Fallout 3 or New Vegas?
NV drones need not reply.
Fallout 3 or New Vegas?
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New Vegas, easily
It's actual Fallout
New Vegas is a cowboy western game. Not a fallout game.
Fallout 3 is a genuine masterpiece. A true work of art. Much better than that trashy spinoff called New Vegas. It doesn't even have a number!
>NV or FO3
>fans of one of these games dont respond pls
U wot
4 > 3 > NV
didn't play the "old school" garbage
Indeed. Fallout 3 is a true Fallout experience, much like 4 is. New Vegas is worse than Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
New Vegas is an overall better game
3 only has better soundtrack and atmosphere at times.
If you didn't play how do you know it's garbage.
Ah yes. Patrician taste my good sir. Say, you did buy the season pass for Fallout 4 right? It was truly amazing right?
gameplay: 3 > NV
setting, story: NV > 3
look at this shit
nobody wants to play this shiiiiiit
Why did you draw a red circle on the screen? What am I looking at?
nv>fallout 2>fallout 1>fallout 3>fallout tactics>fallout 4
Looks like a fun time.
This is a 18+ website, you underage faggot.
End thyself
NV for RPG content
3 for exploration
>game 1 or game 2?
>game 2 fans don't post in this thread
oh geeez I wonder who could be behind this thread
>Fallout 3>Fallout 4
user pls
>3 for exploration
This it feels more like an anachronistic RDR with a tiny ass world
Oh boy a dog wearing a hat, I sure was proven wrong
I've got it all, Todd.
I highly preferred NV, I feel like the way the world is structured is much better, you roam around the wasteland and find some small or medium sized settlements where you do some quest then continue further again
Whereas in 3, there's barely anything, but then you come to this huge area (DC?) and you just stay in that maze like area for like a fucking decade
I still haven't finished 3 and I can't find it in myself to keep playing
Both are absolutely amazing games.
In NV you have an okay-ish story with a heap of short quests.
In 3 you have a shit story but a shitton of locations to explore.
vote here anons
>A or B
>B fags stay the fuck out reeee
I think we can all agree they're both better than 4
>I highly preferred NV, I feel like the way the world is structured is much better, you roam around the wasteland and find some small or medium sized settlements where you do some quest then continue further again
Yeah you have your railroaded "settlements" then you reach NV which is empty and shit and that's it.
F3: shit rol, nice map
FNV: nice rol, ultrasupershitHIVarenaultimax map
Can someone make something like this with Pete Hines?
because my mate said most people go to vegas too fast, I did everything in the game you can do without going to vegas, before going to vegas
It wasn't filled with shit, it didn't force you to stay in NV the entire game, but there was enough shit to do
whereas in FO3, 95% of the things in the game are in DC, which is a god awful area
>whereas in FO3, 95% of the things in the game are in DC, which is a god awful area
Who the fuck is Pete Hines? I'm the sole ruler of Bethesda.
Isn't that a computer though? What's the issue?
How retarded can you be?
I am the sole ruler of Zenimax! NOW MAKE ME A COFFEE TODD
Fallout 1:
>"ayo big M hol' up your niggers don't even have dicks n' shit they can't hav' da babbys"
>"Okay chosen faggot looks like my brain being merged with a supercomputer and me being the smartest motherfucker in the wasteland didn't help me in passing this Perception check. I will kill myself now."
How does a terrible PR guy affect the content of a game?
Isn't the writer for FO3 and 4 some guy with a name that makes me think of pasta, not a horrible genital rash?
>perception check
it was a speech check you mouth-breathing retard.
Well, to be fair, they do tell you Perception and Intelligence are different stats.
Plot holes? What plot holes?
Fallout 4 if you want an American Hollywood movie about a lone badass in a post nuclear world who is ether a saint or an evil bastard who does evil things because evil.
Fighting against black and white sides.
Also the enemies all scale so regardless of the gear or level you are you can kill anything any time.
NW if you want to play an accrual role playing game in a post nuclear Armageddon world in which there are no objectively good or evil choices or sides.
And actually dangerous enemies can kick your shit in.
Except if you stay out of NV too long all quests in NV itself result in passing speechchecks left and right.
In my first playthrough I disregarded the forced U-turn and beelined to NV. 2 sneak skill magazines and a stealthboy carried me through the Deathclaw minefield and I just gambled in the Atomic Wrangler until I got the caps necessary. My second playthrough was in hardcore on very hard and I took the intended route which was boring as fuck.
The question you gotta ask yourself is: "Did I buy Fallout 4 and the Season Pass?"
Well, did ya punk? Did ya?
Suck my dick, it was an 8 INT check paired with Speech check. Should've been a Perception and only around 6 though. It doesn't take too much poking holes into the Master's logic, despite him having 10 INT and 10 PER.
oblivion with guns and oblivion with guns 2
No one's gonna put their mouth near that micro-penis of yours user, sorry to hear you couldn't handle an RPG's mechanics or rules. Your whining and complaining are 19 years too late.
>not both
Epic comeback you faggot yet you failed to address the point of my comment. Please put that big niggercock out of your ass for a second and tell me why this shitty skillcheck gets a free pass yet you guys shit on Fallout 3 for doing the exact same thing.
There can only be one and you better fucking choose Fallout 3
>epic comeback faggot
>please put that big niggercock out of your ass
wew lad
Because one is a genuine issue, one that was possibly forgotten about since Master was all about his grand plan - the mutants were infertile but none had told Master.
The other is one that has no valid argument, but is just telling someone to kill themselves. It's the same issue with the way you're currently arguing.
Dunno, F3 was fine I suppose but I found it a bit dull. Pissing around some copy pasted ruins/metros with a green tint was amusing for the first 10 hours but if there's no good story or dialogue that holds it together, you just stop caring after a while.
NV was a fucking bugfest at release and I am still mad the Caesar's Legion quest line seemed like an afterthought. But dunno, for some reason I just had much more fun with it in RPG or character related stuff. It's the small things, like unique dialog for when your skill is not high enough etc.
there are 4 characteristics of a bethesda-style game:
world design
setting/background writing
the better games deliver on more points, the terrible games deliver on only one point
> It doesn't even have a number!
I can not fathom why this made me laugh so hard.
Yeah but it makes everything you do more interesting because the world is better.
>NV as the best
>quantity = quality
The locations were mostly just there, but not good.
how is the gameplay better if NV had the updated mechanics, and made skills more than just garnish.
Fallout 1/2 literally had sheriffs and saloons.
Actually it has less areas, but all of them are more intricate. So it's the opposite. Fallout 3 is quality over quantity when it comes to the world. New Vegas is made up of too many shacks on the side of the road.
Never played F4 because I knew Bethesda are making the game and they can't make RPGs. Heard they failed miserably. Not a surprise.
Fallout 3 - They made morality only black and white. Either blow up a stupid town that built a bomb around itself or save the town. No substance, just garbage. You are supposed to be playing an RPG but you are basically following in your in your dad's footsteps instead of paving your own path. This is why everyone avoided the main quest line because it was basically like a singleplayer campaign where you complete the objective and move on. I liked Fallout 3 for what I could get out of it (avoiding the main quest), which is something I had to try my hardest to do and the only silver lining perhaps is that they made some good steps for Obsidian to make an actual RPG.
New Vegas. Adds a cool hardcore mode and it actually has substance. That alone made it superior to 3, so there's nothing much else to say.
Fallout 3 is as linear as the first Fallout. Much much less linear actually. So basically you hate Fallout games. Problem solved.
wait are the iso fallouts set in california, because if they are that's where I was born.
Yes be proud user
NV is an improved F3. The gameplay is better, the quests are better, the dialogue is better.
The F3 map is better than NV's though.
Unless you're somehow really bothered by NV's map, I don't see a reason to prefer F3.
New Vegas
I just wanted NV to have the Chinese Assault Rifle since it was basically an AK, but NV's selection of weapons and armors were a lot better. I also liked the companions a lot more, they were at least interesting enough to bring along.
>tfw I will never see the appeal of:
>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2
>Deus Ex
Why are these games existent when there are:
>Books with far superior stories to tell
>FPS, RTwP, TBT games with far superior gameplay (Doom, Icewind Dale, XCOM)
>Roleplaying games with far superior roleplaying (Morrowind)
>Do you like game X or game Y better
"You wanna chaag card?"
F3 cant even compete.
Its shit as fps and its even worse as rpg.
None of those games take place on a post apocalyptic Earth
>why play those games when I can just bait (You)s?
OG Fallout is set in California, made by 20 yo silicon valley kids that were happy to work crunch time in a passion project
>Playing a game simply because it's the only game with a nuclear wasteland included
>Post Apocalyptic California manages to be less of a shithole than the actual liberal California shithole
>letting that fucking leprechaun open his goddamn mouth
I don't know if you are being serious or is just a retard, but either way, I keked hard.
My biggest issue with TTW is that I have zero real reason to go back to 3's dumb worldspace.
Or else what Todd?
I agree. The setting and style of NV is just so unsuitable for a Fallout game.
>Obsidian drones will scream "BAAAAAAIIIIIITTT!!!!!"
For the people who like NV more than 3, I just want you to know that you have awful taste.
You've never played 1 and 2 have you.
NV had a lot more freedom, more expansive character-building, and a better overall story.
3 had nostalgia, NV was a straight improvement overall
4 took some of NV's strengths too far, so much so that they started eating into other areas, and bottle-necking character-development as a whole. The world was also poorly designed, it's like they tried to force NV with little understanding of it.
NV > 3 > 4