Fuck Conan, honestly. He didn't review the game, made racist remarks towards Japanese culture...

Fuck Conan, honestly. He didn't review the game, made racist remarks towards Japanese culture, and insulted every Otaku in the world. XV is guaranteed to be on GOTY nominees on several gaming outlets and was honored enough to get early access to this game for review and did nothing but but act like an asshole dickhead.

With that said, if you are a FF fan.


Yes, you. You need to help sign this petition.


Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off. Nobody gives a flying fuck faggot.

>Man who doesn't understand videogames and shit's on them regularly doesn't understand a JRPG and shits on it

Well, colour me suprised. Fuck off.

>Weebs think their voices matter

Weebs are pathetic and jrpgs are garbage

Would fuck off, you shill?

Conan doesnt pay you to shitpost and advertising on Sup Forums needs to be done via ad banner you fag

Nice falseflag

What games let me push broken-down cars and look at wedding dresses?

>actually racist against gamers, asians and white people


kek you gonna go cry about it to your anime pillow?

kek hes a grown ass man that doesnt give a fuck about rpgs

who cares lol suck my balls you faggot

>man who has no clue about games make a skit about him "reviewing" them.
>people are somehow surprised that he shits on it when it's the easiest way for laughs

>they think it will get cancelled

Conan "Slap the Japs" O'Brien

Underage b& pls

>hurr durr japanese culture
>fat americans laugh

>FF is japanese culture
You weebs need to leave.

>XV is guaranteed to be on GOTY nominees on several gaming outlets

LOL it's going to flop on reviews for being le empty overworld meme game with shitty combat

>made racist remarks
8/10 b8 in b4 400 replies

Fuck off, NEET-kun. If you can't differentiate between an entertainer entertaining and actual review, you need to add more lead to your diet, faggot.

>and insulted every Otaku in the world.

shill harder you worthless shit

Triggered weeb detected.

I'mma mail you a belt. You know what to do with it, homo.

>comedian makes fun of me
>let's sign a petition to get his show cancelled

Even if fifty million people signed this petition (they won't) you understand that that won't do anything, right?

This is bait right?

dude like, move on and ignore what he says. This is some sjw-tier autism youre showing.

>He didn't review the game
Of course he didn't he's a comedian, not a videogame reviewer.
>made racist remarks towards Japanese culture
No he didn't.
>and insulted every Otaku in the world.
No he didn't unless not liking FFXV means insulting otaku, in which case get a better fucking taste.
>XV is guaranteed to be on GOTY nominees on several gaming outlets

>it thinks its people

t. Sup Forums pedo alt-right poster

Bait or salt?
I say bait

>made racist remarks towards Japanese culture, and insulted every Otaku in the world.

It's only okay when we do it to every other race and culture ON THIS PLANET

>weebs think their GAMES matter

>butthurt weebs still outing themselves as deluded shills after being BTFO

>Babies won't be born because of you

Even Conan knows the otakus and weeaboos don't get laid.

xv-kun has committed suicide, good riddance

you've been making these threads for days
what IRC is your shittercrew operating out of

The alt right is infested with pedos and weebs.

As somebody who almost plays jap games exclusively I think the amount of asshurt a stupid sketch has caused over this game is hilarious.

People need to fucking lighten up. No shit people make fun of you when you take everything so goddamn personally. It's like you've never seen Conan before.

Conan has said in every review that he isn't a gamer, and doesn't even like vidya games. Yet reviewers keep sending him games to review. They probably just do it for the free Press. And he usually shits on every game he plays, because he is a fucking comedian! No clue why you weebs don't get this?...

Which newspapers can I keep up with the latest in wedding gown design? Me and my other totally heterosexual friends wants to know.

Japanese game players are not welcome in the alt-right tho


can someone explain to me what looks good about this game because the combat looks like trash thats only 1 step above a QTE, retarded and out of place driving simulation and car pushing, and boring scenery. The only thing that I can see that might look good is the detail in the enemies. Someone explain the appeal.

Konichiwa! I am but a humble "westerner" (gaijin to you wonderful japanese people) who is deeply offened by Conan-san's comments regarding Final Fantasy XV(tm). This is not daijoubu! (That means okay.) As a proud gamer, we cannot sit idly by and allow such a large release to be damanged by the words of one man. Final Fantasy XV(tm) will be very tanoshidesu for all gamers world wide!

Actual otaku don't give a shit about the tragedy to the series that is XV.

>YET ANOTHER false flagging thread
>people are still falling for it

Only 92 votes to get him fired. Fuck that less than the amount of people that have tired to get me fired at my job for not working and im still "working' there.

>will be tanoshidesu

>racist remarks towards japanese culture

quote one

Conan is all so self hating white fuck.

Same as Nu Male's Sky.
It's a PS4 exclusive, so dumbgaf will shill it here until release.
Discussion will completely disappear afterwards.


It's a comedy bit he does from time to time. The whole premise is that he's clueless about games and doesn't like them to begin with. Nothing about his "reviews" are supposed to be taken seriously. It's purely for the entertainment of watching someone fumble and react to being taken out of their familiar element.
Seriously people learn how to take a joke once in a while.

you aare such a fucking baby

>He's been shitting on games for years
>FF fans got so triggered, they're almost as salty as hillary shills
This is amazing
Truly, the best of times

Reminder that if you care if someone insults otakus you either don't understand what that means or you have to stop trying to be one.

It's also on xbone

I cannot believe how huge this has blown up. When i watched it i thought nothing of it and am probably still going to buy FFXV but not at launch. Its not supposed to be taken seriously in any way shape or form. Conan flat out says before the segment every single time he has zero credibility when it comes to games.

The FF fanbase is pathetic. This is honestly fucking hilarious.

>nothing about his reviews are not to be taken seriously

I'm not so sure, he does a really good job of putting games in perspective.

this can't be real, it's a bit for conan right

Surprisingly, yes. I can see xbone fags already saying the game is trash because "you can't shoot stuff".

at least he shitposts about games like most of Sup Forums and doesn't constantly shove his autistic liberal viewpoint down everyone's throat every second like most night show hosts nowadays.

>no romance please
>my girl friends in 2D

No game matters, kid

>and fire him so that he doesn't have enough money to buy the game

Yeah, this is definitely real.

>PS4 exclusive
* You know the words

>The FF fanbase is pathetic.

Nah, it's genuinely creepy. I remember reading about some sort of Final Fantasy living community which slowly drifted into some kind of cult. It's cesspool of teenage drama queens and closet faggots.

And I'm saying that as someone who can have fun with a few Final Fantasy games.

>FF fans
You mean Sonybronies.
Actual FF fans don't care about this crap.

It's going to be extra funny when come release everyone can confirm it is in fact garbage

>insulted every otaku in the world

>didn't review the game
Good, gaming "journalism" needs to die anyways.

>made racist remarks towards Japanese culture
Unless you're Japanese, why should you care? I'm pretty sure they can speak up for themselves if necessary.

>insulted every Otaku in the world.
[Achievement unlocked!]

>XV is guaranteed to be on GOTY nominees on several gaming outlets
This demands special treatment why exactly? Why would anyone give a fuck what's nominated for GOTY by whom? Unless you're the ultimate fratbro/normieshit/cowadoody kid.

>if you are a FF fan
It would take a tremendous amount of poor taste to be a fan of the franchise as it stands.

>sign this petition
Not your personal army.

Seriously, just exit the Internet and be ashamed until you run out of shame. I nominate you for worst OP of the year.

>it's a cesspool of teenage drama queens and closet faggots

Which makes perfect sense considering the direction the game has gone in the last 15 years.

What I like about Conan's bit is that despite not knowing anything about Final Fantasy, he's very quickly and succinctly able to figure out everything that's wrong with it.

pls 76 guy if you are there, crash this shitty thread with no surviviors

get over it. it's not like the game won't make literal truckloads of money off faggots like you anyway. he does this for all of the games he 'reviews', that's the god damned point of the skit.

>insulted every Otaku
How is this a bad thing?

>i nominate you for worst OP of the year.

fucking seconded. this one was somewhat surprising, like chris-chan levels of faggotry.

Here's your (You)

what's up with all the anti-anime cringe on Sup Forums recently?

>getting this mad over a ginger clown
>believing that a petition will do anything
I really hope this is bait or you should reevaluate your life senpai

>what's up with the anti-anime cringe

I guess people are sick of your weeaboo fad. Kinda like bronies.

It's a false flag episode

it's obvious b8 m8 calm down

Being funny isn't racist. People like you are why comedians avoid modern college campuses like the plague.

umm user
this website was made because of the anime fad
maybe you should go to a website that wasn't made for anime
>b-b-but this is Sup Forums
yes video game discussion for anime fans is what m00t intended.

brownies are pretty good

That's because to a normal person it's blatant what's wrong.

XV looks like a boy band homo-fap game where the entire point of the car pushing was watching buff boi ripple his muscles and bend over to show his ass.

I'm pretty sure I understand this game better than Conan did after spending about as much time with it as he did.

My favorite part was watching Max D00d exterminate all the giraffes, battling into the night and then after all the zoo animals are dead an Iron Giant shows up later that night and skullfucks the lot of them. Karma's a bitch, you giraffe-raping assholes.

>Segment literally called Clueless Gamer

>Comedian with little insight into gaming clowns on the preposterousness of a game in a genre with a sky high barrier to entry

Gee whiz

Had a kek while reading this.

Falseflagging with actual effort warrants a (You)

i guess you can say, a final fantasy has had a final sale

You've got your containment board. At least bronies mostly abide by theirs. You've got to spam your shit where it doesn't belong.

>what m00t intended

mommy m00tykins aint here no more, kid

>XV looks like a boy band homo-fap game where the entire point of the car pushing was watching buff boi ripple his muscles and bend over to show his ass.

And that's why the fanboys are made at Conan. He's exposing how pathetic they are.

I assume it is, but still play along with the risk that it might not be. After all, it's an excellent opportunity to exercise my hate muscle a bit, you know?

Even moot grew tired of your shit



They really had some poor judgement about the parts of the game they showed him. Every time he's presented a game, if they even begin to explain the story or setting, he makes the pretending to fall asleep joke. Whenever he's shown any kind of exposition, he just looks for random stuff to make a joke about. The only times he's ever seems impressed with a game is if there's crazy action sequences, nudity, or he gets to just fuck around doing stupid shit. Which is fine, him being a huge casual is the main joke with the segment. So when giving him a demo, you just gotta make it showcase the most exciting parts of the game and skip everything else. Which they clearly failed at. Or they just didn't have any exciting parts to showcase, I guess that's a possibility too.

I thought this was pretty funny. Do people actually think op was serious? How retarded is the average Sup Forums user?

Why was the framerate so bad in the game?

It kinda looks shit, but it still stuttered again and again.

Gr8 b8 m8

>implying he writes his own jokes
>implying he doesn't just read what a whole team of libs came up with

All these "comedians" are only hired for their off-kilter looks and funny voices. I mean holy fuck just look at that guy's haircut.