Did a vidya ever made you go "wow"?

Did a vidya ever made you go "wow"?

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>actually being impressed by scripted cutscenes


Nah, it's all shit

Bioshock 1 did.

The jump from ps2 to that game left me surprised when I was left floating in the water for 10 minutes thinking it was still in a cutscene.

Ninja blade
10x more when ur high as shit.
Loses it's luster if ur too fuckered to hit the quick time events correctly.
At least it does a rewind instead of kills you off right.

spec ops did ;)

I played through that game in one sitting

The amount of zombies in Dead Rising really impressed me at the time, seemed really different from all zombie games before it.

yeah. when my graphics card literally melted through my motherboard during the intro sequence for crysis

>you can't be immersed into any setting/story

Sands of Time
Age of Kings
Rise of Nations
Gears 1

Yes, a lot of games do.

"wow, this game is bad"

The original Deus Ex, when near the end I was able to piece together Page's plan while remember key events from the game.

Whenever i pressed buttons and nothing happened

Every game

I laughed.

the end of Assassin's Creed 2.

most recently i remember being impressed by a big scenery porn shot in bioshock 2

I think I need to start making the games I want to see because it's not often that i'm truly captivated and impressed by a game's atmosphere and gameplay anymore

Final Fantasy 8
The we are from the same orphanage twist

I just stared at the screen dumbfounded.
Closed the game and uninstalled it right after.

It was a surprising scene. It got lots of media coverage for it. The only scene that beat it was REMEMBER, NO GF.

I dunno what scene MW3 had? Was it the London bombing scene?

Dead Rising really was the first "real" 7th-gen game. All the launch titles and everything up to that point were games that could have easily been done on older hardware, but DR1's zombie count really did affect the gameplay in a way that wouldn't have been possible before.



same exact thing to me. But it was like 1 or 2 minutes. I'll never forget (it was the demo, played on a standard definition TV).
Also Halo 1 and Halo 2

Killstreaks in RO2.

>It got lots of media coverage for it.

No it fucking didn't. Kotaku and IGN are not real media.

No Russian was literally on major international news programs because Americans were so triggered by it.

At the beginning when you get abducted and you can see the earth from outside the spaceship I was pretty shocked

>the atmosphere
>the story
>the characters
This is the only game where the graphics and sound design came in as a pleasant bonus
We will never get any games like it ever again

First arriving in Anor Londo and the Stone Dragon

Mass Effect
Company of Heroes

The first Gran Turismo.

I couldn't fucking believe those photo realistic graphics.

The main reason I remember this vividly is because the part before it is a desperate run to the chopper while carrying a wounded pilot while a metric fuckton of baddies are shooting at you

You get to the chopper, thinking 'damn that was tense, time to watch the credits' and then suddenly everything goes to shit and you watch thousands of people get vaporized and then you're watching everyone else drop out of the sky like flies and suddenly now your chopper is dropping out of the sky.

You're thinking 'nah, they survive this right?' But when you get control again, every one is dead. The pilot you busted your ass to evac? She's dead. Your squadmates? Dead. You? You weakly crawl on the ground for a few meters watching the fallout rain down and then you just die. No fanfare, nothing, you just drop fucking dead.

>escape from prison spaceship
>look at scenery
>this plays

>Actually make a interesting twist by making one of the playabler characters die
>Then drive the whole thing to the ground by making every other playable character die in 2 and 3

I advise you to Google before you make such comments next time, laddo.

Well TECHNOLOGY used to be a thing, I remember playing Crysis after spending 3 years playing WoW classic/tbc at full low and shit, I was wow-ing all the way to the end of Warhead like I was owen wilson.

Lately, Drakengard 3 did, on two occasions in cutscenes.

The Earth part of Mass Effect 3. The ending was flawed, sure, but the whole thing leading up to it was very neat.

It blew my retarded 12 yr. Old mind

jesus, this gave me chills
i remember that scene
then i watched the remastered one
and it all came back

i think Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta did it for me
>view of ruined Earth
>firing the death ray
>walking on the outside
>fighting the ship

Yes, world of warcraft, I was addicted to that shit, whenever I wanted to play something, the word was already in my head: "wow".

Getting out of the sewer in oblivion was pretty amazing desu

>Was it the London bombing scene?
It was but it hadn't the same impact as No Russian. It was like we were waiting for the "impact scene" so it felt forced.

A game had never made me say wow but sometimes I'll find one that makes me go "darn" or "oh shoot" like shadow the hedgehog or the first turok

Good times, my man. Good times.

Most recently, when I fought the Abyss Watchers for the first time. Specifically, when I noticed they actually fight each other in addition to fighting me, and when the second phase started

Not as much a "wow". More like, "yeyeyeYEYEYEYE".

that mission was pretty good

>going in to save the cobra pilots
>being warned we wouldn't make it out of the blast zone
>we would go in anyway
>radio transmission talking about the NEST teams trying to defuse the bomb and being cut off
>the actual mushroom cloud

for a mostly faceless guy with no story, it was surprisingly emotional

>"oh shoot"
you must be 18+ to post here

Metal Gear Solid's 2 story

F.E.A.R 1, the whole ending was coolio

I recall few things
bullet drop and delay in Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
scale of battles in Wargame: European Escalation
Cerebral Bore in Turok 2
Animations in ONI
when I shot gun off someone's hand in GTA IV
First level in Far Cry, its size and openess
"jump" effect spell in Morrowind, especially first time I made custom one

>you'll never have a beautiful soundtrack like this ever again

We had a couple squads up on a ridge looking over a compounds and were suppressing the enemy while ground forces came around the bottom of the slope and pushed into the compound pushing the enemy back inside the buildings. We eventually over came them and destroyed the cache winning the game.


I think the post may have been a joke user

When the Phendrana Drifts track starts playing in Metroid Prime.

Storming Omaha Beach in MoH:AA, coming out of the intro in Oblivion/Fallout 3, KOTOR's twist(and general star wars feel), Vanquish, Halo Reach and ending of Planescape Torment

Yup. The first time i did pic related in 2005 after years of playing classic RE with no option to just hit those motherfucking zombies.

Me and buddies. We all sat round to watch RE4 on my gamecube and thought it couldnt get anymore hype than it was. Suddenly shoot a face and get the prompt.
All of Us:

A simpler time.

This. Finished this game and NGE in the same year. Really restructured my outlook on life.

probably is, i suck at spotting shitposters

When I got a PS1 for my birthday in September of 97.

I remember getting Rayman and Destruction Derby and just being fucking in SHOCK for like weeks. Fucking DD was amazing, the physics, the collisions, the AI, man it was unreal.

Dead Space

Undertale cause my step-brother died the same day i finished the pacifist ending and it was the first time a vidya made me cry :(

>mfw in 3 Isaac becomes the space cuck

I don't know, Roach's death was also pretty impactful.

The whole Shepard betrayal and the fact that you got to see you and Ghost's bodies get burned up was a pretty good cutscene.

Getting out of sewers in Oblivion.

>The whole Shepard betrayal and the fact that you got to see you and Ghost's bodies get burned up was a pretty good cutscene.
This mission was so garbage. First you walk himself in fucking ambush, live after that, and then you defend fucking router. Just wow.

the original DOOM


Definitely. But it's with pretty stupid shit, like in Xenoverse 2 having your character from XV1 return.


neo-Sup Forums everyone

>will you comfort him?

I can't remember my first, but the most recent was when playing Resident Evil Revelations on PC. The last hour or so of that game was crazy and jaw dropping. I'm a pleb a though, so take that as whatever.

The boss battle with Metal Gear RAY in MGR.

Reaching pic related
>that music
>crossing from one building to another

Yeah, I felt awe by how shitty and boring looking it is.

Its something Stupid but I ran into a wall in valkira Chronicles and it fucking crumbled and I went WOAH

That's good to hear I just started it last night after playing the second revelations and realizing its better then RE4 so I decided to go back to play the first one. So far the boss fights are dicking me even on normal.

Came here to say BioShock. But it was more of a drawn out wow over the course of the game, with a crescendo when you finally get to Ryan.

>finally get to Ryan
It was pretentious crap that ending.

I get impressed really easy. But the other day I tried out the Star Citizen free weekend stuff, and damn dude. When I fucking got out of the space station and I saw the space, I just said...

w o w . . . this alpha doesn't have shit

I wanted to see what happens if you fail the waterfall sequence in Tomb Raider 2013.
It was wonderful.

>mc silent entire game
>he talks in the final cutscene

The entire time I was playing Killzone 3.
Grant it was also the first time I played a game like so on a PS3. Everything looked amazing, even the melee animations.
Stab the dude in the eye, or gouge the eyes out and see all that blood pour out. Shit was neat.

Titanfall 2 had a couple wow moments.

fiddy dousand peple used to lif 'ere, now 'is a goost down

I remember those reflections at night

The first month of playing WoW pretty much blew my little shitty brain out my ass. I was so enthralled and overwhelmed by just running around and seeing other players doing things and talking to one another. Running from the starting area to Ironforge was pretty much unforgettable.

The launch games for Dreamcast and GameCube were amazing looking to me.

Curse of Monkey Island was straight up mind blowing to me at the time.

Uncharted 2. It looked so good back then despite the "le drake faec" maymay it was unbelievable the ps3 could pull off those action heavy scenes with good visuals.

Was just going to post this one. I bought a PS3 in 2009 just for that and MGS4.

Still some of the best water I've ever seen in a game.

Its amazing what Naughty Dog and Santa Monica did with the PS3 hardware


This shit right here was insane in 1999. Everything was so bright, colorful and round looking.

holy shit that game was brutal looking back.

>ctrl+f system shock 2
>ctrl+f shodan reveal
>no matches
Shamefur dispray.

This is more of a graphics thread.

Spec ops: the line



>implying you even played System shock 1 before 2