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What did you expect?

It takes place in dystopian china

>Actualy expecting graphical fedelity on a nintendo system

They realized that they have to make the game look better on switch so they gimped the wii u version

Sup Forums will defend this


What city/building is that?

I can't wait to explore the shit out of this Zelda though.

>Dat edgy as fuck castle
>Dat tall as fuck volcano with the monster crawling on it
>Dat meteorites falling in the night time on that footage

Can't fucking wait man

nintendo confirmed that it will look the same on switch

>trying to force this in edgewise onto the downgrade meme train

what is promotional art

what is using your brain

Isn't that just the difference between a ground level shot and an aerial shot?

Sorry, they downgraded the wii u version to switch fidelity so the switch version wouldn't be inferior

I'm sure they'll put in some slight improvements like better anti-aliasing, textures, shadows, draw distance and resolution.


I don't remember that Ace Combat 3 map.

This is how simple it's to anger a nintendo

Source: my ass

I think it's Beijing, not sure though


that looks familar

Nintendo is embarisingly bad at making triple a tier games


What's up with Sonyggers making shops of fake statistics?

You don't have to devote any effort to quality/refinement/innovation when your fanbase will gobble up whatever shit you put out to the tune of millions of dollars.

See: superhero movies




Is OP angry? He posted in all caps too.

That fucking building on the right, what the fuck

>the most unrealistic part of this shoop is the release date

I literally did not have this issue. What kind of shitty PC/settings you running on? I could always see enemies clear across the fucking map.

not a pop in, its just a sensor light


Yes, obviously because the game looks like shit and they tried to pass it as not looking like shit

this tbqh

horry fug


Pretty sure this isn't PC footage. You can see the jerkiness of the camera from using a gamepad rather than mouse and keyboard. Bloodborne has terrible pop in too on PS4. Just another examples of consoles holding back games.

But he was never going to buy it anyway so why do you, I mean why does OP care?

It's easy to multitask while watching movies.

No games to play, so plenty of free time to shitpost.

This is the staple nintendo damage control

>Glitching past a large part of the game.
>Surprised when it bugs.

Their texture work isn't even good enough to justify a resolution like that. I swear to god Jap developers stopped progressing in the PS2 era. It's no wonder there are so many cross-platform Vita/PS4 games, and it's no wonder Nintendo is hocking a hybrid.


What damage? Also you just outed yourself as a shitposter. Good job.

>posting shit that was fixed
>b-but Sony
Never change nintendrones

both look like shit

The game looks like shit and you got mad that someone pointed it out becuase you are 100% a nintendo

This isn't rocket science

Who made this thread?

>Implying that botw footage is indicative of final product
Fucking sonyggers

When did I get mad?

Those bricks look like from a ps2 game

not the guy you're replying to but i have played it on pc with max settings and that happened to me too, thing is there's a small terrain elevation between where that enemy is and where you come from, and the idiots at fromsoft thought "hey let's make the guy spawn in super late, the player will never be able to see it!" without realizing that it all breaks if you have your camera pointing downwards


OMA's CCTV Building

t. Architect

dark souls 1 looked better than this hot garbage

When the only game you've had for 3 years is Bloodborne, you have to find something else to occupy your time.

>all this Nintendo damage control
>and the game isn't even out yet

Let's be honest here, BotW might be 10/10 but considering the people behind it are MODERN NINTENDO the chances aren't super good.

does anyone really care about Zelda anymore? Zelda hasn't been exciting since Wind Waker

ITT muh graphics

When you realized that nintendo is incompetent like you but you couldn't accept it

The entire world of DS1 would fit onto the great plateau and wouldn't have a fraction of the draw distance or be stream loading, it was set rooms separated by doors this is open world

Graphics don't come first, by any means, but don't be disingenuous. You know Nintendo is a decade behind the curve.

The top was from a trailer, dumbfuck. It wasn't in game. That's like comparing the character reveal movies to Sm4sh's graphics.

>promotional shots are indicative of the final product
No shit, it's going to look even worse

enjoy your shitty gameplay while I have my superior cinematic experience

Just posting this.


Not only in graphics but gameplay too

Twilight princess is bollywood tier edge kid shit

Skyward sword is just shit

Their best zelda is from 90s

All mario stuff is the same

They basically just shit sequels

ingame doesn't look half bad
ofc a webm won't capture the 60 fps

graphics aren't important

Underage not allowed on this site

it's okay when nintendo does it

>60 fps
I'll believe it when I see it.

Stop shitposting with this.

How about.... this?

The worlds of all others Zeldas would fit inside Wind Waker's map.

Map size doesn't account for actual content.

I didnt know albw is from the 90s

>screen shot from ground level
>compared to screen shot from far up in the air where every game uses the same blur

nice try

Well now you do

This is one of the most bizarre shitposts I've ever seen. You deliberately halved the framerate of the webm, then posted it claiming that the actual game runs at 60fps, as if literally anyone was going to believe that claim when they can clearly fucking see for themselves that it doesn't, all while somehow pretending to be earnestly defending the game.

This is someone who doesn't just dabble in shitposting; they revel in it, take it on as a full-time profession. It's worrying, to say the least.

That's better.

My man let's discuss more on reddit

wind wakers map was 99% blank space with no terrain let alone any detailing
when you pasted together the landmass of WW, it was actually smaller than OOT

BotW clearly has detailed terrain with shit strewn across it and encounters with enemies or collectibles, its just a question of how detailed

I thought the '60 fps' was a good touch, rounded out the shitpost admirably

This is the most beautiful CGI screenshot of something I've ever seen. I want to live in that world.

it was released in 1991 and rereleased in 2013

Sure, fuckhead. Come to reddit in the next 20 minutes if you want an ass-kicking.

>muh graphics
Meanwhile Terraria is one of the best games of the last 10 years in terms of replayability and longetivity and still get regular patches that each add a chunk of content, 5 YEARS after release.

grafix don't matter that much, though I wish bullshots stopped being a thing


The decided to make the switch which is really confusing since it was a smart business decision.
Maybe they're not retarded anymore. I'm still mad at them for AM2R though.

nice meme

I slightly disagree. I don't think that graphics are everything, and it isn't what I'll be drooling over first at all but they ARE important to a certain extent. But the visuals and art style are key to making a game look good imo and Breath of the Wild certainly has a good style and visuals. I think it looks fine. But that's like, just my opinion man.

Would you give up a third of your worldly possessions and 1 week off your life, for the chance to own this RIGHT NOW on Wii U a whole year ahead of release?

Keep in mind you can't profit off it, and you're under embargo. It's strictly for your personal enjoyment.

What are you smoking?

Your opinion is everyones opinion and I don't understand how in 2016 people pass this shit as something worth mentioning

you basically need some familiarity with sociolinguistics to get any meaningful subtext out of posts nowadays but even then you can't be sure


>wii u
into the trashbin