Hitman vs Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2 already seems to have come and gone.
Nice try shills, but your clunky early access test demo isn't even close to Dishonored 2.
>that revolving clockwork level
>that crack in the slab level
Not. Even. Close
Yeah, just so happens that 6 people with different IPs are shills.
did they fix the dishonored performance issues yet?
It just so happens that 6 people with different IPs are PCucks who had their toasters BTFO by Dishonored.
Just check the Metacritic and sales, Hitman got rekt
>valid argument
>anons on Sup Forums
>valid argument
Dishonored is a technical feat focused on movement, level design and creativity. Hitman is just a railroaded event of "press button to drop thing on the target operating under a scripted path"
Take your stiff controlling "episodic" trash and ram it shill
Dishonored 2
HITMAN was my GOTY by far until last week though.
>moving goalposts to your own favour
How about you not display gameplay from a beta? Hitman's fully released now, and it's a hell of a lot better than it was 7-8 months ago.
Also, surprised you can move 5 feet in Dishonored 2 without the FPS plummeting/bloom going overboard. If you think anybody can play the game that well, you're pretty stupid.
>How about you not display gameplay from a beta
The entire piece of shit game was an early access beta.
Buying the game now guarantees that you don't get 100% of the content due to the meme elusive targets. Stay triggered Shitman shill
>Hitman babbie having the nerve to call other games unoptimized
>was an early access beta
Yeah it was, until Colorado at least. Performance fixed, game looks great, multiple AI improvements, no babby-mode kills.
Season 2's coming, and I'm excited. Also, Elusive Targets just gets you cosmetic items. There's literally no need to complete them all.
See above.
>who cares if Hitman was broken for literal months on end
>i-it's decent now!
Like I said, early access trash. Dishonored 2 shits on it
Nice try shill, but your unoptimized, shallow ass isn't even close to Hitman.
Well, why should you care about performance issues in the past?
By your own standards, you should probably care about Dishonored 2's performance issues, and Bethesda's fix of "lowering the settings". It's embarrassing, the game looks worse than Assassin's Creed 2 with the bloom burning your retina and the awful LOD.
Jokes aside, both of them are very, very solid stealth games.
Hitman would be perfect if not for the always online, elusive bullshit, and marrakesh.
Dishonored would be perfect if not for Corvo's story feeling a bit half assed and if it's actually optimised.
>Corvo's story feeling a bit half assed
It's a bit funny that Emily wasn't even going to be a playable character at first. This really feels like her story. She finds out more about her mother, gets to give her a proper goodbye and kicks her aunt off HER throne.
Anyway, I'm going to say Dishonored 2 for the main question. The level design was 10/10, even if a couple of aspects were a step back from the first game (namely the home base and the general storyline).
What's the synopsis of Corvo's story?
>It's a bit funny that Emily wasn't even going to be a playable character at first.
wasn't the first promo for the game featured ONLY her? I was actually surprised to find out they added Corvo later.
at least 47 doesn't talk to himself when he's alone like a dumbass
He did in Contracts, although he was delirious. Not sure if that counts.
Hitman shits all over Dishonoured 1 and 2 tbqh
Hitman 2 and 3 are so glitched on modern pc's these days
I cba to play blood money again. cant stand looking at those goofy character models.
tempted to buy the intro pack now
Why not both?
Objectively Dishonored is much better. Hitman only has one good game, Dishonored has 2 now and has been continuing the thief tradition.
Also hitman fans are obnoxious and retarded 2bh
Hitman-Dishonored fan here, having fun this year.
>Hitman vs Dishonored 2
Do you have trouble reading, user?
You're daughter's throne has been seized, again. You have to take out the coup piece by piece, again. Say goodbye to your lover, again. You're getting too old for this shit, but fuck - you're the best person for the job.
I just didn't think it was as meaningful as Emily's, which is literally a coming of age story. In a low chaos run, she learns to not half-arse her Empress-ing and think of the people living outside of Dunwall. She apparently becomes a great ruler whilst Corvo... Does his job.
The only thing with Corvo is that there are more occasional nods to the first game, such as commenting on Granny Rag's hand.
I'm just going off what I heard. It'd make a lot of sense if Emily was planned first.
The best level in Dishonored 1 was the party level, purely because of how Hitman-y it was, hiding in plain sight is best stealth.
Hiding in plain sight is best only when you have the mechanics to support that play style. Undercover in Thief was a very mediocre level despite the similar approach it utilized.
Not yet, but one of the primary reasons it's shitting the bed is because in the task manager, it's set to low priority. However you can swap it up to High Priority every load screen to keep it normal. Unless you have some type of program that automatically swaps it.
Is Sup Forums retarded? Can it figure out this puzzle in Dishonored 2?
The riddle is asking for who has what item. The location of where they are doesn't matter to the puzzle. It's only to distinguish where they are, and where they are from, and what they're drinking, and what they are wearing.
Does anyone else prefer Corvo's look in DS1?
I feel like Dishonored 2 is a much better game, honestly I'm suprised that so many people here choose Hitman over it.
I did. I also prefer when he didn't talk.
This puzzle makes my head hurt. Finding out the color and location in itself is confusing.
his look and the outsider's
It already establishes that Winslow is wearing purple, Contee is from Karnaca, Nattsou is far left, and Finch is drinking rum.
>Winslow is wearing purple
no it doesn't, that is a trick in the riddle
she is wearing a purple hat, which means nothing to the riddle, it is meant to put you off.
The riddle uses locations, colours and drink to distinguish the people, but actually again the info is just there to confuse you, as is the location of where they are sitting.
When you get the answer to location does not matter, just surnames and items in any order
So what's the answer then?
I wanted to seem smart by googling the answer and posting it here but apparently the riddle is different for everyone so there's no real answer.
>Social stealth vs. Actual stealth
Apples and oranges. I like both games
it is different for everyone but there can only be a certain amount of answers.
I don't know the answer, i tried to figure it out myself but there is a lot of misdirection in the riddle and it fried my brain, so I just got the answer elsewhere.
You don't have to kill one of the leaders to get the answer, you can either knock one out and give them over, sneak in to the overseers place, get durantes key, then unlock his door in paolos pub.
You can also knock both leaders out and exile them to the silver mines.
Many options, to get the answer, lethal and non lethal.
Save scum it, it you want to get the euriks cheevo
Both are stealth games but approach "stealth" in wildly diffrent ways. Dishonored's also an immersive sim first and foremost which Hitman isn't.
No one cares that you like both games, which one do you prefer you can't love both equally that just isn't possible.
Hopefully no one on this board enjoys a broken and streamlined stealth game known as Hitman™.
>1st person steampunk stealth action game with magic powers n shit
>3rd person stealth action game playing as extensively trained hitman set in modern times
They're both completely different games.
You're all retards for making a comparison in the 1st place.
>one is a good game with plenty of choices on how you want to complete a level
>the other is a mediocre game with plenty of choices on how you want to complete 1 of the 6 levels.
They're not even similar.
Which game is better will always remain a subjective matter.
No lol
Objectively D2 is the better game. More content, better writing, more immersive, and even better performance even though it's still pretty fucked.
Hitman fans are quite literally so desperate for a good game they're eating shit now just so they don't have to admit Absolution was a much more polished title.
>Dishonored's also an immersive sim first and foremost which Hitman isn't.
Not really. I'm pacifist and ghost when it comes to stealth games. In Dishonored 2 my immersion was ruined since the first cutscene when Corvo killed few random guards.
In Hitman, 47 never kills anyone except his targets.
Here we go again.
I like both games but Hitman is more focused.
The clockwork mansion and Crack in the slab missions had great concept but lackluster execution.
All the levels of 2016 Hitman have tons of secrets in them. No map is bad
I don't think you know what an "immersive sim" is.
One of them isn't even really a stealth game, it's a system-shock-like that has more focus on divergent gameplay than it does stealth.
It's hard to compare these two,its like comparing apples to pears but If I had to chose,Dishonored 2.It's more stealthy and "ninja" like game.
Hitman which I'm playing almost every day is more unique in terms of gameplay,it's not typical stealh game like tenchu,splintercell.
I say Dishonored 2 just for the fact it doesn't have some cancerous always online DRM that will kick you out of the mission if you internet so much hiccup.
Dishonored 2 is a much better game than Hitman.
Hitman is just gimmicks with no depth.
Level design shits all over Hitman's as well as world building, scale, gameplay possibilities...
>The clockwork mansion and Crack in the slab missions had great concept but lackluster execution.
Explain. Seems to me that you're parroting somebodies shit misinformed opinion.
Marrakesch was a complete bottom tier joke of a map. Sapienza, Hokkaido and Paris were the only good maps in the new Hitman.
Literally every level was top tier in Dishonored 2.
From left to right
Madam Natsiou (drinks whiskey, has the ring, comes from Dabokva)
Baroness Finch (drinks rum, has the war medal, comes from Dunwall) Lady Windslow (drinks wine, has the diamond, comes from Fraeport)
Countess Contee (drinks absinthe, has the bird pendant, comes from Karnaca)
Doctor Marcolla (drinks beer, has the snuff tin, comes from Baleton)
Natsiou - Ring
Finch - War Medal
Windslow - Diamond
Contee - Bird Pendant
Did I get it right?
They're about as good for a single playthrough but Hitman shits on D2 when you consider replay value.
Hitman easily.
Between escalations, community assassinations and elusive targets its got a lot of replayability.
Completly wrong
Thanks for the detailed opinion.
>that entire webm
Savage, but with hindsight, it's the right thing to do.
>Hitman shits on D2 when you consider replay value
Haven't finished D2, but considering how much I've been replaying D1, I guess Hitman loses.
Played dishonored 1 few weeks ago, playing Hitman now, will get dishonored 2 when it's stable.
Here to say that Hitman sucks ass. It's exactly what guy above said - no fun, railed theme park without a spark. You can't really have any fun in nu-hitman because you're locked into boring scripts of random shit falling down or poisoning someone. You don't feel like an assasin at all, you rather bald james bond. After finishing a level in nu-hitman I don't feel any urge to replay because it's pure boredom. On the other hand, I finished dishonored 1 about three times and every time I had my different kind of fun. Shit, I even save-load exactly same place 5 different times to replay it for fun. In Hitman I don't have this kind of fun at all. You simply don't enjoy it because of the rails.
Hitman is a puzzle game you muppets.
The first Dishonored looked nice but that was about it. The tv spots for 2 were so cringeworthy I've not seen a real trailer.
I've put almost 400 hours into Hitman and can't see myself reaching 100 in D2 no matter how many different ways I play it.
>He follows the rails
isn't the onyl good level in Hitman Sapienza while the rest are average
It just excels absolutely everywhere. Gameplay, replayability, level design, art style, environment, lore, writing, world building.
Hitman is just a game you goof around in. Dishonored might not be a good stealth game like Thief 2, but it definitely has its charm/atmosphere
>All these Hitman shills
Hitman always struck me as a game that could have been an indie. It lacks everything that I expect from AAA games. It's essentially a puzzle game that you fuck around in until you get bored.
Dishonored truly immerses you in its world first and foremost, the fantastic gameplay and level design are what keep you engaged
The only thing Hitman has over it is probably ease of replayability
Dishonored 2 does everything it does but better
There is a myriad of evidence on Twitch of the game running fine
They could've done better with the optimization but the problem lies mostly with the players who crank everything up to max on their toasters and then cry on the steamforum when it doesn't work out the way they expected
If you're going to buy Hitman, get it off of GamesPlanet UK. Not only do you get it dirt-cheap (thank you based Brexit for completely devaluing the pound), it's also the only place where you can get the Requiem Blood Money pack.
>Dishonored truly immerses you in its world first and foremost, the fantastic gameplay and level design are what keep you engaged
Who sounds like a $hilll now?
When I looked up streams people were complaining a fair bit about performance. Maybe it works for people with Intel/Nvidia sponsorships and supercomputers but fuck them.
IRemember how god tier Hitman trailers are
That's a fucking retarded comparison.
There's a lot more fun to be had if you don't follow or toggle off the hand holding guide options. There's a reason they give you so many challenges and unlockables. Because the game wants you to find your own fun in playing the mission.
>>who cares if Hitman was broken for literal months on end
>>i-it's decent now!
I don't care for either of these games, but are you fucking retarded? is that supposed to be an argument?
of course it doesn't fucking matter. once a game gets patched its sins are immediately forgiven
Can't get anywhere near stable 60FPS in 1080p on a GTX 1070, drops down to 40 any maybe even slightly lower in a lot of areas.
Inb4 get a new CPU, 3570k at 4.4GHZ definitely should also be enough for this.
Don't get me wrong, I still like the game a lot so far but the people justifying the performance on PC are just dumb or fanboys/shills.