Who here /BHMPSH2/?

Who here /BHMPSH2/?

Did they add anything significant for the 15th anniversary of Halo?

I think you were supposed to type, "Why arent you playing the best Halo since Halo 2?"

They added a temporary anniversary playlist and gave out a req pack but no big content additions.
They teased some though so a content update is obviously on the way, I assume it's also going to be the server browser update.

That would be inaccurate since it's not the best Halo since Halo 2.
It's the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.

I AM And please keep making these threads kek

Reporting in, how goods not being a nostalgiafag?

That would be inaccurate too because Halo 3 is the best Halo since Halo 2.


Notice that I specified Halo multiplayer.

>tfw have nostalgia for older halos and I enjoy playing them on MCC but I recognize they're not perfect games and I am also able to enjoy more recent Halo games

Real talk.
Was this actually a good map?

Halo 3 Anniversary when

Yeah, I got it, I just forgot to add it. Sentiment doesnt change. The best Halo MP since Halo 2 is Halo 3's.
343 shills though be fucking retarded. Hey shills, dont you think you are trying to hard?

Its voted every time on MCC so i guess people think so...


Sometimes people/playerbase seem to become fixated with certain maps, but I don't think it's necessarily the best measure of quality. For example nuketown in CoD.

only for objective based game modes

Doesn't need to exist right now.
I don't understand people clamoring for Halo 3 Anniversary.

I agree. Don't know why people vote for slayer on it.

halo 3 mp isn't that good desu
it heavily benefited from its time

Your right, Halol 5 is clearly whats actually good! I have been a fool all this time!

Everyone makes mistakes user.

How's the pro pipe look?



What modes?

>Give vehicles more health and weight
>reduce aim assist against vehicle gunners
>enable full armor modification
>reduce arena grenade starts to 1 per person
>reduce amount of grenades in arena maps
>better spawns
Anything else I should add?

Sounds pretty good.
>Give vehicles more health and weight
I think their current health would be more tolerable if they gave BTB magnum/ar starts like was intended.

What modes I play? Swat arena/slayer and infection. I stopped playing warzone since it became really unfair with people having 3 tanks and 2 flying vehicles on the enemy team while my team didn't have shit

>spawn a scorpion
>get splasered, then shot twice with a magnum
>protect the core spartan
Vehicles need more health senpai

Sure, just don't buff the ultras.

Why not? An ultra vehicle should be hell to kill.
Spawn an ultra vehicle, get despawned by an ultra weapon. Sounds fair enough

Wraith okay, but ultra banshee and ghost are already strong enough.

option to bulk sell cards you don't want


>chrome plugin to bulk sell reqs for ages
>343 still can't add it
why are they so incompotent

ayo hol up
you can do that from a web browser?

You need chrome plugin Halo Waypoint Tools.