Why is gothic 3 so good and why does so few People like it?

Why is gothic 3 so good and why does so few People like it?

- Better than oblivion and skyrim
- Its a actual real open world
- Houge game map
- really good story

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It was bugged as hell

Gothic 3 is the worst piece of shit game ever released

it destroyed the Gothic franchise by copying The Elder Scrolls with all its flaws instead of the old quality over quantity approach of Gothic 1 and 2

its patched

name litterally just 1 flaw idiot fucker

Because it's fucking crap.

>bugs out the ass
>terrible graphics
>ruined the believability the previous Gothic games were known for
>dumbed down combat

"Was" is key word

>bugs out the ass
>terrible graphics
Nigga what
>dumbed down combat
Agree with this, but there are ways to fix it

>>bugs out the ass
>fixed (at least with community patch. we discuss why few people like it, so you cannot bring up this point)
>>terrible graphics
>implies gothic 2 graphics are actually good (both are shit, but 3 had okay graphics when it was released)
>>ruined the believability the previous Gothic games were known for
>give a prove, bullshit
>>dumbed down combat
>only viable point of your argumentation

I'd say because the majority of people that know about Gothic 3 played the first two Gothic games and they see this one as the beginning of the end for the series.

If you only played Gothic 3, of course it seems like a masterpiece when you compare it with Bethesda games.

fake and gay
Nice try Bethesda employee

The game looks good but everything falls apart when the combat starts, it's literally worse than Oblivion, there's absolutely zero impact, it feels like the character is just floating around.

it was buggy as hell on release
the guild system changed too much
combat is ass

but that is about it. still way better than the TES games, with a gorgeous open world that until now only the Witcher 3 could match

guild system?
its not a mmo you dumb fuck

The first two are better

>Why is gothic 3 so good and why does so few People like it?
>- Better than oblivion and skyrim
Comparing apples to oranges.
>- Its a actual real open world
So did G1/2
>- Houge game map
Which is a bad thing, as quality always suffers under bigger quantity.
>- really good story
Just lol.

fuck off nostalgia fags

>fixed (at least with community patch. we discuss why few people like it, so you cannot bring up this point)

This argument doesn't work for Bethesda games, and it doesn't work now.

>implies gothic 2 graphics are actually good (both are shit, but 3 had okay graphics when it was released)

I didn't imply that at all. Both had bad graphics even for their times.

>give a prove, bullshit

One of the things that made Gothic so special was how it used the limitations of the medium to it's advantage rather than fighting them. Normally in an RPG, towns are unrealistically small or you're restricted to a small part of them. But Gothic's setting makes such small settlements believable as well as how quickly your status increases. It had an in universe explanation for why there's a barrier keeping you inside the game world.

If I had to name a single element that made Gothic so good, it would be how easy it was to get immersed in the world. It requires the least suspension of disbelief of any RPG I can think of. Which isn't to say I can't suspend my disbelief for games, but that was something special about Gothic. Gothic 2 lessened the effect and 3 threw it away completely with unbelievably small cities and desert and arctic biomes a short walk away.

It's not a bad game, but a bad Gothic game.

>Gothic's graphics are bad
But Gothic is kino.
>implying rainfalls, night, woods or even barrier lighting up like a lightning weren't gorgeous
Cartoonish, but gorgeous.

The only bad thing about Gothic graphics were human models and some of the animations.

Kys with this annoying kino me-may

the factions or whatever in Gothic I and II are called "gilden" in german
the english word for that is "guild", you dumb fuck
and they changed how those work completely from the first two games, you fucking cocksucker

want to try to say it to my face irl?



No, it's a bad game.

Combat that resolves into either

>spastically stunlock enemies to death with shit dmg
>try anything else and get spastically stunlocked to death.

Still better than anything in Risen.

Risen has the same combat with even worse spasticness and more bugs and glitchy hitboxing.

>really good story
top kekkerino my friend

>it's better than oblivion and skyrim, so it's good
stalin is better than htiler, so he was good i guess

g3 is my guilty pleasure, i really enjoy pointing out how bad it is and yet i've beaten it, like, twelve times.

3 have the comfiest and best ost.


>main quest is pure shit
>unlimited bug works
>it still hangs up occasionally even on modern hardware
>main quest is really, really shitty
>like, seriously
>combat is terrible
>reclaiming villages/cities from orc hands is really shallow and usually it ends with hiding in the corner and launching three-four fire rain spells at once
>jesus fucking christ this main quest

for starters

G1 story was pretty much flawless. Sleeper twist with entire "good" camp worshipping the demon, free camp attack, gomez actions overally. everything except orc dungeon was great in G1.

this is correct

It´s too big. Everytime i replay i really enjoy Myrtana but then go to either desert or Nordmar, but never both. I don´t have will or energy to finish the other side. Then when i come back to it 2 years later, i start new game because i don´t remember my last load. Ever since it release and after playing it 6 times i never fucking finished it.

But you are wrong.


>Sleeper twist
Nigga, no. I love first Gothic, but Sleeper being evil was just so obvious. Everyone constantly talks about him ominously as someone would talk about the devil, his cultists are creepy as fuck (even if not inherently bad people) and set shop in an equally creepy swamp. The hints at him being evil are too obvious at times.