But we already had Mercy and Pharah.
It will just be lesbians and bisexuals. Nothing to get your phoneposting going for. Girls can love other girls you know. It's especially important for my dick.
>we want to virtue signal to the perpetually offended non-audience
But I thought that sexual orientation didn't matter?
So progressive
It's not gonna be them, and I'm gonna be really pissed off.
How can someone be gay, lesbian, and bi? Those are mutually exclusive.
Everyone thinks Zarya is gonna be the tranny but I'm betting Mercy has the dick cause they want the most feminine or "passable" character to be the tranny
>yfw it's revealed one of the smoking hot girls was born a man
It's even worse pandering than if they just made a gay character.
It only matters to idiots. A hero being canonically gay isn't going to change anything, not even to the hero.
It's like people think that it's going to be earth shattering when it's just going to be crap that has no impact on the lore or character interactions. None of the characters save for Ana have had canon relationships, and even then Ana's is still a mystery.
I really hope so
They're not real people. They're just random characters you play as. I never knew or saw them as someone who has sex but I guess that's really important in current year.
aww the little alt righter is triggered that the biggest game in the world doesn't pander exclusively to his paranoid appalachian politics. lol
So? I'm trans. See, no one cares.
Making the Mercy x Pharah ship official canon would be the wisest move. Pretty much everyone is already down with it and they get brownie points all the same.
> that the biggest game in the world doesn't pander exclusively to his paranoid appalachian politics
Who does Minecraft pander to?
I thought Trump getting elected was suppose to stop all this sjw nonsense?
incoming shitstorm on 3. 2. 1.
how your voice though? that's important
they already revealed the gay couple tho
Widowmaker was married to a dude so tough, the enemy had to brainwash her to make herself a widow, so there were two canon relationships.
You are beautiful I would love to wake up to you in the morning and nibble on your neck
are you retarded?
>believing politicians
Hope you learned your lesson
well, you pass for a RHPS frank role
can i suck your feminine penis?
it was the beginning of the end for PC politics. give it time, if they keep this up for two years the country will be more red than its ever been, be it figuratively or literally
hey remember that gay MK character?
yeah no one else does because no one fucking cares
literally none of this matters
it doesn't change the game at all, and it only exists as an imaginary battlefield for cultural warriors who will immediately forget, leave, and move on to something else to virtue signal about
I don't know why you'd think that when he lost the popular vote.
as if Trump have any power to change what people think and do
It's literally the most irrelevant info, blizz is just trying to score some brownie points with SJWs
Also its hot as fuck
Forgot about that one.
Winston revealed as human otherkin
This offends me. I never thought Overwatch could become worse but it actually did.
Yeah go to hell fag.
you realize it's going to create even more SJW nonsense, right?
Zarya has a way better chance of being a tranny compared to tracer.
>that epic feel when the dude in the videogame or something that you see porn of on tumblr all the time is confirmed afab panalliosexual
the fuck are you on about? it's mercy and soldier
"looks like i'm patching you up again..."
>making a big deal about this
Just tell us or fuck off. Stop treating them like they're Holy relics t. Gay
but that's the irony. Trump was only elected as a referrendum on the PC culture, them doubling down now means they'll further lose, because people are tired of the bullshit
About 85% after having vocal chord surgery. Before that it was pretty rough.
Minecraft panders to bored people and autists.
Notch calls people out and shiposts because he has fucktons of money and realized that he no longer had to care about his image.
its gonna be mcree because he's a white dude that doesn't pandering to a minority yet
this is nothing new though. There have been articles going back when the game came out saying the exact same thing. And when it's revealed nobody is going to care about it because no one ever does. The same SFM will be made and the same slutty females characters/skins will be made for the game.
But hey,newfags needs something to get angry about because that is what /vpol/ is all about nowadays.
It's all part of marketing strategy, if it's revealed at once the novelty runs out quickly, but this way they are talked about for longer.
Literally no one cares about the lore of OW characters, except maybe a handful of Blizzdrones.
You really should just stay in the closet. Even online please.
>people will go back to praising Bliz after this movie and forget that it took almost a whole year to release a new Hero.
Bliz really knows how to get the sheep to forget
not him but,can you do a vocaroo please ? ?
Is this that group that insisted Samus was trans, and got regular women really fucking mad for trying to claim one of the biggest female icons in vidya was actually a man?
>gay white cis-male
answer me about your feminine non gay penis please
We can't let Blizzard get away with this. We are Anonymous. We are legion.
You are gorgeous, I would love to marry you. I accept you and your feminine penis, true love is the best.
>Literally holding gays hostage to reveal like its some huge amazing 2nd coming of jesus
Why are gays okay with this
So how long until you join the rest of the suicide statistics?
When will the left learn?
nah they'll just please one loud vocal minority
and piss off their asian majority
mercy x pharah
tracer x widow
junkrat x roadhog
are the only acceptable options
Trump was never against LGBT. Why does everyone think this?
how does it fell knowing superman, a literal alien, would acknowledge you as an abomination?
Hi John Travolta
Can you fuck off from attention whoring in every thread?
nice moustache line, looks straight out of romania
I knew this game was SJW pandering trash
Blizzard - "we used to make good games" should be their slogan
Him and Pence both said they support gay conversion therapy camps that employ electro shock treatments and "pray away the gay" strategies. I read it on huffpo.
Never ever
Why are they so beautiful?
It sure is.
That's the narrative the MSM and Soros have spun
The truth is that Trump was basically the only candidate who spoke up on behalf of the faggots after Orlando while everyone else was white knighting Islam.
>Gold doors
Where was this taken? Please tell me it was a ballroom or something and not the part of the tower Trump lives in. I don't know how anyone can fucking stand gold architecture or furniture, it's ugly as sin
Idiots falling for the "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER" meme.
I'll let you know when comic books become real
>mfw volunteered at LGBTQIA center and bagged me a cute trap and a bisexual real girl
what if said characters are not ships at all
what would you do then
>trans people browse Sup Forums now
what happened
Besides being whatever minority you are, (gross) you look like shit.
If it really doesn't hurt you, you wouldn't care if gay have no rights.
Most likely a hotel user...
You're right, I don't care
more like pandering to a male audience
that chick so brought it up wants male homos
This is where the rejects and mentally ill go, idiot. Where do you think you are?
They jacked it to Sup Forums trap threads until they convinced themselves this will be the best way to get attention online
>Finally bitching about a system that you've been content with for the last decades
Keep crying, Libtard.
>Him and Pence
Pence may have, but Trump was never against them. There isn't a single piece of evidence out there Trump is against gays besides mainstream media taking quotes out of context and completely exaggerating it.
Hanzo and Mcree only exist to please the female audience
>playing overcuck at all
No surpruse this is the most reddit tier board on Sup Forums. Please keep letting a virtually non existent minority dictate how you spend the majority of your free time.
Can't even see half of it's face. Kill yourselves, retards.
Trump supports LGBT as an individual but his VP Pence and so far his entire cabinet outright despises them and would prioritize acting against them over actual problems like our shit economy, workforce and health care.
That's why people are concerned. If Trump isn't against them why is he hiring exclusively people who are?
Way too many people are shitting their pants in excitement for this. Homosexuals have passed from being killed, to being opressed, to be one more in society and to be circus freaks. It's disturbing the amount of people who think of gays like they are an espectacle, like they can't live without anyone babysitting them, same with blacks and women. And these are supposed to be progressive liberals? What a fucking joke.
it means they probably will receive less brownie points for a pretty/sexy lesbian couple then a male homo one
its consistent considering their hate for japanese yuri