BF1 turns out to be an unoriginal reskin that tramples on the WW1 history and has a terrible campaign

>BF1 turns out to be an unoriginal reskin that tramples on the WW1 history and has a terrible campaign
>IW packs a campaign with great story and innovation, great zombies and fine multiplayer

Where were you when the bandwaggoners lost?

Other urls found in this thread:

>great zombies and fine multiplayer


Zombies has been shit since BO2 and IW multiplayer maps are terrible and they ruined wall running from BO3

I'd agree with you if by "fine multiplayer" you mean absolute trash, with FOUR Killhouse / Nuketown variants to appease the 'I need to kill or be killed in MP games in less than 6 seconds after respawn or it's booooooring' crowd that also loves e-sports and 3-lane maps with generic layout.

Everyone with taste is playing Titanfall 2 OP.

>unoriginal reskin

have you never played another Battlefield game?


>zombies by anyone other than Treyarch

I dunno about zombies. It seems to fluctuate between levels. Spaceland as weird with how it does the buildable super weapons.

BO3 had shit movement mechanics anyway, I want AW's exoboosting back.

IW single player campaign is awesome as shit. one of my favorite games this year and i'm not even kidding.

pirate it. play it. it's great.

Yeah, nice thriving population ya got there.

Why must good games be so ded, it hurts.

>I dunno about zombies
>proceeds to say it's great

So you are just a shill then?

>What if we made Titanfall but really slow and with no mechs?

>shills here think anyone cares about CoD or BF
Fuck off, retard.

>BF1 has decent gameplay
>IW is shit
As soon as MW Remastered comes standalone people will flock to it.

user are you okay

>As soon as MW Remastered comes standalone people will flock to it.

And most will quickly drop it, because it's an almost decade old game and it shows.

>great story

What? Just ... what?

That's a good thing. People want old things, they just don't realise it.

>>IW packs a campaign with great story
The story of the very evil white guy who it's defeated by a group of multicultural people?

A butchered version of Black Ops 3's movement system, and the barebones space combat?

>great zombies
Not at all, it's a dull and le so wacky attempt at copying Treyarch.

>fine multiplayer
You mean a worse version of BO3 due to the butchered movement system and a complete clusterfuck of movement system?

There's a reason why the overall sales are low 65%, and why the game is a straight up bomb on PC.
I mean, Infinite Warfare only has a 400 higher player peak than Black Ops 3, and it's all time high is 15k.

Titansummer 2 is better than both, too bad nobody plays. Shame, although I don't blame them, I also thought it was going to be shit from the beta.

Infinite Warfare is one of the most shilled games ever in Sup Forums's history, user.
The game being an underperforming laughstock just means the shilling campaign will last a bit more.

i stopped buying "new" games

Titanfall 2 is a better futuristic COD than any of this, and Infinite Warfare is nothing but what would happen if Black Ops 3 was developed by chinese slave workers.
Oh, and no, no amount of shilling will change any of this.

Infinite warfare multiplayer is fine.
I like the hit detection, it's just so crisp compared to BO3.
And on PC is's a super fast twitch shooter which is also a good thing.

>the game is a straight up bomb on PC
>look it up in Steamspy
>170k units sold
>the game came out 12 days ago
>in 12 days it has sold 30k less units than Black Ops 3 did on launch day


>And on PC is's a super fast twitch shooter
What the fuck are you talking about?
The movement system is completely butchered, wallrunning is completely useless, both because you start going down the moment you hit the wall, and because the maps are simply not designed for wallrunning, the jetpack is weak and slow, and there's no burst movement like in AW.
So you are left with Ghosts' shitty slow ass sprinting and walking.

It's a piece of shit and i'm glad it's underperforming so hard.
Not to mention on PC there's literally no reason to not just buy Black Ops 3 instead since, apart from having an actually useful movement system, you have a server browser, mod tools and map editor, while IW is just a straight up shitty console port.
By this time next week, it will have less players than Black Ops 3, and in 3 months, it will be completely dead.

These obvious shills are the reason i'm so happy to see it flop hard.

Second subfranchise the numales at neo-Infinity Ward create, second subfranchise to be cancelled.

>crisp hit detection
>in cod
good joke.