Capped those red scrips yet, Sup Forums?
Capped those red scrips yet, Sup Forums?
No I got all my Crafting and Gathering to 60 via leves and moogle quests and haven't done collectables or anything with them, wat do?
I seriously think spear doesn't do anything. I've used it on myself, I've played other classes and had it used on me, I just do not notice any effect.
scrip grind for gear and folklore tomes until you want to kill yourself
Can get iron works gear made dirt cheap now, just ask an established crafter for help
I read some math somewhere, and it's nearly impossible for Spear to actually be worth it for anyone. Most classes it can fuck up your flow.
Spear is the most useless card, bar none. You should never cast it. Royal Road or cycle it. And if you can't do either, right click it off.
It is truly pointless.
crafting/gathering is for plebs
the real money maker is selling carry runs. made 50 million gil for 1 hour of effort.
can I get into this game now or is it too late?
It's never too late. The game has systems in place that makes sure that there is always people running old content, so mandatory dungeons won't stop you from progressing the story.
And once you have caught up on story, it's easy to jump in same gear grind that everyone else is doing.
If you start now you are probably perfectly caught on by the next content patch.
>Bismarck normal
>three BLM and one SMN
>damage very low
>one BLM always has the focus on the shit he shouldn't kill first
>tanks kill bubbles in thunderstorm
>they also don't put the adds in last phase together
>in a AOE heavy group
>healers never seem to DPS
>SMN NEVER put DOTs up
>SMN frequently dies anyways
>despite being DPS, I end up having to fire right canon because non of the healers do it
>including shield
>later we miss a cannon because whoever did that one previously either can't or ignored it
>Bismarck at 40% and everyone's health lower than 20
>we wipe
>next try, of course with echo
>still end up doing shield and cannons
>tell SMN to fucking use their DOT while we're on Bismarck
>suddenly everything goes a lot faster
>even with one dead DPS
>kill Bismarck on the second back-attack in last phase with FUCKING METEOR FUCK YEAH
>get 1
>ONE commendation
cute potate
Why? I've already got all the gear I can get due to weekly lockouts. This game is going to die if they don't figure out something to keep people logging in after they "cap"
Alt classes, monster tribes, squadrons and simple wait for next week for reset.
The game already has billion and one ways it tries to keep people invested over long periods of time, I don't really see that they need to push that even more.
Good luck ever getting comms as a DPS. Unless you have a funny meme macro you're never going to get more than one in 8 mans, and you're lucky to get any in light parties if the tank and healer are competent.
It's a stupid system anyway, who cares.
Fairly new player here, what should I work on obtaining after Ironworks gear and ilv120? I am not terribly far into the story yet, roughly at some point a bit after killing the Ultima Weapon. I play 53 MNK and some 50 WAR
>retainer brings back Pure White Dyes three ventures in a row
Holy hell
Work on going through the story onwards to 60. You level 50 gear doesn't mean shit.
Thanks m8
Alt classes serve no point when you only get to raid as one anyways. Two at best if you main tank. Beast tribes are analogous with leveling, and squadrons are just another grind you can do without because gil is worthless.
Everything is already 60
>Remember how fun it was to level at the start? Now you can do that again, except without the fun of the MSQ to keep you occupied. Enjoy the scant class quest cutscenes!
>Hey, don't you love asinine grinding for stupid side quests? Collect X, fight X, talk to X? Well, here you go.
>Spend three hours adjusting your stats and then wait a day to complete a task. WEW LAD, FUN
>"just play other games, :^)..."
Truly MMOs are a dead genre.
How anyone can play XIV for more than a few months is beyond me, unless they're doing savage raiding.
You do realize that people whom sole reason of playing is savage raiding are like 0.1% of the playerbase.
Them getting bored will not kill the game in any capacity.
You ever stop and ask yourself why it's 0.1%?
>crafting/gathering required for relic weapons
If you're on a ded server, buying the needed components, or even finding someone that has the skill to craft the result, is a pain in the ass
>scrip farm til your eyes bleed
yoshiP thinks it's working as intended
>in order to git gud, you have to level all crafting jobs to max for cross-class skills
Oh, you need Byregot's Blessing? What, you aren't a Carpenter yet?
>forced to make your own crafting gear
You need Ironworks sets, user? good luck, you need items that can only be made by a specific job, and it can't be bought
truly the most useless class in the game
And yet, craft/gather jobs get preferential treatment in this game
>If you're on a ded server, buying the needed components, or even finding someone that has the skill to craft the result, is a pain in the ass
You can get that stuff with grand company seals too these days. No reason to bitch.
Almost every single point on this list is either factually incorrect or just useless bitching.
Fishing is the most useless and the most fun of any non-combat class. fair trade off for me. Also getting scrips on FSH is easy as fuck compared to the others
Ive got that semen demon potato in my squad to. I've never seen another playable potato female with those bedroom eyes before.
Are you a real Warrior of Light?
>I played 3000 hours and I've already run out of things to do, WTF square?!
>there are grown ass men who fantasize about a fictional cat child and doing sexual things to it
Good thing I do have over 3400 commendations, mostly as DPS, but it'd be nice to get to 5k until Stormblood which probably will give a new reward.
>queue for today's trial roulette
>another Bismarck
>two SMN
No. Just, no. I'd rather take 30 minutes of penalty I can use on Ixal and daily hunts than going through this shit again.
Not even close.
And it's a subscription based MMO, you fuck. Means there should be decent content throughout. Not the shit they release every 3-5 months that can be completed casually in most cases in like three days.
FFXIV works well if you think of it as a singleplayer game, unsubbing from time to time and then resubbing when the expansions come out.
What, you don't?
>playing long enough to get 3.4k subs as a DPS
What are you doing with your life
>new to tanking alexander
>tfw i mistakenly beamed and killed half the raid
I-i'm sorry
It has content enough to satiate the casual 1-2 hours per day player it caters to, not the online-literally-all-the-time player.
Where's the source my dude
Some really, REALLY terrible fan"artist".
But where tho
Oh come on user, don't be coy.
>asking that on Sup Forums
C'mon now, user.
Do fishing and mining have an end game use?
So iv just got to 60 and finished the 3.0 story.
Is there anything in particular I should be doing, besides the main story quests that unlock new dungeons and raids? I'm talking about stuff like potd for the ez weapon or daily roulette
>expert google library
>notice group damage is low
>healer does nothing but heals despite drk not taking much damage and using cooldowns
>allow myself getting hit by everything that has no cc effects to get more dps
>run ACT before boss
>bard barely outdamages tank
>healer still 0
>bard dps is even lower on trash despite tank doing huge pulls and bard using cooldowns
>no TP song ever
>tank not placing last boss near puddles
at least I got 2 comms
>do Ultima unsync
>with 6 instead of 8
>I'm the only one popping the last orbs
>we wipe
>tell them that "we still of to pop those"
>tank "Chill :)"
Oh, excuse me that I expect better from a unsync party full of players who already done it.
>its another "everybody is shit but me" episode
> Bismarck normal
> first time, playing tank
> dps is 4 BLM
> it's normal so it's brain dead content so people can experience the story
You should be ashamed, unless everyone there was a fucking sprout
at least get the 235 POTD weapon. And doing it on your 60 job will get you Tomestones that you can trade in for new armor. Otherwise do story until you hit an item level lockout. You also have Alexander raids to unlock and Void Ark
I want to adopt Khloe to get her away from Rowena and raise her into a proper lady.
Then we bake together cookies, I craft her cute dresses, then teach her the ways of the botanist.
And we fuck.
I have not gathered a single script since they came out
Hold them ironworks gear until you're 60, or if you really bored, 58. Don't waste money. Start doing clan huny so by the time you're 60, you can get some AF gear, or even better, the whole set. It's a good set to begin your endgame.
>get her away from Rowena
Why? Rowena is one of the few actually good, honest people in Eorzea.
>unless everyone there was a fucking sprout
Nobody was a sprout and only SMN was new to it. Even being new to content doesn't mean you don't have to at least try, which that person clearly didn't with 0 DOTs and only ruin with Garuda on their side.
They only started doing so after I asked them to.
Maybe because everyone and me except one BLM was german it was such a bad first try.
On your first time through 50 to 60 don't bother with getting ironworks. The Heavensward story quests throw equivalent gear at you for nothing so just do your story, that is literally the most important thing to do in the entire game
>never had a bad JP party
>NA parties are 50/50
>german and french parties are always shit, EVERY TIME
I only click the J and E now.
>t. Lalatoro Gilburgstein
It's useless just by basic math. CDs are judged by the amount of times you can use them per fight of which Spear very very rarely does unless its a short cd like BfB. Even then, that effectiveness is rather limited for obvious reasons even when compared to the worse damage card of Arrow. If you really must use it, Spear is arguably most useful for DRG/BRD/MNK just because their cd usage is more lenient and I think BfB/Empy on top of their somewhat flexible priority system allows them to take advantage of it.
BLM/MCH/SMN all have either too long of cds (3 min raging) or have predetermined timings for how they want to use cds that Spear only mucks up for them. SMN prefers to use everything in DWT, BLM has two leylines per raging, MCH has a set amount of cds per wildfire and deviating fucks with them for the entire fight.
If you're fishing for an aoe RR, or a balance but you can't get either, you might as well spear yourself. Tank cds may receive a benefit from spear but seeing as the fights are neatly structured around tank cds coming up at the same time, might as well not bother.
Because the playerbase is cancerous and avoids doing anything difficult and/or complains about difficult content until its doable for them. And also because WoW spawned a generation of MMO players that expect rewards for existing.
>only have J and E activated
>still get into french and german parties
Fucking why?
>Not the shit they release every 3-5 months that can be completed casually in most cases in like three days
You have no idea how much of a boon content releases every 3-4 months is. It's something that WoW itself only recently is trying to adapt and something most korean MMOs don't even try to do.
>inb4 it's not content
Welcome to MMOs. Everything you do is pointless if you think about it, you're not the first one to point out that gear is invalidated or you're doing the same thing over and over again. Examine what you do in other games and you could boil it down to that level of nothingness.
>friend gets me to resub
>helps me get caught up on a few patches worth of content
>"Yeah man lets knock out some raids tomorrow"
>read ahead a little bit so I'm not struggling with doing mechanics
>he stops talking to me for a few days
>suddenly blurts out in FC chat to no one in particular
>"I fucking hate people who just ask me to do shit for them all the time"
>DF the raids on my own
>they go okay
>it's not as fun as with friends
>quit again
Because they pick E too.
If DF can't find players who match your search preferences, then you'll get whatever there is. After all the devs want everyone to be able to get groups.
I'd play with you bro
mch 56 atm
is it worth it at 60? Damage seems really low right now.
Excellent at 60 if you know how to play well
MCH has some pretty sweet burst damage and good utility to the party. It's definitely worth getting to 60.
You have to be a god damn pianist to use all the skills effectively though.
I play with a controller, np
In that case prepare your anus for Ricochet at Lv.60
>Expert library
>Trying BLM for the first time in months because I got a sophia weapon.
>210 ilv, didn't know what the fuck I was doing half of the time, dropped enochian a embarrasing amount of times, 1300 dps on bosses at best.
>Still do 50%+ of the total damage
Okay, that made me kek
Despite being a support class they are the 3rd highest dps in the game behind blm and smn. Soooo
>3rd highest dps
It's not nice to lie on the internet. MCH is slightly above BRD and NIN.
I can't stand the MCH playstyle. Everything is good and fun when you've got cooldowns to spend, but you blow them all in the first 20 seconds and then you're stuck limping along, firing shitty weak BBs, desperately hoping for a proc just so you have another button to press.
and both of them are above mnk and drg
he is right
>and both of them are above mnk and drg
This isn't funny anymore.
MCH actually puts out very old DPS and has arguably the best utility in the game.
Some people think that it's super hard to play at 60 but it's one of the easiest due to how little management there is and how it has so much mobility that there's almost never a reason for a fight to mix up your rotation outside of downtime.
MCH is actually the 4th highest DPS, but it's far closer to SMN and MNK than it is to NIN or BRD.
It's really not even fair considering that MCH utility is so good.
There's a reason people consider MCH to be the only S tier DPS right next to SCH and WAR.
Ever thought about switching 75th percentile to max and see what happens ? :)
MNK and DRG on suicide watch.
>People wanking over which job has the biggest DPS dick
Who fucking cares? This isn't WoW where the balance is so garbo that some specs effectively can't be taken into raids. All the content can be done with virtually any comp and "theorycrafting" about group optimization is the hallmark of a shitter trying to avoid confronting their own shittiness.
smn is just good there for the dots during the stop time phases
try another battle
This is the ranking for the entire raid tier homie.
>try another battle
That's actually all of Creator, not just A12S.
>Who fucking cares?
MCH do because their job is not fun.
I'm not wrong
why is smn so high? Is it really good?
Think these might be unweighted unfairly by a9s? I don't believe casters are actually that high when 50% of the ranged are mchs.
Currently downloading the game for the first time.
Friends picked Cerberus, how's the server doing?
Also Are Monks alright? I fancy making a c@ monk.
>play potatogirl
>occasionally get /hugs and /pets
>roll c@ alt
>getting winky faces and innuendo filled comments
I'm glad I mained potato so I dont have to put up with this shit
Ay yo bby
Monk is fun. Cerberus is dead
>Cerberus is dead
What EU server isn't dead except ragnarok??
What servers would you recommend?
>full of peoople right now
>always having players online, even at leate night and early morning
Fuck off, Odinshill.
you fuckin small server niggers always do this shit
>odin is full of mudslime sandniggers come to cerberus!
>cerberus is shit come to odin for real quality!
>[general french yelling from moogle and phoenix]
>[third reich starts playing from shiva and lich]
>Think these might be unweighted unfairly by a9s
Well, if this tier is biased toward summoners then that's just how it is - it's not like there's any relevant content outside of a9-12s anyway. Where else are you going to gauge them? The ability of the casters to pad in fights, and for mch to ignore boss mechanics without losing dps is a legitimate strength of those classes.
If you want the 'real' single target, no gimmicks dps rankings, then you just need to look at the SSS dummy hp percentages each job has, since that shows how the dev team size them up internally.
>Capping red scrips when pentamelded ironworks exists
Are you poor?