Everytime people talk about it, they say it's either dogshit or they side with ign and say it's a 9/10.
Is this game good?
It's so good the studio went out of business right after releasing it.
If you enjoy the PvE aspect of MMOs, it's a great game. Seriously, it plays and feels like an MMO, but without the other players.
It's an mmo that they retooled into a single player game.
Its a MMORPG with combat better than 90% other games on market
I enjoyed it. It's 10 times too long, but I really loved the art style and atmosphere
It was "free" on PS+ a while ago.
It didn't really impress me at all, I stopped playing after a couple hours.
Offline mmo. Kinda meh ending. I loved it.
But i understand why many people consider it shit.
The mage-melee class with the chakrams was absolute fun
It's basically like Fable as a solo MMO.
If you like the sound of that be aware that there is a massive fucking flaw that every area you visit will lock to whatever your level is when you first enter it. That means if you pop your head in once and then go back hours later everything in there will be massively below your level. Don't explore until you've finished the current area essentially.
>Is this game good?
Combat is GOAT, story is okay, world is shit. Good for a single play through if you can find it for real cheap. I think i got it for $2.99 via steam sale
It's the second best 7/10 game you will ever play, right after DD.
It's worth a play, you'll lose hours if you fall into it
Combat got a bit weak in the end, playing a properly built mage I just nuked every encounter. But yeah, worth a play. DLC were good.
I wouldn't replay it, but I don't regret the time.
this user is correct. clear out every area one at a time before moving on. also play on hard. game is already not that difficult anyway.
Didn't they work an an MMO, but the state sued the old sport man director guy for fraud, so the entire company went extinct.
Is actually really sad and weird and stuff
It's not terrible, but it's not awesome either.
I enjoyed it, but it's too long due to it originally being made to be an MMO
Went out of business because that Washed up Baseball hack didn't into accounting, not because the game was bad.
He used a small studio, but gave them a AAA budget, hired an over priced Mary Sue writing author from DnD books, and didn't realize how much debit he was in before the game even was finished.
Then they had no money left for marketing so it bombed.
Its alright gameplay wise. The world somehow feels bloated yet really empty at the same time though. You might be greeted with twenty new quests upon entering a new area, but they all basically boil down to the same things. The lore isn't anything to write home about.
>game is already not that difficult anyway
Which is partly down to another big flaw, the crafting system is fucked. You can easily craft better weapons and equipment than you'll ever be able to find as loot.
Doesn't Rhode Island or fucking New Jersey have the rights to this game now or someshit?
I remember it being pretty difficult early on, when healing was limited and my health was precious.
It was great, then stupid me started min-maxing and broke the game, not so challenging anymore ;;;(((
Gonna need some sauce for that. Genuinely piqued my interest
One of those states liquidated and took all the assets of the company to pay off the Baseball guys debt.
The rights to the game I believe went to the state so they would get any money from future sales due to the debt.
>Then they had no money left for marketing so it bombed.
There was a surprising amount of marketing then.
And the game bombed because it was largely unfun.
My guilty pleasure.
Fun combat, some of the best in modern RPGs, and cool style. but it's woefully boring
It's the asses, right? Or the chakrams? Whatever it is, it's round.
Also the cursed pirate DLC is dope.
The combat is pretty fun. And i like the artstyle.
Sank some 84 hours into this when it came out. Have a hankering to play it again just can't find a non origins complete collection.
>in b4 buy it
It's okay. I'd give it a 5/10. Fairly enjoyable, but nothing really out of the ordinary. Traditional RPG fans will be disgusted with the MMO-like combat, and the story is nothing to write home about, but it's still a decent modern RPG. Also, that one dark elf chick is extremely hot. +1 for that alone.
It's a solid 8. People here shat on it because EA published it.
Give it a go, OP.
I got the game with all DLC for 10 $ in a steam sale. I've bought worse for that amount.
>too long
When will this meme end? Games can't be "too long". They CAN have shit pacing, but if a game is enjoyable, the longer the better. If you found it boring after a while, that's down to shallow gameplay, shit writing and/or bad pacing, NOT that it's "too long".
DD blows this game out of the water. DD is actually unique and tried something new. Amalur is just a generic offline MMO grind'em-up game. It's not terrible, but it's pretty fucking mediocre, while DD, despite its flaws, stands out as a pioneer for its console generation.
Guess I'll wait for black friday then. Cause it's 40$ on steam right now.
It's pretty alright. I enjoyed it. Would've played more/finished it if fucking EA didn't fuck everything up with their shitty Spyware crap.
You are everything that's wrong with everything.
And I know
>nice argument
This is just me telling you that I HATE you. I don't want to convince you that you're wrong, I just want you to die.
>solid 8
Is this according to the average gaming journalism scale, where 1-7 is shit, 8 is okay, 9 is good and 10 is great?
That's for conceding.
Dragon's Dogma?
i liked it, it had it's balance issues but i always wanted to explore a huge mmo like world solo ever since i played world of warcraft back in 2004
I played this and it wasn't all that.
Dragon Age: Inquisition was better.
people who say it plays like a singleplayer mmo what is the difference between that an a regular action rpg??? Do all action rpgs or singleplayer rpg games play like offline mmo?
I like to believe that this would be my fursona's favorite game.
It's the definition of medicore.
Literal 5/10.
It's okay.
If you're looking for pure quantity of content, getting the base game and its two expansions is good bang for your buck.
Some of the quests, usual main story quests for the main game and the DLCs, are decent. A lot of it beyond the main stories is just fluff, but there is the rare gem.
Combat tries to implement the need for dodging and blocking, and, occassionally, you might actually use that aspect, but they didn't implement it right so it's usually easier to just button mash.
The way you level your character and get abilities in interesting, and you get ability/passive rewards for pure 'melee' or 'magic' or whatever classes as well as for becoming different sorts of hybrids through your leveling choices.
At best the content is average, at worst there's boring stuff. The combat's faulty implementation could be considered bad.
It's okay.
5/10 is average
I played this game soon after it was released and enjoyed it.
Yea, sure, it was designed as an MMO. But it had really fun combat and some interesting lore parts.
Chakram and Fae blades were fun as fuck.
I wish they introduced some sort of co-op mode, it would have made the game much more interesting. Something in the vein of DaS summon system.
>Better than anything
Please go
its mmo-ish with action combat. For the price it gets down to during sales its definitely worth a playthrough.
I've literally never understood the comparisons to it being the exact same as an MMO... like I totally get it's a similar formula but can someone point me in the direction of an MMO with combat as fun and satisfying as this game? Every MMO I've tried feels static when it comes to combat...
it's not about the combat it's about the bazillion fetch-quests which are typical for a mmo. I don't get where you got that "it's like a mmo because of the combat"
some weapons in reckoning are pretty fun
The most common reply to OPs question I see is "play an MMO, you'll get the same experience" when I think one of this games strongest points and main reason to play is its combat and it's something you won't get in MMOs as far as I'm aware
It's strictly average with an okay combat system but fucking awful setting, soundtrack, character design, etc.
It's alright if you can look past the generic western toony shit.
Since I don't play MMOs, I always viewed the fetch quests as an extension of what a lot of open world western RPGs have been doing. Dropping you into the game and letting you go about it however you wish. It's just that Reckoning wasn't compelling enough to keep you interested in exploring every nook and cranny.
It's worth a playthrough.
well yeah, again, the combat it's kind of fun especially with chakrams. the whole mmo part is about the environment of this game, the multiple repetitive fetch quests, the fact that it was supposed to be a mmo at first so it was built like one, typical half empty cities with no "life" and quest givers. And finally the repetitive go zone A, clean, go zone B, clean, etc etc. Many of these points are in common with numerous rpgs as well. Hence the fact that by mmo people mean mmorpg
that's what killed it for a lot of players. very long very repetitive. Still, i liked it a lot but because i enjoy this type
Combat is great.
Story is fun with a satisfying endboss cutscene (Although a little bit less challenging.) The free DLC was actually a good chunk of content that genuinely impressed me. The art direction is fantastic.
Everything else is okay.
It's the best 7/10 game. Like, 7.8/10. If you like RPG's and have a lot of time to sink, play it.
How erect do you get if you see ground textures?
NO. Bought this game on release.
NO. Literally a solo MMO.
This, fuck this system so much,
>run through a bunch of zones going to the big city are at a low level,
>go back to do quest later on, everything is worthless and gives no xp / rewards
shame all the game files are encrypted like a mmorpg so modding fixes are impossible