit short and was released at a bad time
>...was it really that good?
>loved wolfesntein
>most people here seemed to love it as well
>now its hated
What happened?
>...was it really that good?
The production values and shooting sections are good its get extra points for the fun multiplayer like most ND games do
>only played Overwatch
>it was shit
>no idea what Inside is
Feels good.
What the fuck did you people play all year? MOBA garbage?
I haven't played any of these.
well there's two games on that list
Mostly games from last year. I'm a poorfag so I have to wait for games to drop in price before getting them
Didn't Titan Fall 2 come out like last week?
Isn't it too early to put it onto a GOTY list?
Gonna just copypaste my answer.
Titanfall 2 deserves it but I'd also accept Doom or Overwatch
Hitman should get it but I'd also accept Dishonored 2
Dark Souls 3 is the only option. The rest either suck or are DLC.
King of Fighters XIV is the only real choice.
Dragon Quest Builders and Ratchet & Clank are both acceptable
Civilization VI or Total War: Warhamner deserve it but so long as Fire Emblem doesn't win I'd be happy
I'd normally laugh at this category existing but Forza Horizon 3 is fucking legit.
Titanfall 2 should take it but I'd give it to Rainbow Six Siege pretty happily as well.
My actual one isn't on the list so Titanfall 2 I guess. DOom would also be acceptable.
Respawn deserve mad cred for refusing to do paid DLC but ID also deserve praise for not fucking up Doom.
Blizzard have done good shit for WoW and Overwatch afaik but I hear nothing but bad shit about their other games so yeah.
Oxenfree deserves this, no contest.
Overwatch, with Abzu as a close second.
Battlefield 1 has great sfx but Doom and Thumper have damn good soundtracks. Tough call.
Didn't care for Firewatch but Cissy Jones did great in it so her I guess
I've no idea what this category is for but I like Blockhood so that one I suppose.
Stardew Valley. I've played 100+ hours of it and can't stop. Help.
Unironically Severed. MonHun Generations is just a watered down 4U.
Rez Infinite is cool as fuck even without VR so yeah
lmao who cares
AM2R is objectively correct
Zelda I guess
haven't played any of them
>all western games
old games like Monkey Island, Deus Ex, Fallout 2, XCOM UFO, and Harvester. don't waste your time with new ones; there're thousands of classics that are more important.
>Titanfall 2
Well, at least TOOT is on there.
Unfortunately Overwatch will win.
Dooms success brought out all the memers
Quantum break was my goty.
I dont give a fuck what anyone says. That game was great to play
If you seriously spend this year playing Monkey Island, Deus Ex and Fallout 2 then You mah nigga
> just because you dont like it doesn't mean everyone does
Yeah but "Game of the Year" should be based on overall quality and have a wide variety of options to account for varied tastes. This is 3 FPS, one third person shooter, and I dunno what Inside is.
Rabi Ribi definitely deserves recognition, and Furi came out as a surprise to most, though I could see why people wouldn't like Furi at all. I'm sure I could think of more that should also be considered that I've played this year. Doom is a solid contender though.
Kinda want that shitty "remake" of Skyrim to get game of the year just so Bethesda can have their heads even farther up their own asses thinking they were able to get the same game GOTY twice.
>any dissenting opinion is bait
Kill yourself.
Dishonoured didn't even get nominated for best art direction and firewatch got nominated for 5 awards lmao
You know how after a career in movies actors get a pity award at the "end" of their career, like Leo picked up. All this reverence for Uncharted feels like that, "it's the last one so we should show it some respect" type shit.
Overwatch willl win, it's obvious, everyone loves it, even Sup Forums can't stop talking about it.
Did DiCaprio retire? The revenant wasn't even close to being his best role.
>Dark Souls 3
stopped reading here.
Wait, why isn't Battleborn nominated? There must be some mistake...
Titanfall 2 is actually pretty fucking fun, OP.
And unlike other multiplayer shootman games it actually has a campaign that's worth a damn.
Either Overwatch or Titanfall 2. Titanfall 2 because they actually improved on alot of things from the first one and added a story mode that was really fun. They listened to their fans. But I think either Overwatch or Uncharted 4 will win, probably Uncharted, then Overwatch will get the best e-sport game award, and Blizzard will get the best company award.
Undeniable proof that Dark Souls 3 is the worst in the series: not even nominated for GOTY
Don't care about those, my GOTY was Rabi-Ribi
Out of all those Doom easily wins it for me.
>3 is the worst
Not in a world where 2 exists, sorry.
DS2+DLC destroyed DS3 in every aspect besides the final boss and graphics.
The 2nd DS3 DLC needs to be x2 bigger than Old Hunters to even give DS3 a chance.
Out of these 5 only Doom is any good. (And maybe Tf-2, and haven't played it). But this year was pretty good overall.
Well what you said was so retarded I assumed you were trying to lure anons into the classic "why aren't you playing games from this year?" bit. It usually starts off the same way
My candidates are:
>Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
>Megadimension Neptunia
>Senran Kagura Estival Versus
>Dead or Alive Extreme 3
>Trails of Cold Steel II
>Atelier Sophie
>Idolm@ster: Platinum Stars
>Valkyrie Drive
Which is the best game of these do you think?
I think an overhyped overrated piece of shit game like Overwatch doesn't deserve a single award.
Give it to Doom instead.
>Fire Emblem Fates is nominated for two categories
Thankfully it doesn't have a chance in hell at winning either, but jesus christ I don't think I fully enjoyed a single game nominated for anything this year. 2016 sucked pretty god damn bad.
Each game has some major issues holding them back, not sure why everyone argues one is flat out better than the other.
Most DaS2 areas in the base game are just garbage. Garbage to look at, garbage to play in. SotFS didn't fix any of that, and the enemy re-arrangement was no better, and in most ways worse. DLCs are better I hear, but have not finished them (just recently started the winter area, which is still pretty fucking ugly).
Bloodborne has a great level design, but actual character builds are too limited. Most interesting builds (or arcane in general) take a long time before they are actually usable, and a bunch of forms are only available once you beat the DLC or at least make it far in. Not to mention stats have a heavy cap at 40, which means you can easily hit the soft/hard cap in a large number of stats in one character.
DaS3's DLC is woefully short, though it is half the price (IIRC) of both Bloodborne and DaS1's DLC when they came out. The base game is the best overall in my opinion, though it does have too many references to older games that don't really need to be there.
All terrible
stop posting this marketing crap
Oh god...uhhh....honestly out of those I had most fun with Estival Versus
Blood and Wine came out in 2016, can't we just have Witcher 3 again?
Has an expansion ever received goty nominations?
Battleborn is there with Mighty No. 9, No Man's Sky and Star Fox: Zero under Best Mistake.
DOOM is the only title there even slightly deserving of it
B&W was bigger than all those games as well, just content-wise.
Multiplayer is great tho
75% are utter shit. fucking weeb shovelware trash. good ones are digimon and Stellaris, I would say stellaris is vastly better. Both are not even in top 5 of this years best games though. Inb4 hurr durr you must enjoy star wars bf1 cod or other aaa western trash then.
The winter area is probably the worst looking of the DLCs, it was rushed compared to the other 2.
The graphics may not be great, worst then DS1 at times but just like DS1 R1 mashing and panic rolls get you killed easily, unlike DS3 where they work 9 out of 10 times.
This is why DS3 sucks, fast rolls at 70% weight, every build feels the same, no midroll, rolls costs half as much stamina as medium shield parry.
They wanted to mimic BB and it just ruined the core DS experience.
>Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Really wasn't very good. The actual gameplay was insanely simple and the story was mediocre.
No user I won't hurr and durr at you.
I respect that we are two people of differing tastes.
I liked it.
>I liked it.
So did I. But it's not GOTY material. It's just a fun-ish time sink. I eventually stopped after I had used Platinum Numemon to get everything I wanted then got bored.
That's fine, I was just pointing out that DS3 is the game where they finally caved to the casuals and made everything easymode mashing. SAD!
>anyone saying Doom
>tfw I've seen this image countless times and only now realised that it's meant to be looking up from the bottom of a bin
Sorry I meant to reply to the guy above you but I also have no beef with you either.
This. I vote for Witcher 3 again.
Actually, how easy DaS3 depends on how you play. I'm not the one you responded to but due to the heavy speed focus in DaS3 it is much easier than the other two if you focus on rolling, but if you played a more defensive/blocking character you got shat all over for most of the game.
>Uncharted 4
It's time to put yourself in the trash, trash man.
What did you think it was?
Haven't played all of them.
I dunno, some kind of dark void/portal...kinda dumb but I didn't think too much about it and knew the Penn trash meme
All trash.
Never heard of Inside, but i'm just going to assume its a 2deep4u walking simulator.
you are right they are all bad
>some kind of dark void/portal
That's not wrong either.
Both of these notions are true.
>mfw I enjoyed all of them except Inside because it was boring
>3 shooters
>a sandbox game
>some indie shit that's clearly only there because someone got their dick sucked
Let's just not have a game of the year this year
That's true for DS2 as well, you got raped by blocking anything but dogs/rats/hollows for more than 2-3 hits and usually guard broken by 2 boss hits from the begining.
And you had like 3-4 rolls at best early on and had to use them wisely.
Every time I got hit in DS3 I can just mindlessly mash roll away from danger and chug, in DS2 you rarely had enough stamina to do 5 rolls away from the boss and chug, a lot of the times it was safer to roll behind the boss and chug when he missed. Especially considering that chugging didn't instantly refill HP, it took a 2 secs.
i hope DOOM wins
>this list
surely there was a lot of better choices
Dark Souls 3 deserves GOTY, anyone who disagrees is someone who takes memes seriously and should end themselves.
>I hope a soulless shitesda game wins!
wow... so this is modern gamin culture... damn.
DOOM deserves it.
there are but the publishers didn't want to hand hand over their shekels to keighley
it's all marketing m8
Bosses also move and attack much faster in DaS3 than DaS2. You have more time to chug (especially with any decent agility) but in DaS3 shit is up in your grill almost constantly until you know what attacks give you time. Mashing dodge away mindlessly then instantly chugging will often just get you hit again.
Blocking in DaS2 was an issue because it had so many things that just ignored shields, and so many enemies had grapples (and those cyclops have fucking retarded grapple hitboxes). It's pretty fucking easy to block bosses in that game compared to DaS3. The third game nerfed stability overall until you get to greatshields, which require more vitality investment than normal because you don't get fuck all equip load.
Doom is the best one there and it was just a decent game, not fucking amazing.
That's because in DS3 they just streamlined so all builds feel and play the same.
>no hyperpoise unless you 2hand a greatsword or bigger
>enemies have no poise either, if you get the first hit you can just mash your stamina away and they'll probably be dead
>70% weight fast rolls
>blocking sucks unless you use a greatshield
The only big differences between builds in DS3 is: weapon with hyperarmor or weapon without hyper armor? and magic or no magic?