Want to buy NES mini

>want to buy NES mini
>few units released
>sold out everywhere
>Nintendo won't have my money but only my feelings

are they retarded? or am I missing something?

post more cute

I wonder if Julia was Kojima's original choice for a character model.

Julia is absolute fucking trash, please go away.

Fucking japs either have good bodies but butt ugly faces or pretty faces with average bodies. Why cant they just be good ffs

Limited stock creates hype at the cost of customer satisfaction, but there are too many people desperate for one for the holidays for people to care that they're being played like suckers

Dude, she looks so much like this chick I boned in dutchland


>make new product
>new product is so successful demande outgrow the offering
Kill yourself seriously.

yes i love watching 6/10s in my porn you dork gb2tumblr

>what is artificial scarcity marketing

ugly gook

>people aren't allowed to have tastes or preferences

>Want to buy gimmick re-release of 30 year old console with handful of games that can be easily emulated.
>Complains about not being able to.

More important question here is: are YOU retarded?

Are you retarded? Why the fuck would you want one of these?

> doesn't realize what an emulator is

Just wait a week or so and you'll be able to get them everywhere.

is this joost?

looks so impure here.

That's what she looks like (with a lot of makeup on) in real life.

If you could download new games and extra content - fine, it could be worth buying. It's just another shitty plug&play console

Why not just buy a Raspberry Pi and put RetroArch on an SD card and be pretty much set?

Too much effort.
It doesn't look like a cute mini NES.
It's GUI will most likely be shit.
You can play with an original NES controller, sure, but again, too much effort.

I once thought like you did. I think the two biggest hurdles would be the case not looking like an NES, and the GUI being a horrible install-gentoo-level linux fuckfest that only comp-sci faggots could navigate.

But look into it. RetroArch (or RetroPie/Emulation Station) looks surprisingly normie-friendly.
Plus, why the fuck pay $60 (or $150 for scalper faggots) for 30 fucking NES games, when you could play every NES game, every SNES game, every Genesis game, etc etc etc?

some of the best tits ever, her crooked nose is a bit of a put off but her body is primo.

TOO. MUCH. EFFORT. I'm not gonna go waste my time buying all that crap setting up all that bullshit.

60 bucks is a more than reasonable price to get like 15 of the best games of all time and just plug and play the damn thing. You know, like how fucking consoles were supposed to work? Not to mention the thing looks really damn nice too.

Are you goddamn kidding me? Not only would that waste my fucking time too, but who is retarded enough to pay some random scumbag more money for something they'll restock en masse in a couple of weeks at most? it's not even December yet, for fucks sake.

not him but you can get a mibox android TV for like $9 more.
And that can do Netflix, Plex, youtube, NES, Genesis, SNES, GBA, GBC, MAME, NEOGEO, PS1, N64 and PSP.
Also easier to setup than a Pi, literally just install the emulators (or just Retroarch) off the playstore.

It can also use wireless and USB controllers, so you aren't stuck with the NES mini's pathetically short controller cables.

Oh, really? Does it look like a cute NES? I didn't think so.

you are retarded for buying a locked hardware to play 30 virtual console games

Hey, I'm not telling you not to buy a NES mini, it's you're money.

I'm just saying on an objective level there are better option, Nintendo's official emulators aren't even that accurate.

If you purely care about how it looks then by all means.

I forgot that this is neo nu-Sup Forums I'm replying to.
Feel free to remain uninformed!

Except I am totally informed, you memelord retard.

I threw up in my mouth a little.

They've done this a million times user.

>introduce product in low qualities
>if it sells out fast, keep doing small shipments that sell out fast to build up a frenzy of people wanting to have it
>ship a metric fuck ton of them a few weeks before christmas so they sell like hot cakes

Prove it.

Low quantities even***

She's like 17 in that picture


it literally takes about as much effort as you took to type that.

Thread needs more joost/quiet armpits.

I have no armpits atm, sorry

>release 4 million (that's 4,000,000) mini nes units
>immediately sells out
>outsells ps4 pro

very few units rite?

fucking kojima, don't slutify the joost

nintendo jewery: create hype by artificially lowering production. so everyone can talk about how it's sold out.

>want to buy NES mini

Why? Are you retarded? Just get a NES.

May as well not even post her then to be honest.

I doubt Nintendo manufactured 40000 of those things let alone 4million

Well sorry I can't cater to your meme fetish

It's like this:

Nintendo's products aren't really desirable right now,
So they're under-stocking to make it look like people really want their polished turds.

I call bullshit on that. If they actually shipped 4 million units out they wouldn't be selling out near as fast as they are.

>plug pie into TV USB and HDMI.
>wait 30 seconds.
you can even get the pi model b3 with retropi OS pre-loaded. all for half the money with endless possible upgrades to the game libraries. custom pi cases in NES look can be obtained anywhere for 3d printing, or can be bought for like 3 bucks

God damnit the joose is cute as hell. Would fuck/date/cuddle/marry

>ywn drift off to sleep in her loving embrace while she softly hums Quiet's theme into your ear

The crooked nose is what makes her....real? She's not perfection but in that lack of perfection she's perfect.