When was the last time a game made you laugh?

When was the last time a game made you laugh?

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When I saw the combat in Witcher 3


You remind me of those people who rag on Dark Souls 2 even though they've never played it and just watched Matthewmatosis's video.

Most of the humor in World of Final Fantasy was god awful, but it landed for me a few times, like busting out the Titus laugh out of nowhere or Gilgamesh's shenanigans.

i played das2 and its dlcs and its shit
only pc cucks will defend das2

I was playing Morrowind the other day for the first time and the Dunmer Lady in Balmora who has the rats in her house made me laugh with her talk about pillows.

Mafia 3

"Ain't like I've been called nigger before." Made me Crack up for some reason.

>Posting a webm using godmode


I just finnished wasteland 2, and I had a fair bit of a giggle reading scotchmo's epilogue, where he goes on to be king of the hobos in a rebellion against some native Americans

Neptunia is my answer
pls call people a fag responsibly

Scotchmo best squaddie. I don't even need my Squeezin's.

back to >>>/neppit/


Bad taste is not a sin nor is it a criminal offense. Go back to your Nintendo.

really made me think

Som moments in new king's quest. But the ending was too sad for me.

Ellie's pun book

Neptunia VII was one of the most entertaining games I've played in a long time

I'm not entirely sure, but I do remember laughing at the entire intro sequence of Saints Row 4.

I was playing Skyrim again last night, don't remember physics being so awful.

Trying to sneak around, I stepped on a ribcage which flew from under me and hit an enemy at full force, killing them instantly.

Poker Night at the Inventory

Damn, now I got the song You Spin Me Round playing in my head.

This actually.
But most of woff's humor was cringy. And these anime episodes.... But the game was fun.

Starship Titanic
Trying to disarm the John Cleese bomb while him counting down and forgetting the number. Really funny and surreal

The emails in Alpha Protocol

Have you upgraded your computer between now and last time you played? Physics calculations are tied to FPS in Skyrim, if you're running it at above 60 fps the physics freak out

Is shameless fanservice. I fucking like it. I only wish it was harder.

Not that user. Played the whole series and 2 is garbage besides the dlcs. Also what has Nintendo to do with it u fuckin retard?

I locked it at 60 specifically because of the engine shitting itself at anything higher.

The answer is simply Havok Physics.


The terrible combat is what makes this game unplayable for me. It feels like shit as well.

Csgo about an hour ago when me and my friend threw 3 names at an enemy who thought he was sneaky

"Your joker pilot insists on calling me 'Prothy the Prothean', I insisted he let me throw him out the airlock"


I didn't laugh at this during the cutscene, but I did laugh at the description of this costume. It was describes as a "misguided attempt to blend in". For some reasons that description made me lough out loud.


How can someone be so buttmad to post this in every witcher thread?

I agree.
I decided to make it harder myself, by just always chosing new/ weaker monsters to fight.
And i cant understand how they missed the chance to make balanced (hard) fights with all the ff side characters. They even tell you that you take their position in battle.
Then why cant you use their moves, their abilities. Instead you still use your captured monsters.
that was a missed opportunity.

I was laughing my ass off this whole segment the first time I played MGR. The whole game is so good that even some contrarian faggots on here like this, when they aren't busy shitposting.

It also implies he had to walk up to someone selling the hat and poncho, and buy it off them, in broad daylight, in Mexico.
Just visualize that.


It's a meme game, in the best way possible. The absolute madmen localizers turned an entire Final Fantasy game into just Final Fantasy memes for Mirage descriptions, references, everything.
I heard the final boss is a real big "fuck you" to players, though. Not sure if that's true.


I love how easily this triggers Witchershills


Its true. All of it's moves are based off the other final fantasy final bosses.

Thank you user, I needed to laugh.

Are you fucking kidding me right now, user?

Heh, us memers, am I right? Remember to like and subscribe btw xD

So it's like Souls games but at least with 60 FPS instead of 5.

Why do you have pictures of underage twinks with emo hair on your hard drive son?

didnt dark souls 2 have some parkour shit where you needed to swap between 30 and 60 fps to do?

You have all of modern computer tools and power to create whatever hairstyle you want and thats what they settle with?
Nuclear bombs, not even once.

The revelation that the masked man who kidnapped you in Tales From The Borderlands was actually the Loaderbot

The witcher actually. In the DLC hearts of stone you fight the groundskeeper who's missing his face. The first thing I did after beating him was say to myself "what the fuck was that?" and then it cut straight to geralt who said the exact same thing in the exact same way i said it.

dabbed to death

TftB is pretty funny. It is the best thing Telltale's made in a while

When Gortys tries to take Vasquez on the adventure.