AoE2 is more micro intensive than I remember

AoE2 is more micro intensive than I remember.
Especially the economy and early game.

Anyone playing RTS?

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If I remeber correctly you can still land villagers on the outlines of the coast right? So I guess you could still get that stone with transport ships.

Yeah you can.
Just found the random resource distribution amusing.


>even aoe2 isn't safe from gookclicks nigger

sad day

fucking hd edition, this shit never happened in the originals

Who needs looking for resources when you can have this baby.

Really dig the new civs btw, I wish they keep expanding the game like that.
might wana rethink that m8



But honestly in team games(mostly because I'm bad) I end up getting rolled over first, but end up with a comeback because of them. Either that or the enemy takes way too much time destroying like 6-7 Feitoria's that gives my boomer some valuable time.

> AoE2
> micro

I basically only spam paladins and trebuchets. Sometimes I add a ranged unit if I think it's necessary. Also a priest or two for healing.

Then I just go bombard the player city. He usually lost his shit and send his army, which gets decimated by my paladins. Then I finish the city, using the trebuchets to bomb whatever towers or castles he have.

I just play mongols and spam the ever living fuck out of hussars.

Unless the civ is infantry focused they can even trade better than even resource wise than their fucking counters pikemen.

The Feitoria is getting tweaked in an upcoming patch.

>Portuguese: Feitoria now cost 250g, 250s (changed from 250g, 250w).
>Portuguese: Feitoria production rates are now 0.8f, 0.8w, 0.45g, 0.25s (from 0.7f, 0.7w, 0.45g, 0.45s).

So the food and wood income is improved, but you can't make as much excess stone to sell later.

His videos are good, but as one guy points out in the comments it is still good for stone.

Had my first game with portugese recently and found it useful since the landmass I was on ran out of wood.

I didn't have to think too much about placing castles either.

>I basically only spam paladins and trebuchets

Heavy Camels, Teutonic Knights, Mamelukes, Elephants can all own them.

So can the the trashy swarm of Halbadiers. Thats why I like playing vs Huns in 1v1 since they're really predictable.

Your opponent never makes halbs?

And there's a lot of eco micro early on.
Moving sheep, luring boars.

Is there a way to play AoE 2 HD without all the balance changes introduced by the forgotten and african kingdoms expansions? My autism prevents me from accepting them as 'official' (and some of them are retarded desu)

It sounds like you'd get rolled by someone with micro desu senpai, not to mention the obvious counters.

Aren't there options to just play the pre-expansion AI and options in the game already?

You are aware that AoF + AoAK are completely separate of AoC, right?

Change the 'data set' in the corner.

I see, so they kinda nerfed the Portuguese. I wonder how much the Arquebus change will affect them.

That is why it is good which he said. In a map where a resource completely runs out it is great to have but that is very rarely.

What are some noob/casual tier civs? That are safe/fun to play when you're not that good at the game.

I'm thinking
Franks, Saracens, Ethiopia, Inca, Chinese, Portugese.
Because of the Feitoria which lets you take things more slowly and wall up more.
And because the others have a ranged attack that is good vs rams.

It would be comfy if farms had more food if they were adjacent to water.

To complex for AoE, would have to to make so it have to be next to non salt water sources, but the game does not differentiate the two.

>ezpz kiting with conquistadors
>conversion kiting heathens with mounted monks
>unstoppable combat villagers
I guess it take some micro to get the most out of them, but they're still pretty easy.

I'd say Celts and of course Teutons(Especially if you want to wall up, they have very strong towers and castles because of their bonus).

The most important thing in AOE2 for a civ is versatility and having the ability to counter as many things as possible.

I just wish the spaniards had an upgrade that turned villagers into a millitary unit for aggression. Even with amazing micro a lot of their potential is lost because of lost attacks.

>The most important thing in AOE2 for a civ is versatility and having the ability to counter as many things as possible.
I don't think that is the case for noobs.

You know I think you should play whatever you want and team games like 3v3 4v4s.
Or treaty type games where for 40 min you just sit back and build and once the time is up enjoy the clash.

What I also like about AOE 2 is how there are still a lot of of noob lobies.

It would honestly be OP, a fully-upgraded Spanish peasant mob is already a force to be reckoned with. The tanky little fuckers can swarm castles and quickly dismantle them and build their own proxy castles right down the enemy's throat, and there's little they can do to put a stop to it short of throwing their whole force into it. Which takes their focus away from your actual actual army...