Big mechas and big boobs

>big mechas and big boobs
How many games do you own that contains both?

goddayum that art looks like garbage

I've never understood the localization thing on this game.
>Game in japan is called Super Robot Wars
>Game in english is called Super Robot Taisen
What the fuck is up with that.

All SRW games


They're still called Super Robot Taisen in Japan.

OG SAGA is trash.

Your mom is trash.

>the good SRW games will never be in a language that matters without hoop jumping

I have a list of shit that really sucks, that right there is one of them.

>Exceed will never be localized
I am still mad, i wish branpresto announces a copilation remake of both endless frontier games for 3ds and (due to the PxZ ganes) announces it for the west.

Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Metal Gear Solid
No More Heroes 2
Several Sonic games with Rouge the Bat in it

That's about all I remember

It's not like there's much to the fan fiction story tho. I've played the entire Z saga knowing next to nothing of japanese

I thought Sup Forums generally enjoyed Endless Frontier, what happened?

>big boobs


Wasn't that because there's a tv show called Robot Wars or something?

>Calling OG trash
OG has more crossover lines than fucking kingdom hearts.

SRPGs with cool robots and fixed anime in them are good. Endless Frontier isn't.

suupaa robotto taisen
Super Robot Taisen

It's only ever called super robot wars because of translation patches that predate the initial localizations. But the reason why it was localized as Super Robot Taisen and not Super Robot Wars is because of Robot Wars. Blame british tv.

Original Generation 1 and 2 were good. OGS on the PS2 would be tip-top if it was in english.

Everything else with OG in it is trash.
>Animus of our comrades

>Everything else with OG in it is trash.
>2nd OG and OG Gaiden
Please delete yourself

I know I enjoyed it. Getting to the point where juggling enemies was second nature was really satisfying.

Which is a fucking damn shame, cause it's the absolute best game in Reiji and co.'s saga.

2nd was pretty good but the series shouldn't have kept going forever like it has/is. Instead they should have started anew or something.

My problem with the newer games is that there's no sense of "generic units" anymore. Everyone is a hero with their own legendary mech. I liked it much better when the team was mostly made up of mass produced mechs (Gespenst mark II M or TT), a few special ones (Alteiesen+Weissritter+Huckey/Grungust/Wildraubtier/wildschwein) and then even a few fighters because mechs are supposed to be expensive fighting machines.

OG Gaiden is shit through and through.

I get it now, millennials who don't have the patience for a traditional turn-based rpg with overworld exploration that still uses random battle triggers instead of touching enemies the enemies on the field

No. I just can't juggle for shit and SRPGs are all I'm good at.

Any Kojima games, especially his best one
But the dicks were bigger

Still waiting for that sequel.

Is there even any translation project?

It has a menu patch.

That's it. The guy was translating gave up for some stupid fucking reason I can't remember anymore.

We will return to the endless tits one day?

>muh grunts
Go and play G Generation with Zakus and GMs then.
OG still have some grunt tier units like the Gespensts MK-II, the Randgrith, the Wildraubtier and that Mass produced Huckebein with knives. There's no point to go back to grunts when we're reaching Alpha3/W levels of fucked up enemies.

We need that thing getting mass produced and we need it now. That or make a Huckebein MkIII M fucking already.

>There's no point to go back to grunts when we're reaching Alpha3/W levels of fucked up enemies
My problem with the seires newer entries

>Go play G Generation
I do and I like the will system, but otherwise SRW has superior gameplay in all respects. I hope that when SRW V releases it'll have a better translation than Moon Dwellers, but I doubt it.

>new Mazinger exclusive to SRW


Considering the EFA still uses MPMK-IIs there's a chance they could make a MK-III variant for the next game

Yes, please. And give them some fucking fixed weaponry, for crying out loud.

Have you seen G Generation Genesis? looks pretty good so far and they fixed some gameplay mechanics like when you had to lose a turn just to turn your battleship around and giving them post-movement attack.

Weren't they all destroyed by that crazy bitch?


They came back though.

>sequel translation never
Ok. ;_;

It's Mazinkaiser all over again.

which is stupid, they already phased out the Lions for Lion Vs and ReLions so they should have phased out the MkIIs for the Canis. Al that EoT from Rubble Pile, La Furia and Dark Iron castle better give the EF some new shit is all I'm saying.

Only the ones with gundam v fins

Actually that's another thing I like better about G Generation, that ships feel like ships. Crazy amounts of highly lethal weapony but poor maneuverbility and can easily be killed by a squad of flanking mechs.
My real problem with the series is the lack of Ammo based attacks and that I can't for the life of me figure out why they make melee attacks so much better than their damage number implies. Why not just give them a higher number?

>Makes new grunt mechs
>They only show up once.

>makes new Gundam
>replaced after 10 stages

Those were bad guys' mechs, user. You can't start using bad guy's mechs, haven't you watched Zeta Gundam?

Ironically Zeta Gundam is the series where the AEUG steals multiple Gundam MKII and uses them to great effect.

>he hasn't played EXCEED


They use one, and it was never very effective.

They use two, one of them gets rebuilt into Zeta Gundam.

What is the point of playing it if you can't understand thr dialogue, the best parr of the endless frontier?

Holy shit, no. One of them is used to help design it, but the Zeta is a completely different unit.

The gameplay and the music are actually really damn great. It's leagues above the first EF.

It's been six years since I watched it. Are you sure? I recall Camille planned the upgrades on his MkII and had them done pretty soon after. Then they steal a second one later, which is used by Emma and then I do believe there was a third one but it didn't see combat.

All three are stolen at the start of the series. One is kept and repainted, and is used by Kamille and later Emma. A second is broken down for spare parts, since the Argama doesn't have the supplies to support it, and the third is shipped to Anaheim for R&D on the Zeta Project. That one was probably repainted and put back into service and is the one Elle uses in ZZ.

Kamille's notes were a contributing factor, but the Zeta Gundam actually has more in common with the Hyaku Shiki than the Mk II.

Check that, two are stolen at the start. The third they get when Emma defects.

>That one was probably repainted and put back into service and is the one Elle uses in ZZ
You sure? What happens to the one Emma pilots then, because I thought that Elle got Emma's MS.
I was convinced that the one sent for project Zeta became the Zeta Gundam.

Elle uses the same Mk-II from Zeta. It just lacks the G-Defensor.

The Mk II in ZZ could either be the third unit or the repaired first, but I'm positive the Zeta has nothing to do with either of them save a few design elements. They have completely different model numbers, manufacturers, and look nothing alike.







post more Kaguya

Yo where can I find this poster?

Fucking cow.

You like cows, ace?

Of course.

V has English subtitles. They aren't good, but they are there.

Good for you, ace. I like cows too.

Into the trash it goes.

traditional SRW has been mediocre since Z1, OG a best


You tell me why Sakura Wars is called Sakura Taisen in Japan

Probably a rights thingie
Attack on Titan is called SnK in Europe

How about big mechas with boobs?

I thought SRW OG on the GBA was pretty bad, the strategy part felt a lot more simple and repetitive than the Front Mission series and the story was a lot worse too. With that in mind, should I bother trying MD? Or is it more of the same?

The best

Z1 was really good.

SRW is FE with mechs. That's why it's simple.

>With that in mind, should I bother trying MD?
If you don't like OG to begin with. No.

Hmm, I don't dislike FE though. I think FE's level design is top-tier.

What's the FE5 of the SRW series?

Ibis would only be better with large breasts. This is also true for every female character ever

The amount of genuinely challenging SRW games can be counted on one hand.

I think Alpha Gaiden was reasonably challenging. At least when you go in blind and have no idea with you're doing.

Too many boobs, not enough mecha

Yeah, and it's gone downhill after that

Z1 was the peak

I bought Moon Dwellers before I bought my PS4.

>that pantyshot
my fucking dick


I don't care, it pleases my dick


What's the difference between SRW and G Generation? I mean gameplay wise



looks like a senran kagura

My god his shit taste is terminal

>not Senran Kaguya

One job, nigga!

I'd Senran her Kaguya alright.