Final Fantasy XV to get exclusive menu at Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen



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Maybe if they spent all this extra money on the game instead of the pointless promotions it would actually be good :)

I'm looking forward to this game, but this user is right. It's like the bullshit never stops. I just want this game to release already, I'm fucking sick of all this marketing faggotry.

What would Conan think of this menu? I can't formulate my own opinion before hearing his.

Absolutely ridiculous. The place is already expensive enough. This will probably be one of the few times where reservations are actually available.

>pointless promotions

It's not pointless if the game gets known more.

Titanfall fags wish they'd have this big of advertisment to save their dead MP

hopefully we get these creative Modern British dishes as in-game recipes in a five quid DLC

Their marketing campaign has been incredibly embarrassing since it started.

>It's not pointless if the game gets known more.

The people that attend that restaurant are either filthy rich, or putting the tab as a business expense. Normal people do not eat there.

fifteen is not expensive dudes

They commissioned a car. A fucking CAR.

Not too mention the anime and clusterfuck movie.

I will forever be fucking furious that the invasion wasn't playable. Eternally. Absolutely nothing will convince me that a shitty movie was the better choice. It was an awful choice. Everyone knows it. The defenders of the movie know it. The creators know it. I want the person who ok'd it publicly castrated. I'm mad as fuck.

Who's in charge of FFXV's marketing?

Is it the same team that had fucking parties, the kind the usual Sup Forumsirgin wouldn't go to, to promote FFXIII?

I wanna know why the fuck they're spending so much time and money marketing the game when that same time and money could have been put towards, oh I don't know, paying people to:
>bugtest the fucking game
>optimize the engine
>make mountains not look like play-doh
>make water reflections not look like pre-alpha shit
>make Versus XIII

what is the link with final fantasy xv and cheese? it seems like they're going for a cheese theme

>british """cuisine"""

FF is for the cool kids now fampai. Sup Forumsirgins not allowed.

I did not even know those things exist. Why do they spend money on this? Clearly not for advertising otherwise it's the worst advertising ever since it's not reaching anyone.

Like a alternate main menu/start screen? That's cool, who's jamie oliver though?

post yfw
>this cancerous marketing for this awful game
>we will soon have an emo boy on TV during breaks 24/7
>your whole family will see this cringe-worthy shit
>they all know it's your hobby
>emo faggot hair will probably become a thing again


>all that broken logic

I've never actually seen a Final fantasy ever be marketed on television.
I think I have seen one Japanese game marketed on television once.
It might have been DBZ related. It might have been the Kinect DBZ game.

i bought final fantasy vii cause i saw the ad on tv

i think i remember xii having a fairly heavy tv campaign too

You're acting like this is the first JRPG to ever be released. Please calm down.

>never has seen a FF game commercial
Not sure if underage, or just under a rock.

More "Never watch TV anymore and can't remember if I ever have seen one".
I guess they were never remarkable.

its just cringy. The game itself (gay band who are hyped to see a wedding dress) and the marketing (shit movie, anime, etc.).
Lets not even talk about the Product placement in the game which completely breaks the immersion (if there was any).

They were all over the place in the PS1 days, literally everywhere.

People complaining about XV's advertisements just don't remember the last time Square had a budget for them.

wtf i hate ff7 now

>beer pickled onion is supposed to be the kind of shit you get when you think you wanna eat final fantasy
im out fuck this

This is probably the only 'new' FFIX material you'll ever see again then

This is going to bankrupt square again, isn't it?

obviously not