>that cozy feel when you throw the controller against a wall and stomp it into the ground after losing in an online game
Feels almost cleansing.
>that cozy feel when you throw the controller against a wall and stomp it into the ground after losing in an online game
Feels almost cleansing.
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone else know this feel? Or are you a bunch of penny pinching kids and NEETs living on handouts from mommy?
>being an autistic sperglord millenial who gets what he wants or he will cry
stay salty, faggot
>tfw, teary-eyed, you slam your mouse on the desk after an especially enraging death
> not getting what you want
It's part of being an adult, kid. Only millennial numales aren't upset by this.
Are you a burger who wears shoes inside? Otherwise it'd be pretty painful to stomp a controller
I'm a big guy
I always wanted to do that with my computer but it's dead and won't even start. It would make sense if it froze or something, but now that it's been dead for some time already, it would be fucking retarded
>tfw slam your keyboard and keys go flying everywhere
>that one key that doesn't pop back in properly
If you get mad at video ganes you shouldn't be playing them. They are supposed to be fun.
For me?
> happened to me once
> annihilate the keyboard against the wall just for the heck of it
>tfw roasted in an online match so alt-f4 then furiously fap to masochistic cuck porn to relieve the pain
So many buzzwords in 2 posts
>literally getting so worked up over vidya that you destroy your property
someone should throw you against a wall and then stomp you into the ground to see how you feel
The only time I remember getting mad at vidya was trying to do some combo in xenoverse 2 to unlock some transformation I heard you got in this fashion.
It was extremely hard for some reason, I was missing the inputs for about an hour if we count all of the combos I had to do.
I've never gotten mad at a vidya before, solo or multi, but that shit was really getting me heated, swears and movement and all.
The payoff of actually doing it was worth it.
Never got that transformation though, now that I think about it, I just finished the combo and stormed outside fast cause we had to eat and it was late.
>destroy your property
Yep. Got a problem with that, leftie?
>parents took away my ps4 because i destroyed one of my controllers after i kept losing in overwatch
>took a knife and threatened to kill myself until they gave it back
>die repeatedly in an online game
>headbutt controller hard a few times
>continue playing
man, frogposters are pathetic
>console user
>is a literal child
Color me surprised
wait one fucking second, wouldn't the right be more pantshitting about that?
> can't afford a new peripheral
> calls others childs
OP's an underage faggot, what do you expect?
Literally had an orgasm every time I smashed my mouse on the floor after failing this bullshit.
t. illiterates
Controller detected.
>tfw opening a very hard lock at the start of the game
>tfw i actually know someone who shot his computer in a fit of rage
americucks man
>not rushing level 10 and getting the skeleton key
Meme harder, maybe then mommy will buy you a new controller
> shillary voters non sequituring this hard
I'm surprised they didn't call your bluff
Underage b&
>this beta is so cucked even his parents don't want to provide for him
LUL kys
bro when i get wrecked in some game i just go and practice kickflips; stompin tricks gives me that sweet release, ya know
>that amazing feeling when you scream fuck as loud as you can after getting 360 no scoped
never broken anything out of anger.
worst ive done is squeeze my controller really hard or slam the mouse on the table a few times
>tfw you hit that spot on your knee with the controller and it hurts like hell and you feel like vomiting
>tfw you punch yourself in the head repeatedly and fear brain damage
Makes you feel alive, don't it?
>tfw you get stuck on one point for an hour or more and slap yourself out of frustration
>tfw your pc has the side cover removed for cooling
>tfw punching gpu and it breaks the slot and kills the pc
is this what murderers feel on a small scale?
There is something about causing physical pain to myself when I get frustrated that is so relieving... It's actually a great feel.
>punch a crater in giant flat screen TV
>didn't lose a single GBP
>tfw you get so mad you stick your dick in a blender
>tfw you turn the blender on
>tfw you drink the contents
I was mad that day.
Monkey dicks BTFO
>tfw you bash your younger bro for beating you on a multiplayer game
feels dominant man
mfw this thread is all angry autistic children
i just usually go take an angry shit after the match or munch on a cracker while i wait to respawn
> anal / oral fixation
> calls others children
How ridiculous would the posts have to be before you realised they were jokes
LOL I just beat or slap my dog whenever I lose
congrats chimpo you've discovered your bodies natural painkiller/reward response, endorphines. Most people develop a taste for spicy food or exercise to experience endorphines, somehow you have associated hurting yourself with enjoyment instead.
some of the more silly ones are obvious jokes. but i know many others in this thread are serious and that's what im talking about
>play angry birds on my phone during class cuz fuck school
>lose like a thousand times on one level
>exit the classroom, don't even ask for permission cuz fuck school
>go to the toilets and piss and shit all over the floor
LOL are you me?
When I was younger I used to get pretty mad at fighting games. I miss it in a way since frustration can be a good motivator for self improvement, but somewhere along the way I just stopped caring. At the end of the day just remember you play vidya to have fun.
not underaged just 30 still living with parents
The only two times I absolutely obliterated joypads was with Super Punch-Out! (don't know which fight but not one of the harder ones) and one of Li-Long's story mode missions in the original Soul Edge. Dat childhood rage, mane.
No. Frog psters are white supremacists
Didn't you see the news.