God damn that's a great game.
So... how long does it take to get good.
God damn that's a great game
Third person, and then you just learn how to make a rainbow strike and you win the game. If you don't know how to make a rainbow strike Yt it
>rainbow strike
I looked for it... i get alot of rainbow dash... is that helpful?
>3rd person
id rather keep getting rekt senseless than use 3rd person, there is no glory in it.
Worst game I played in my entire life, I got it for free and I still felt buyer's remorse.
You must have gotten rekt ALOT... and the wounds have not yet healed i see.
It will pass...
No. It's just objectively bad game in all aspects. From animations to gameplay and graphics.
Well of course all game you suck at are bad games in all aspects, this how your puny mechanical mind sees things. Go be a salty pleb somewhere else please.
>0.02 USD been deposit-
Oh wait that game has so low budget they even can't afford to pay their shills.
so you are saying he is not a shill then?
He's shill and he's doing it for free, just like janitors.
Depends on how shit you are, for me it was somewhere between 30-40 hours before I got good enough to consistently get more kills than deaths.
people will tell you that you have to learn spin2win. You don't. You need to learn how to parry spin2win. It's great watching faggots break down in chat after their retarded bullshit loses to a guy using entry level moves.
Online really takes me out of it so I only play with friends. None of that spinning ballerina bullshit.
>I looked for it... i get alot of rainbow dash... is that helpful?
I mean if your trying to summon barneyfag sure
the game was fun until it devolved into spin 2 win tactics
Wow you are one determined salty faggot, how do you have this game so much? Seriously just gtfo, how is what you are doing helping anything? Go be mad somewhere else holy shit.
You sound like average guy from reddit. Keep using those buzzwords but it won't make your game any less shit.
>Name-drop reddit
>Yup, i showed him good!
You sound like the average salty faggot who cant ever things go. Just let it go.
That's some spectacular vocabulary you got there. You can't put effort in your game, you can't even put it in your arguments.
The combat mechanics are great, I play this all the time with my friends man
>madmadmad stay mad but dont stay here
why. why are you still here. go git gud at chivalry already!
i may have seen this name somewhere, perhaps you rekt me in the past.
how do you engage in close combat if you are gunned down with arrows? If I can somehow get this to work, I might even be able to safely kill my opponents before the arrow do me.
You run around unpredictably and hope for the best, lad.
What do the servers for this game look like? I haven't played in three years. It used to be a shit ton of fun even though I got my booty rekt.
Depends on what you mean by good. If a competitive level (back when the game had little tourneys) then at least hundreds of hours. As with anything else it depends on how well you practice.
t. rank 56 who never played comp but pubbed with a lot of guys who did