Local multiplayer

What are some games that are the best to play alongside friends in the same room?

pic related, I suppose all arcade beat em ups are good for this


I don't have any friends so I wouldn't know.

Why would you even want to?

Heroes of Might and Magic

Smash bruddahs, Mario party

Any Tales game.

Friends often come to waste time with me and hang out

Playing games together is nice and I want to know some

Don't you have friends?

Pic related
Crawl only has a local multiplayer option.
It's very easy to pick up and introduce to new people.
I showed it to a few friends and they were having a blast after the first game.

Dragon's Crown
Diablo 3

Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, Graces f, and Vesperia are good choices. Xillia 1/2 are shit at this and I can't say for Zestiria since I don't want to play it.

In association with OP's pic, Dragon's Crown is a great choice.
I tend to call it "Mystara 3.0". Same general concept except you actually level up/get gear for your characters instead of them only existing for one run.
Local co-op is great (although you will need to enter stores/other locations multiple times so everyone has a turn to do their business).

>literal atari game
Even flash games didn't look that bad.

Overcooked. I'm serious.


>tfw they introduced artifact stealing

Are there some beat em up rpg with good combat and much content?
I like my game to last a long time

>Diablo 3

That's kinda tough, most old beat em.ups are either too short or just get repetitive after a while.

A modern beat em up that is reminiscent of the old arcade ones and that can last quite a while with its content is Senran Kagura 2 for the 3DS. Lost of characters, a combat that is deeper than other beat em ups, quite difficult at some points and some challenges and unlockables

It also is a blast to play online or with friends.
I'm being serious

A friendly game turned pretty competitive as soon as someone did that the first time.

I also had absolutely no idea they did a Halloween update!

Dragon's Crown is really good but like you said:
shopping and the more in-depth customization (like those ability cards) really hampers the quick experience expected from couch mutliplayer games. The D&D beat-em-up games did this just fine because everyone enters the shops at the same time and there's generally a lot less to manage so everyone takes care of their business in seconds, as opposed to minutes in DC.

Now, with all that said, if everyone's on the same page and in the right mindset then there's no question that DC is, by far, one of the greatest, if not the greatest, beat-em-ups of all time. It's just a shame that there's no streamlined option for a quick dungeon romp or anything.

Also, the first few hours is basically one looooooong as fuck tutorial with extensive narrative. I bought the game on launch, my brother and I sat down to play, and he became disinterested after the second dungeon. We basically wanted Golden Axe HD but instead we got a sidesscrolling-action-JRPG.


Soul Calibur 2
Smash Bros Melee
007 Nightfire
Timesplitters games

It looks better than 5200, although admittedly not by much. Anyway, it sure plays a lot better.

OP here

Of course I already considered that any fighting game counts
We have played almost all of them already

I used to play Rainbow Six Vegas and the second one with my dad, we sunk easily over thousand hours on those games.
While the campaign is dull-ish and has no reason to play a second time through, Terrorist hunt is god tier.
I would also recommend CTR and Alien Hominid. Sadly, there isn't too many good splitscreen (or shared screen) co-op games these days.

Lovers in a dangerous spacetime


Sunset Riders (SNES version, Genesis version is junk), Gunstar Heroes, and ToeJam and Earl are good choices.

Dragon's Crown has a lot of repeatable and recycled content; after you get through the campaign (which is about the length of a longer beat-em-up) then you're expected to do a couple of NG+ runs at a higher difficulty. It's fun but as far as new and fresh content goes, you're not getting a ton out of it.

The big winner for me, though, has got to be Legend of Mana. It's hard to explain but it's basically an action-JRPG that uses a beat-em-up formula as its foundation for combat. Due to the customizable world map and the myriad of different paths, it's easy to play the game twice and find several new dungeons and towns that you missed out on the first time. If you've got a friend then even better; he can join as either a story specific partner, one of two kids that join you early on and are almost always available for co-op, or even import their character from their own save file as player 2. On top of everything, the variety of weapons and amount of unlockable abilities is just ridiculous and it goes a long way to expanding on an already content-rich game.

Keep in mind though that the game is definitely on the easy side (except for a couple of bosses where the difficulty spikes suddenly) and there's a ton of NPC talking. In fact, the game could go on for 5, 10, maybe 20 minutes straight of just talking, shopping, and exploring a town. But if you're cool with that then I'd argue that LoM is one of the best around.

Brawlhalla is a semi-decent smash clone if people are tired of it or you only have a PC

Dead Pixels is mindless but a good 'here help me shoot zombies for a bit' that's really cheap.

Metal Slug
Mount your Friends

Lethal League is like super pong. Screencheat is based on couch co-op. Gangbeasts is good.
Speedrunner's is fun too.

The Warriors

Helldivers, shame you have to share the camera(online too) but maybe they changed that

Oh also literally any of the Worms games.


Final Fight, Golden Axe, Altered Beast.

Overrated as fuck, famalama

I always love playing warriors games in multiplayer.

The Jackbox Party Pack 2/3 are pretty good for when you wanna do some trivia shit - Since most anons are proposing actual games

Keep talking and nobody explodes
Any worms
Metal slug
Who's your daddy

The new rayman games are alright.

There's also rhythm games like guitar hero and rockband.

Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six: Las Vegas 1 & 2

Pic related, what said.
Gang Beasts is probably the number one go-to game when I have at least two people over.

Enter The Gungeon is pretty fun with 2 players too.

Same question as user, but if I'm poor and I don't want new games because don't want to buy them


If you can get an emulator going, Smash Tv, Gauntlet, simpsons arcade,and bomberman are good choices


Wrestling games

even if you don't like wrestling they are always fun as fuck, got WWE 2k16 free with gold and its hilarious

>overrated means bad

fuck you fuck you

someone has no taste

Most bomberman games fit the bill
>twn be a bomberman with 10-man multiplayer like saturn bomberman

Saturn Bomberman
Bomberman '94
Super Bomberman 5
Pig Out
Turtles in Time
The Simpsons
Saturday Night Slam Masters
WWF WrestleFest
Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
Ganbare Dunk Heroes - Nekketsu Street Basket
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros. Melee
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
NBA Hangtime

All 4 player or more (except Pig Out which is 3 player).

EDF 2025 (PS3) or 4.1 (PS4) is pretty damn fun. There's 4 player online and 2 player splitscreen.

The ps3 store have NOTHING of those titles, i looked every title (even the one that i know are not ps). Fuck off is there any possibility to have a ps3 with some coop splitscreen game?