melee or 4?
Melee or 4?
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Wii U.
Modded 4, sometimes Project M.
Melee's too full of no-fun autists.
Melee, no smash bros game will ever be as good.
4 has no single player content and has terrible level 9 AI.
Melee, Melee, Melee.
Even Brawl is better than 4.
Melee, easily, and I say that as a casual party player.
>Even Brawl is better than 4.
Now you're just trying too hard.
>Melee's too full of no-fun autists
This sentence makes no sense, it has no online.
Anyway, git gud.
What about events, All-Star, and Crazy Orders?
4 has no content, it's like compaired EA's Battlefront (4) to Battlefront 2 (Brawl)
sorry, 4 was a soulless and lazy product shat out with no real passion put into it, unlike Brawl which felt like an epic sendoff and farewell to the series.
Obviously 64
bad AI ruins any of the already slim single player offerings.
>baww I have no friends so its shit
Your fault
>he doesn't netplay
my problem with 4 is that the roster is now stuffed with shit characters i don't care about.
back in melee every character was a legit star with the exception of a couple of clones. now it's all gimmick shit and fire emblem weeaboo characters.
less is sometimes more
The only people I ever see playing it IRL refuse to play just about any other videogame or break-away from FD Marth/Fox matches. Also the roster sucks, honestly.
Usually why I just play PM if I want Melee-esque mechanics.
yeah, the fire emblem shilling was obnoxious.
>judging game by fanbase over the gameplay
so this is the power of Sup Forums........ whoa
peach is the most fun fighter
prove me wrong, protip: you definitely can
>Brawl which felt like an epic sendoff and farewell to the series.
That I'll give you. And that fucking Solid Snake was in (still weirder than even Cloud in 4).
Otherwise, as far as multiplayer goes (i.e. the true meat of the game), 4 is a big step up from Brawl's slow trippy movement in almost every way, aside from Marth or Samus.
Duck Hunt, Game and Watch, Pac-Man
Well yeah user, the people playing your multiplayer game do kinda have an effect on said multiplayer.
i was referring to melee lad. But I still agree
Find different people.
single player is very important, because without that all we got was a mediocre and forgettable rehash in HD.
Melee with a crt and a friend who's equally or more skilled than you.
Hours of fun.
Brawl, only good one because of the story.
PM Wario is the way the character should have played
Same with Snake
Honestly this.
Playing with no lag against somebody with equal skill is a blast. It's no fun destroying people who suck
You're just regurgitating memes.
If you actually go to a melee local you'll see a ton of low tier mains and cool guys who give you advice.
Brawl you faggot kike, has more mods