Browsing Steam is like wading through a garbage dump

Browsing Steam is like wading through a garbage dump.

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pretty much

Enjoying your copy of Goat Sim, OP?

Yep, I can even understand why they want the platform to be as open as it is, they just REALLY need to fucking take more care of what gets highlighted and what fades into the back of the store.
The Android marketplace has a lot of absolute shite, but the Play Store looks way better than Steam while casually browsing.

dunno what you mean.
indies are the only games I play now.

Don't cry that we atleast have some games unlike you, sonygger

Indie shitters get lost.

Hatred and BUTCHER are the only good indie games.

>inb4 Reddit edgy meme.

that's the great thing about steam, it has stuff for everyone's tastes.

with consoles you're stuck with movies and QTE "games"

That's just how reputation management works in the Play Store. People pay shill companies to shove their shit into the front and into your face.
While nobody gives a shit about Steam Store.

the witness

are all good shit though. otherwise i HATE indie games.

>no la mulana
>no cloudbuilt
>no factorio

I agree
You can filter them in your browser by selecting indie as a tag and then adding - after the number in the tag, so it would be something like #tag[]=-492

I think it needs to be said here that there are a handful of great indie games, like

>muh minecuck

But then devs realized that all they had to do to get those shekels was make something retarded, give it ragdoll physics, and then those Markiplier views are money.

More like a Goodwill. Discounted games that nobody actually wants.


>Input lag is totally important in singleplayer pixelshit
off yourself my good man

Play anything with a gun in it faggot

OP here.

Second thing, the Early Access experiment is over.

Shit failed. Shut it down.

There's four or five good Early Access games, and the rest are complete dog shit.

I'm being generous, too.

PC gaming is a meme

>he hasn't played all cloudbuilt to S rank
fuck off shitter
and nice blog faggot

Shut the fuck up, console shitter.

Nobody is talking shit about MS or Sony. You don't need to bring your 2007 fanboy bullshit into every thread.

Grow up.


I just looked it up. It's got visuals that make me gag. No thanks.

>caring about visual
I bet casuals like you don't even play doom wads anymore

Oh man! You're sure gonna make this thread salty as fuck! Damn bro!

Basically this should be your store from now on
Get fucked indie cucks

I'm playing HERETIC right now.

I play Brutal Doom, user. What's your point?

How was your wife's son today?

>caring about visual

Well he has eyes user, and something which I assume is actually a sense of taste too.

Not caring about what you see when you play videogames is button pressing autism.

you're ok user

That's exactly what I said, its important in online action games like Quake and CS, not in indie bullcrap

Didn't your mommy teach you not to use blanket statements?

Why can't any indie developers try a 3D platformer? Why does it always have to be a fucking shitty 2D platformer? I get it's probably harder to make, but it would stand out in such a barren genre. If they can make FPS, why not plat?

>>Not caring about what you see when you play videogames is button pressing autism.
Fucking this. Makes every game before 2010 unplayable, but who cares? They are probably shit games if they look like ass anyway.

t. Salty indie shitter.

Tell your wife's son I called him a nigger.

>Why can't any indie developers try a 3D platformer?

They do. Often. They're also shit.

I meant 2D shooters, why would you mention indie pixelshit and not think that I was answering your remark about indie pixelshit?

Shut the fuck up. Stop trying to false flag.

There's old games that look good. All we're saying is Cloudbuilt looks like dog shit.

>valve has stopped making games
>steam is a platform for shovelware
>most indie games in early access never get finished or take years to finish
>most new AAA games suck dick
do you still have hope for the future of gaming, Sup Forums

>every game before 2010 unplayable

Cute attempt user, but even some select games games from the 80's look better than the shit that is cloudbuilt.

We need to go back.

Yep. Mostly because some of those 'shovelware' are actually pretty fun.

I actually have a lot of 1-4 dollar games. And some of them are pretty surprising.

Then I'm an indie game

do not reply to it ^

>stop shitting up my shitposting thread

I play on PS4 so yea.

I said it's not important in singleplayer games of any kind. Are there any 2D online shooters?
I don't think so.


I almost did, but I stopped myself


Some "seal of quality"-like is needed here.
I don't have this problem on consoles, on Steam I have the feeling to browse a Google/Apple store catalog.

Good games existed before valve was ever a thing. Good games will exist after valve has completely turned to dust. Valve isn't a fucking quality statement, faggot.

Same goes for steam.

>most games suck dick

Wow user, it's almost like this is something that happens regardless of the age you live in.


t. Autists that want to look at eye cancer

Sorry some of us have standards. Go play your pixel shit from 200 years ago tho, make sure to invite your wife's son while I am over here playing GOAT games like Uncharted.

I have a PC for multiplats and free online now, and all the exlusivs titles I'm interested in are on PS4.

> GOAT games like Uncharted.


There are, but have fun finding them, because you're a faggot and you're not getting the list from me

>ywn be an indie game
why live


>I don't have this problem on consoles, on Steam I have the feeling to browse a Google/Apple store catalog.
This is exactly what PC turned into: app store for mobile shovelware shit.

please dont

pussy wouldn't do it

wrong day fagets

>Shit taste
Back to the undertail general with you

name 5 great games that came out this year + last year



rip steam, killed by babyfur

I stopped clicking "not interested" a long time ago.

> Undertail
> tail

Was that a slip user? :^)

the absolute madman

Close to 1000 hours combined between pic related and Nuclear Throne. Been gaming since 1990. Go fuck yourself

the best is yet to come my friend :^)

Fuck off with this retarded bait. Not even a Nintendrone would post that.

look at his fucking red NOSE
look at it
this nigga a clown

>56 KB
Well, you fucked up twice Yugi boy.

but would a nintendrone post this?

Witcher 3
Rocket League
Doom 4
Frozen Cortex
Mirror's Edge Catalyst

I guess here's the part where you greentext the games I listed along with the implication that I am implying they are great.

Trine is the best one I can think of. Wouldn't say it's shit.

Trine isn't 3d.

How is it bait? Indies are great. I've owned every relevant console since NES

if those are the standards for greatness no wonder the industry has gone to the dogs
there's maybe 2 great games on that list

Yes it is.

>Nuclear Throne
>Spelunky on Xbox 360 fucking arcade
>I play these a lot
>fuck you OP

True Indie Gamer

Some indie games are great, but I will admit that there is loads of shitty indie games because the market is flooded with crappy games since colleges and universities started teaching how to make games, and of course those trust fund snobs want to make something "deep and profound". That wouldn't be a problem, but the assholes that make these games don't play games, at least not good ones anyway.

You realize that the reason people played Doom when it came out was because of its cutting-edge visuals, right?

>if those are the standards for greatness

You don't have a clue what the standards for greatness even is user. And you can't gleam them from a short list either.

The only thing that's gone to the dogs here is your brain.

and you still play it today for the graphics? You play today despite the graphics, becuae it is a good game.

This was a time, where cutting-edge visuals, good atmosphere/story and excellent gameplay did go hand-in-hand.
During the 90s any game which didn't score in all departments was simply considered a walking-simulator-tier failure.

suck my dick senpai

Actually it's still technically impressive. People play Crysis though nowadays because of its graphics. Oh same with nuDoom.

I don't play it anymore.

Mindlessly shooting pixelated demons for hours on end gets boring.

i won't argue with you because it would be pointless to change somebody with a blind belief

just think for a while and ask yourself "is this the best they can do?"

>Mindlessly shooting pixelated demons for hours on end gets boring.
>yfw you bought Doom just for this purpose

No, I go play games that combine good mechanics with cutting-edge graphics, and I'll wait for people to faithfully follow-up Doom/Descent with today's cutting-edge graphics, instead of having to convince myself "graphicsdontmatterlol".

The only games worth a shit are indie nowadays, AAA even at their best are just a play once and never touch again affair.

Let's face it user. You won't argue with me because you have nothing besides memes and some trash opinions you picked up from the web.

>because you have nothing besides memes and some trash opinions
i'll keep that in mind next time you pay $20 for a couple extra skins
goodnight my friend

Reminder that Mortal Kombat and Donkey Kong Country sold millions almost entirely on the alleged merits of their graphics.