Why is its fanbase so cringy?

Why is its fanbase so cringy?

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Adults who enjoy a kids game that tries to be mature while also tryin to be as anime as possible, what do you expect

every fanbase is cringy
i could make a list, undertale, homestuck, fnaf, mlp, the loud house, comics in general, fuck do you want me to keep going?

You must be talking about the general, every one I know who likes KH is pretty normal. I've also never seen anything cringy about it, besides de usual waifufags.

It makes me kek so hard that the only fanbases you can compare is to DA-tier shit.

You wouldn't call, say, the Resident Evil or Silent Hill fanbases cringy.

>tries to be mature

What? How?

I mean the tumblr side of them is pretty bad. I know a guy that thinks he's Cheryl from SHM and he remembers Harry abusing him and raping him and like what is with people these days man

Shonen shit mixed with Disney characters

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, the first especially, and ignored all the meme spinoffs and Sonic-tier autism associated with the fanbase.

>grown men who love anime and weeb shit
>children and girls who love Disney

What the fuck else so you expect?

>side note I like KH and I'm stoked for 3

>I know a guy that thinks he's Cheryl from SHM and he remembers Harry abusing him and raping him
What is wrong with people these days indeed...

It's one of the greatest game series of all time
Fun as fuck gameplay, expansive and interesting story, silly as fuck writing, and great waifus
What more could you want?

>What more could you want?
For you to kill yourself. Only one of those things is true.

Don't hit the camera man

Stay mad, you're missing out on some of the best games ever made :^)


Ordering the PS3 collections rn so I can shitpost about how terrible they are

>Kingdom Hearts HD 2.14159654 Re: Final Mix Special Collector's Edition for the Playstation Vita
>Not a meme spinoff

I bet you feel so proud of this post

Because the game is cringy and literally tries as hard as it can to make concepts in a kids game seem "deep and meaningful" while being super edgy. The donnie darko of video games

Post it

Why not just wait for the ps4 collection?

Because this series wasn't suppose to make it past our childhood. It's still here and all we can do is channel our inner child, the child that loved the game so much 7 years ago.

You enjoyed KH1 and Chain of Memories?

I said non-spinoff meme games, user.

Because when you walk away you don't hear me say


Go outside of Sup Forums and talk about KH on any forum.

Seriously, where have you been for the last decade?

Is that what 2.8 is? If so, then I might.

>Chain of Memories
Played the GBA version and didn't know what was going on. Probably the edgiest game on the damn handheld.

>Buying a game already wanting to hate it from the start so you can get a pass to talk shit about it
Sounds pretty Sup Forums-ish to me.

But you said you enjoyed the first two games?
Why are you lying?

>Probably the edgiest game
How was it edgy?

No, they're doing 1.5 and 2.5 on ps4

Simple and Clean is probably the faggiest song I've ever heard. still like it doe

Because the messages of the games are usually "friendship, heart, and light will overcome anything" mixed with disney characters and an OP as fuck protagonist with a bland personality.

The fanbase attaches themselves to worthless characters like Xion, and the creators seem to cater to them (see Axel/lea).

Its basically the MLP fanbase of video games.

Ray of hope remix is lit as fuck

First two non-meme cashgrab spinoffs games.

Why is your reading comprehension so shit, user? Is English not your first language? Or just the autism?

>i have no idea what I'm talking about

Kingdom Hearts is ok, gameplay is nothing too special (basically a beat'em up with one attack button) but the game feels very polished, the story became a clusterfuck with all these spin-offs, though.

Also, while the disney characters are mostly ok, the FF characters were mostly raped, how Nomura managed that considering that Square is the home ground of the game?

Agreed, back before the story completely jumped the shark with trying to be Matrix-esque convoluted, dark and edgy bullshit it was a really fun, lighthearted and interesting story.

Every fanbase is terrible but KH comes off as moreso than others since it combines Disney fans and FF fans in a context that allows for plenty of fanmade OCs inbetween.


I used to work with a kid who loved KH. He was 23 and wore those super baggy goth pants with the chains and shit that were popular in like 2003. Think they're called rave pants?

KH and Persona 3/4 were his 2 favorite games

Nomura said it isn't just for kids.

I hate anime, I hate Disney, I love Kingdom Hearts.
I could say the same about one of my friend, he hates Disney and anime, but he loves Kingdom Hearts too.

To say it has only one attack button is misleading considering there's an RPG type menu with a shortcut system. The problem is that people who aren't good at the game can still easily win because they can grind without actually learning all the utilities.

In my experience, the only people I've met that hate on Disney are edgy teens. Going to Disney in your 20s is the funnest shit. Are you an edgy teen user?

No, I'm 22 and I don't like that kind of movies. When I was a kid it was the same, I've never been interested in those movies except for Pinocchio.

>I really enjoyed the first 2 games, the first especially, and ignored all the meme spinoffs and Sonic-tier autism associated with the fanbase.

Notice how "meme spinoffs" comes later on not to mention CoM is a direct sequel to KH1.

Early Disney when Walt was alive is great stuff. NuDisney is completely stomach-churning propaganda nonsense.

I love anime, I love old disney and I hate Kingdom Hearts.

>I love anime

Tangled was good, but I can see where you're coming from. New Disney has that, snarky, dreamworks vibe

But user anime fans don't go out

It is relevant to the story, so it isn't a spinoff
Every KH is relevant to the story, a number alone doesn't defines them as direct sequel, at least in the case of KH, it doesn't

user, furries and weeaboos are ten times the social butterflies anyone Sup Forums is.
Why do you think they're obnoxious in the first place ya idiot?

tails gets trolled:the game

I just made a joke you moron, you don't to get your pantsu in a twist

youre trying so hard to defend your fanbase that you've just contributed to its cringe

>/thread-ing yourself

because the subject matter is cringy, that doesn't mean the games are bad though

If I play the new one will I be able to follow the story or do I need to buy a ps2?

>you don't to get your pantsu in a twist
is this another joke or are you just having a stroke?

The story is literal fanfiction-tier and the designs attracted the goth kids that loved to dress like a walking hot topic advertisement.

It sucks that the actual games are fun so you have to be closer to the degeneracy.

If you try to understand the new one without playing all of the cashgrab games you will be lost as fuck

If you have a PS4, it's getting all the HD Collections which will have all the games before KH3.

>It is relevant to the story, so it isn't a spinoff.

Being relevant to the story has nothing with it being a spin-off.

>Being triggered simply because someone has a different taste from you and nothing more.
Look, just like any genre or media, anime has shit things and good things, I just happen to enjoy the latter.

Good thing the games aren't spin-offs then

>I don't think you know what qualifies as a spinoff.

The handheld titles are spinoffs because they either follow a different character and/or have a gameplay formula that is different from the mainline entries. They also have less content than what you would expect from a sequel.

This is the most Chuuni game ever made

>they're spinoffs because I said so based on conditions I made up
Just stop posting ffs


This becomes infinitely funnier if you imagine them saying "bitch" after every sentence


Then you have no idea what a spin-off is. Glad we could come to this conclusion.

people have always been mentally ill. They just feel better about expressing it and have others to back them up and tell them to go for it.

i used to work with a grown man who was obsessed with Disney, like visiting yearly.

turn out he's a pedophile. the second confirmed one ive met in my life.

You clearly don't.
God of War Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta are very relevant to Kratos' story and yet they're spin-offs.

The only cringy part is the deviant art fujoshit crowd and that is not exclusive to this game at all

This shit is more convoluted than Kingdom Hearts.

I'll never understand why the LGBT community sees Muslim people as an ally. All of their ideals conflict with one another

Because they're retarded and just want to be against white people and ally anybody not white regardless of their belief.

This isn't God of War faggot.

Because white people want them both dead.

The games are literally "Guilty Pleasure: The Series" so anyone who admits to liking them has to have issues.

Or just isn't an insecure little bitch who lets other people dictate what he says he likes.

Was expecting the rainbow DA sword by now.


The best part about this image is the keychain he's wearing. Sums up the KH fanbase pretty well.

No not that one it's considerably spikier and looks like it was made in paint editing a child's drawing.

>In media, a spin-off (or spinoff) is a radio program, television program, video game, film, or any narrative work, derived from one or more already existing works, that focuses, in particular, in more detail on one aspect of that original work (e.g. a particular topic, character, or an event).

This literally describes every non numbered KH game.

This mixed with thisSums up a KH fan beauifully

Pretty sure that's fucking Jimmy Neutron.

>Wikipedia link
Opinion immediately discarded

KH is just autism on steroids

>disney and final fagacy mashed together
>why is it cringy faggot shit?

Are you serious?


something that is imitative or derivative of an earlier work, product, or establishment; especially : a television show starring a character popular in a secondary role of an earlier show

Other sources say basically the same thing dingus.

It's aimed at kids in the 12-15 range. The age at which you are the most horrible and obnoxious.

>3 different spin-off definitions
>none apply to kh
What are you trying to accomplish here? Do you know the difference between spin-off and pre/sequel

KH2:FM data battles are the pinnacle of excellent boss fights 2bh