Why are you not taking advantage of the great deals on ps4 at the moment user ?
Why are you not taking advantage of the great deals on ps4 at the moment user ?
Because I own most of these games on the PS2/PS3?
Cause im a poorfag
I bought Tomba and Klonoa for my Vita. Nothing worth buying for the PS4 that I don't already own or haven't played on PC.
I can emulate those with better performance.
Cause I'm a Canadafag. My prices are almost double yours there.
ebin meme
Blunderborne was last week which is what I bought, nothing this week interests me.
Waiting on a Project Diva f sale.
Just wait for Future Tone in January.
>taking a photo of your tv screen
>£7 for PS2 games
because i don't want my credit card info to be stolen for the 3rd time.
>great deals
>only ps2 gaems
Sure thing user. I can play those games already on my PS2. Fuck off.
did you upload it user
>he pays to get slightly less shitty discounts on shitty discounts
what a cuck, gta bundle is like $10 for everything before V on steam, and that's 5 years ago
what arab currency is that?
sent ;^)
can you upload it user
>great deals
>great deals
>not actually owning anything in your hands
Well good for you.
>buying digital on console
why would strip yourself of the only advantage consoles have?
oh'boy, you all have to buy it again on ps5.
>the only advantage consoles have
apart from the following in comparison to pc
>good exclusives
>better controls (apart from le ebin fps mouse and keyboard)
>games that work off the bat
>games made specifically for that hardware (no looking through forums to run a game, google any AAA title and this is a massive pc issue)
>couch play
>no fucking "rig" comparing faggots
>not having to upgrade your "rig" every other year to play games designed for consoles anyway
>no graphic whore faggots
>half the price (inb4 poor fag, just not a fucking chump)
>more comfortable (not so close to screen and sitting on a couch)
>not having to deal with shit like origin to play online
>little to no hackers in online games
>getting games first (still crying over RDR ?)
>no fucking early access bullshit
ah yes, pc is truly the superior platform
Not in my region.
Fuck Sony. Should have done a global sale like Steam. Region sales is fucking backwards.
I still have my PS2 laying around and it's capable of playing burned discs at that. Maybe if the PS4 versions drop down to $1 I'll grab some of the classics.
so salty lmao
Just make a fake account. It's not really a big deal.
a muster race concedes, wow
>he doesn't have an account for every relevant region
full casual
wow! look at all those ps4 games!
>Getting exciting about buying on DIGITAL PS2 games. Man, modern gamers are fucking suckers. I don't even Steam, and I see brand new, good modern games on there for 2 dollars.
All of the games in the OP should be backwards compatible. You're being conned. And yes, I care about how other people spend their money, because it fucks up the industry.
Are you saying old and classic games on the pc are shit?
is dark cloud any good?
also does anyone know how long this sale will go on? like is this the last week or will there be a full 4?
>why buy a PS4 to play old gaems?
as an anti-BC argument? That was most people in 2013.
why not just play those games on the ps2? dont tell me you threw/sold you ps2 away user?
Can I play those SMT games on my PS4?
I already own all of those except max payne on ps4.
I did for some games that are currently overpriced in disk version, which was the project zero triology and suikoden for example.
Why are you asking us? We don't know your collection.
You okay bro?
>good exclusives
>better controls (apart from le ebin fps mouse and keyboard)
PC can use pretty much any controller including DS4 with little to no configuration
>games that work off the bat
After all the updates and day 1 patches, can't tell you the last time a PC game released in the last 10 years did not just work on launch.
>games made specifically for that hardware (no looking through forums to run a game, google any AAA title and this is a massive pc issue)
See last point
>couch play
PC has this, use steam big picture and plug a controller in
>no fucking "rig" comparing faggots
>not having to upgrade your "rig" every other year to play games designed for consoles anyway
Upgrade periods have been much longer recently, meanwhile your expected to buy a new console after 3 years now for worse performance.
>no graphic whore faggots
Sonyggers are the biggest graphics whores, see Sup Forums after uncharted 4 released. That why your stuck at 30FPS with your fake 4K.
>half the price (inb4 poor fag, just not a fucking chump)
True, hardware itself for a good PC is more expensive
>more comfortable (not so close to screen and sitting on a couch)
See couch play point
>not having to deal with shit like origin to play online
Yeah you have to pay $10 a month instead
>little to no hackers in online games
>getting games first (still crying over RDR ?)
Depends on the publisher but this has been true in many cases.
>no fucking early access bullshit
No one forces you to buy shitty early access games.
This. Digishits can fuck off.