Why are so many people fucking awful at MP games? Pic related is one of the worse examples of this

Why are so many people fucking awful at MP games? Pic related is one of the worse examples of this.

>Assault not taking out vehicles
>Medic not healing or reviving
>Support not giving out ammo or laying down supressive fire
>Scouts going for headshots across the map instead of spotting and lighting areas up

If you're not going to play the objective or even play your fucking role then you need to kys and stay out of MP games

Im only guilty of sniping from across the map XD XD

Fucking answer me you fags. I know you're all shot at games and I want your goddamn reason why

what platform do you play

>Why are so many people fucking awful at MP games?
Multiplayer is for literal preschooler children.

this isn't exclusive to BF1

Don't the Battlefield games not have VOIP?


You should be good at it once you're old enough to play it then

It's pretty much most MP games, people are garbage at them in general

figures, literally playing with children.

They do but no one uses mics or they are in a party. Or they leave the squad because they get scared when people ask them to drop supplies or help in general.

It's marketed towards the same retards who buy the same shit every year what do you expect. If you want to play a competitive online game play cs/overwatch/lol but sorry to burst your shithole bubble the sad thing is that online games in the current year are shit.

I said PS4, not Nintendo.

It they buy the same game every year then they should be good by now. And I heard Over watch is one of the worst communities for not PTFO or helping team-mates in general. It's a shame too because it looks fun but I've enough frustration with the MP games I have already.

I has been like that since Battlefield 3 even on PC. It has nothing to do with skill. It's more about the target audience not giving a fuck about objectives or teamplay

>play light flanker tank in Suez
>survive for the whole round and get 50-0 stats because the enemy team makes zero collective effort against me
I actually felt kinda sad for the one guy who actually tried to get me throughout the match, must have been suffering to know that no-one else is even trying.

Because most of the fucking people playing Battlefield 1 are Call of Duty fags that jumped ship and had they're parents buy them battlefield instead because that's what everyone else was doing. Along with disliking and liking trailers on youtube. They dont understand there's more than just team deathmatch. It's no different than when people play domination on cod and run around just getting kills, then putting a video on youtube like going 47-2 is a big deal. Half the time they're team still fucking lost the match


i have fun by killing people and that is only what matters to me, also trolling allies is also fun when they rage in the chat xd

Nintendo is for man-children you dingus, the PS4 is a toy

Have you even played bf
1 on PC

I have and it's brain dead central

I've been that one guy far too many times, it's a fucking pain to try to destroy tanks alone. They can literally always escape and repair unless you get multiple assaults striking down on it at same time, especially in Suez with all those dunes to exploit as cover.

Its because of the COD fags moving to it

>got shot
>medic comes by
>"oh hes going to revive me"
>picks up my kit (which is also a medic)
>"maybe this time"
>walks away

you motherf

>thinks the only class with a sniper shouldn't snipe

You're getting one flare shot, then you can spot your own damn tanks and infantry while I kill the people murdering your stupid ass.

>while I kill the people murdering your stupid ass

>Worrying about scouts

If any of you had good aim then I might actually worry

This happens all the fucking time

Literally just a meme that shitty players with shit k/ds have to use to justify their existence.

I used to be in the top 1k in MW2 and I didn't use things like they're supposed to. Who cares. The only thing that makes me mad is when people play a game mode with no intention of playing it. IE domination but you never capture flags

>t. sniper kiddie who sits at the edge of the map the whole match.

>Not having a positive W/L and K/D

It's OK to admit you're fucking garbage


There's your problem right there. Try a game that required real skill

you all wanted call of duty to die, and look what happened

they flooded into battlefield

have fun

>game has a normal deathmatch mode
>nobody fucking plays it

I'm sick of team based games doesn't help that I'm antisocial as fuck

I've noticed most people who are shit are new. There are a few people at like rank 50+ who are also shit but w/e, I just kick them out of my squad and let someone else take his place.


Every Multiplayer game is mostly played by fucking idiots or/and underage.

Thats the sad truth

There is 0 balance in this shitgame.
A Behomet is deployed and every gun is occupied by a degenerate that wont move .

A train is occupied by stupid idiots who dont do anything in their turrets.
Everytime i'm inside one of them i get atleast 20 kills .

If i get a fucking Tank ( maybe one in 3 fucking games ) i'm forced to play the tank with 6 seats because
1. the 3 person Tank is useless wthout crew
2. the light tank has the dissadvantage that i cannot heal him immediatly

I don't know why this surprises anyone nowadays, it's been happening as far back as Bad Company 2. You had people proclaiming it to be the CoD killer and EA pushing it to be direct competition with CoD.

Xbox players actually play the objective


No team work. Every time you see a squad working together they end up at the top of the board. People think this game is like overwatch were you can just run around gunning by your self and win.

Just a pity no one plays on xbox though

I'm guessing this is like Overwatch when people just pick who they want instead of helping the team to balance out and then complain about they never win after they get beat.

>not running around with the g95 infantry
Never had this much fun before tbqhwyl

Because no one cares about winning or losing a match. They care about how many kills they get.

well you play on a console, face it user consoles are only for poor people and kids (who dont have money), if you are an adult you have enough money to play on the superior platform.

CoD on PC is dead anyway, there is nothing left to kill. and on console you will always have the people that buy every new CoD like it's Fifa

Just started using it today. It's an awesome gun.

And considering PCucks steal all their games and can't play online because of it the player Base on PC must be even worse

That is what you get for playing Battlefield.

The game is a huge clusterfuck where nothing matters anyway, why do you give a shit, you are surrounded by teenagers that don't give a shit either.

If you want to be competitive play something competitive

The large maps makes people behave like fucking idiots

>yes of course let me prone staring into my teammate's eyes while the enemy shoots me in the back, good thing I got my one kill of 10 for the round on somebody flanking
>ah yes let me run into an open field because I saw someone run past 70m away essentially committing suicide

It boggles the mind the places some people go

What do you expect? You're playing the most casual Battlefield game to date in a time where casuals outnumber core gamers 100 to 1.

>Le COD doesn't take skill meme
Well if it takes no skill why haven't you won the X Games yet??

Assaults taking out vehicles is pretty common in my gameplay, but the Scout, Medic, and Support not doing there job is pretty uncommon like you said

Because I wouldn't play that shit in the first place. My nephews are 7-9 years old and they place top consistently in C.O.D.

Face it, the game is shit

>wish that some maps had giant fucking gas attacks like the actual war
>forced to post the idea to leddit
>one guy for it, two guys against it
>they dont like "static map changes"
>they think that the destruction is new despite being in bad company and would rather prefer more simple shit like destroying bridges

Yeah, its much fucking better to have stupid ass behemoths for the losing team, despite 99% of the time they still fucking lose with it

make gas tiny fucking grenades instead of the massive deadly force it was

fucking retarded I swear

its not even that radical of an idea, or some Sup Forums idea that is bad the more you think about it

>fighting over point in no mans land
>suddenly siren
>Hear arty hit all around
>gas shells
>the middle of the map is now gas
>it moves out eventually

wow such a big change, totally gonna ruin the fucking map

New COD != Old COD

It's become much too bloated. Either way, put up or shut up. If I could make money doing something children could do oh so easily, you best believe I'd be about it

The opinions of console shitters don't matter.

Why would I bother with shit like that even if I could?

I just don't know how to properly play this game.
If I move, I get shot by the dozens of people who camp, If I stay still literally nothing happens.

How do you have fun with it?

that would be neat, i'm surprised that isn't already a thing since the game already has fog/smoke roll in on some levels.

Move with your squad. Use cover and never go out into the open

I wish they did more with the setting, since it just feels like a cheap skin of previous Battlefield games. You can use so much from WW1 that could change things up.

>tfw you fell for the Titanfall 2 meme
>tfw you bought it off CDKeys and can't get a refund
>tfw your trial ran out right before the patch dropped

Kill me

Why is there no banzai mechanic similar to Rising Storm and why the fuck did they remove bullet drop

wtf is that, it looks exactly like a failed portal to hell

Honestly, most of the playerbase is borderline retarded. People would complain about the gas cloud being OP and broken for killing people. They're barely able to press a button to put a mask on.

It's why devs do not listen to focus testers and average person who plays video games

>plays battlefield in this day and age
>surprised a game which has less and less emphasis on teamwork is shit

Literal lava cake

>Support not giving out ammo or laying down supressive fire

support is pretty much shit now

it wouldn't be so hard to get ammo if there were more of them since at least one of them in your general vicinity would eventually drop one but they made mortars shit and LMGs lose to other classes at every single range so people just play other classes instead

also you can't lay down suppressive fire for long anyway since every LMG that can do it will overheat in 30-40 shots

reminds me of when people complain about how brutal insurgency is when they run around the map like its a game of cod

>bought the standard edition out of boredom
>haven't been able to play a single round yet
>game just closes without an error message as soon as it loads a game

Th-thanks DICE