Tfw to dumb too understand MGS2's story

>tfw to dumb too understand MGS2's story

Basically the tragedies and politics of the world are a puppet show by a secret and ancient group which controls the true knowledge of mankind and memes.

Don't worry.

It's the game's fault for poorly presenting the story at the end and using a character that went full retard to try and explain the important bits.

I understood it when I first played at 12. OP is just a retard, don't sugarcoat it.

git smart

Its all about the meems xd

>Basically the tragedies and politics of the world are a puppet show by a secret and ancient group which controls the true knowledge of mankind and memes.

yeah, MGS4 gave a good summary of that clusterfuck

World is controlled through memes

Every MGS game spoonfeeds you what's going on by the end.

People just lose focus because of how shitty, contrived and convoluted the writing is, and, especially in regards to MGS2, all of the dumbass names you have to keep track of.

Played through 2 twice and don't understand how anyone appreciated that hot turd of a game.

The government wants to curate the internet or something. Solidus wants to put New York off the grid I think. The Patriots won in our timeline when Obama gave away the internet to an organization that doesnt acknowledge the first amendment and we're all on borrowed time.

I know, it takes repeated playthroughs.
It went from being my least favorite MG game to in my opinion the greatest game ever made in five playthroughs.

You're not too dumb, MGS2 is like those books you had to read for literature class, sometimes it takes multiple examination of certain parts and maybe even returning to it when you are a bit older to finally grasp it in full.

>it takes repeated playthroughs.

which is hard to do when the game is ass.

Level design? Boring
Gameplay? Lame
Bosses? Horrible
Raiden? Unbearable piece of shit

You're objectively wrong but I will say that the shut with Emma is tedious at best and fucks up the flow of the game


people had problems with the Emma stuff?

Just tanq her and drag her. Drop her in a safe spot and kill the guards in the area before proceeding

>to dumb

I can see that.

Do people unironically have a hard time deciphering the plot of MGS2? It's a great story and meta-narrative, but really not that complicated compared to most movies or books above high-school level. Hell, I can name a few TV shows that are more cryptic.

to be fair the Arsenal Gear section is a bit trippy and that is where the "important" (until MGS4 summed it up) stuff happens

Is MGS2 the most redpilled game ever?

It's the greatest game ever made.
