>ITT we judge each other on our top 3 champions.
>I'll start.
ITT we judge each other on our top 3 champions
How is kindred? she looks cool, do you play her jg?
id only be embarrassed if they girls that were laughing at me were cute.
That feel when you've changed your role once every season.
Shen, Shyv, Wukong
>Your account has never been given an Honorable Opponent honor.
Kindred is fine, except she got screwed by the jungle changes.
No techies faggots? Embarrassing.
Why would you need 3 when only one matters?
>ITT NEETS who are too cool to play the MOST POPULAR online game in the world
>people are posting in this thread unironically
i bet you're extremely annoying to play against
Old school.
>2 champions that have been directly nerfed to oblivion
>Champion that juts got raped out of the meta because rito wont accept zeal -> IE is a shitty outdated build path and will always act to ensure ADCs have no midgame build options.
I take it you no longer play?
Hope you like getting one shot or cockblocked by Poppy.
i find techies very boring to play desu, and for most part the game-dragging standard support techies is only worth it if you're going full 6 slotted lategame morph/spec and even then you've got much better game draggers with more utility like shadow demon or kotl
alternatively you could go full push and in that case i suppose he's okay but i'd still take a good ench/chen over a techies
>neo-Sup Forums
>playing assfaggots
Miss Fortune
How the fuck do you play beastmaster? He feels so underwhelming in pubs when nobody looks at the minimap and makes use of the fucking hawk. I find the axes and boar also underwhelming as fuck and it just feels like the hero falls off like a brick past midgame. Do you just aurawhore, stun and scout with the hawk?
No, usually I just uninstall and play league instead.
>mercy main
i want cricle jerking faggots to leave
>No maining Mercy or Healers to help your teams of idiots not die.
Fuck what champions you niggers play, post your division and how long you've been playing
Silver 5
3 years
I usually get a TP scroll, steal mid and spam mines on the tower.
For some reason i find that people fear him especialy early game.
I get axes and the pig for the extra slow ,buy venom and sange and sometimes vlad's and keep ganking around the map. Usually i get so fed in 20 mins that i can stomp the fuck out of everyone later making whatever item fits the case.
I guess BM just fits my playstyle
Black Cleaver + Q = Easy Game
Miss fortune
Right now I'm on a Jarvan IV binge though, he's fun as fuck.
Lucian and Kindred players are insufferable faggots. Kalista makes you alright, sorry about how gutted she is now though.
Its been like 2 years since I played but my top 3 were
Lux Vlad Anivia
You think killing minions and jungle camps is exciting.
fuck off you cancerous piece of shit
League has been dead for years now
I bet that you are under 3K mmr
Is Medivh a new character or has he always been in?
Back when I used to play
>Not finding enjoyment in CS'ing well
How is bronze my dude?
He was released this summer. Still relatively new and has the worst overall winrate in game because most people play a dozen game with him and give up.
How do you know I'm not just a support main?
Bard, Taric, Ivern
You have no friends.
>Vel'Koz, overwhelmingly so
Vel'Koz is just too cute.
You arenigger