Riot is retarded

I am not a hater, I actually like League of Legends, have been playing it for 4 years and have a high rank, but this is going too far:

They are literally banning people for playing non-meta, even when it is working.

What the fuck is wrong with Riot?

Other urls found in this thread:

>have been playing it for 4 years
>I am not a hater

Are you literally promoting your own video here?

Nope, just saw it, I don't upload shit to youtube.

>no anthony burch in the picture

Riot Lyte is the worst of these. He infected the community with it's current passive agression.
Also this isn't the star shitizen reddit, you can say you don't like a game here.

lyte and ironsjw arent at riot anymore, update your memes OP

What's actually happening they gave up on idea of balancing this bloated shit. So they pick meta and enforce it via 12 year olds.

>I have been eating shit for 4 years

What is meta?

Yes, that's an actual question. I can't keep up with all those vidya related terms that seem to pop up every fucking day

It's how you play the game, kind of like a trend in strategy. Though as I take it, Riot actively destroys healthy "meta" or shifting gameplay strategy and enforces one they think it right, trying to tailor everything to that direction and destroying everything out of that scope.

I know one guy who will defend this. He's a fucking LoL maniac. This is even sadder than the case of other guy I knew, who was a WoW maniac

Anthony Burch works for Riot, may as well say that your company will hire any cuck.

1. Underage
3. This is nothing new, they've done this before

>dw guys im SUPPORT draven, im totally breakin tha meta ;)
>cs? kills? they're both mine now
>sightstone? support items? dewarding? nah


Whoever is buying this "Fuck Riot" story is blatantly retarded.

This must be devastating for the 13 year olds who still play this shitty game

Is that Riot Lyte's hair or is he wearing a coon skin cap?

When I heard the jungle changes I immediately installed dota2. The game is way more difficult but it's been teaching me alot, like if you push out to far you're 100% garunteed to be hyperganked and stunlocked to death. Also that balance doesn't matter in the slightest.

In fact the only thing that would have me come back to league is the Urgot rework. And even then if it's garbage I might never play the game again. It just Irks me what they do, the jungle was fine Riot you insane fucks. And I can't compare it to the Rune system because the fruits are even less complex and more of a bother.

nice meme

Wow this thread...

>Oh noes a Special Snowflake player got told off!

Except Riot's said they're fine with what he's doing, so long as he communicates with his team and plays to win (he's got a 30% WR as Support Singed, it's not working).


Hasn't worked for the company in months.


Both have been on point in recent months


Has he even said anything in the last year? I honestly haven't heard a single thing from him. He's a good artist, that's all he needs to be.

He made the game a lot more playable than it used to be. There's far, far less trolling/bullshit than back in S1/2

Essentially "meta" is top level information. So Meta-data is data about data. Meta for League is the strategy above the in-game strategy. In this case it's deciding roles, classes etc.

So an Assassin Meta would see a midlane assassin and a team built around supporting that, and so on.

>be a fucking idiot
>get banned
Wow, bugged report mechanics

You make it sound like playing non metal stuff has officially become a bannable offense. They are threatening to ban one singed main, not thousands of people. Still bullshit as they especifically say that you can't be banned for not following the meta, but don't go around spreading missinformation, you faggot.

Kill yourselves assfaggot cuckolds.
Back to

>play video game
>abuse no bugs or exploits
>use no third-party hacks
>stay in games until they're finished
>get banned

Shit you're right. This one thread is taking up space from the 13 bait and console war threads.

He got banned for playing singed support. Rito says that you cannot be banned for not following the meta.

Whatever, kid. If it bothers you so much, stop playing. Or kill yourself. It's what you get for playing League of all things.

its been like this for ages. Ive been banned multiple times for being 4 months ahead of the meta constantly. Its not hard when you picked up the game day one, you just focus on the patch notes people ignore.

This. If they can ban you for playing bad then everyone should be banned because at some point you didn't do something that you should've.

It's not a championship.

>Can be banned for not playing the "right way"
>Can be banned if you're really bad at the game
>But at the same time, if youre too good you can also be banned
>This faggot has the audacity to call it "nice memes"

I was mocking the assfaggots thing, user. You're right of course,

But anons the arguments they've made are literally just "He isn't conforming to baseline meta roles, despite his team not wanting to". In Dota 2 you can lane alone, as long as you get a a gank or two you're fine. Even if you don't, staying in xp range or picking a ranged character easily remedy this. And if you just pick a safe laner you should be fine.

>play dota
>performance is unreliable as fuck
>playing shadow shaman one game
>teamfight breaks out
>keep enemies locked down and we win
>"nice cc shaman"

>a guy got banned for using his own strategies in a game where you can report a player for anything, including playing worse than others, playing better than others, losing internet connection mid-game, arguing over team roles, having a nickname you don't like, having a skin that you can't afford and so on and so on

Wew lad. What did you expect? LoL is a terrible game with terrible community and terrible developers. If I could decide the future of someone I really hated, I would make them play LoL