87/100 Calling it now!

87/100 Calling it now!


I'm fully expecting it to be bad based on how nearly every major release this year has been bad, even Dishonored 2 which was the most surprising

87/100 would be a fine score though, don't perpetuate the meme that sub-90 is bad, sub-80 is when it starts getting bad

> op ate the asswipes of the gaming industrie..
> op never heard of no man's sky, watch dogs, or any of the other big budget games last year that treated gamers like walking wallets.

Don't buy into hype, for every 1 good game there will be 10 shit. Lets hope this is that 1 good game.

I agree with this user.

>Reading reviews or going to Metacritic.

I don't even like Final Fantasy. Kill yourselves.

Why are you in this thread then.

The "Metacritic is bad" meme is the easiest way to spot a contrarian

Metascores have always remained good ways to get a ballpark idea on how good or bad a game is. The people that Sup Forums pretends is the majority of voters have always been the minority, and in the end their bias scores are made irrelevant

Because fuck you, weeb shitter.

Are you stupid? Video game journalists don't know shit. Steam reviews are also garbage.

Watch the trailers. Play the game if you like the trailers. Decide for yourself.

Anything else means you're a newfag to the hobby.

You didn't answer my question.

>Decide for yourself.
What does people listing their own personal scores for what they think it will be to them somehow mean they are clinging to journalists?

Anti-kun is back.

This right here is the byproduct of being on Sup Forums for too long. People should take note.

You say that as if looking at a score for a ballpark average takes anything away from deciding for yourself. It's to get an idea. And personal scores have nothing to do with journalists.

40/40 Famitsu

Calling it. Like every other game they review.

Because it doesn't fucking matter. Who cares what score it gets?

All that garbage means jack shit.

One fag site reviews it first, and the rest of the fag sites fall in line.

Only thing a bad Metacritic score means is retards on Sup Forums will shitpost about the score it got.

Just buy it and play it.

Again, I don't even like Final Fantasy.

Pretty much. Didn't they give Naruto a 40/40?
>Again, I don't even like Final Fantasy.
Why are you even here?

>MT score for FFXIII = 83
Yeah, very believable.


He's a holier than thou attention whore, ignore him.


2.8 million sold

I'm trying to educate you guys.

It's like this is your first ten years in the hobby.

I bet you guys watch YouTube or Twitch fags, too. Fucking sad.

You sound like you are on damage control because it's going to get a high score and you are trying to get ahead of that by acting as if high scores mean nothing.


This is the last (You) you will get from anyone in this thread, OK, user?

I literally don't care about Final Fantasy. It wouldn't matter to me. I don't play JRPG games.

They gave RE6, Skyrim, Skyward Sword, GTA5 and Final Fantasy XIII-2 perfect 40/40 scores. Japs are retarded.




