So now that the dust has settled can we all agree on Sapienza > Hokkaido > Paris > Marrakesh > Bangkok > Colorado?
So now that the dust has settled can we all agree on Sapienza > Hokkaido > Paris > Marrakesh > Bangkok > Colorado?
Roughly accurate, maybe Paris and Hokkaido could be switched around I feel like Paris had more going on, although it was too easy to get Krueger's disguise which gives you access to almost everything.
Sap is way too easy
Hokkaido > Sapienza > Paris > Marrakesh > Colorado > Bangkok
I fucking hate Bangkok. Its like a more crunched up annoying-to-navigate version of Hokkaido in terms of corridor stealth, but it doesn't fucking work at all in my opinion.
I like the rest though.
How can I look as good as 47 in a suit?
Genetic engineering
Why does Hitmond look younger in this game? Is it a prequel?
The problem with Colorado was it had nowhere comfy in the entire map.
PERFECT body frame.
It kind of seems that way.
The tutorial missions take place 20 years before the rest of the game and show when Dianna and 47 first meet.
Far as I can tell, unless they retconned Absolution, it takes place after Absolution but probably after Blood Money.
Not him, but thanks. Shit's useful, yo
I'm torn about Bangkok. It's such a cool premise but the hotel has like, what, 12 rooms and they're mostly useless? I hope that the 'night' variant of this map fully utilizes the potential here.
>retconned Absolution
I really hope so, but considering Dexter (or some relative) is in Hokkaido it's probably in the canon, still.
Hokkaido > Sapienza/Marrakesh > Paris > Bangkok > Colorado.
I like Marrakesh, I don't know why.
Why does everyone hate Colorado? It's really great in my opinion.
Sapienza > Hokkaido > Colorado > Paris > Marrakesh summer bonus > Marrakesh > Bangkok > Sapeinza summer bonus
Who else gets a moist tip when they see this suit?
The official statement on Absolution was "hits happened but not necessarily in the manner the game portrayed them".
Hokkaido looks great (on the upper level) but it's boring/grim as fuck compared to the other ones. No NPC crowds, no particularly interesting outfits, tight corridors, disappointing kill gimmicks. Was a let-down considering how much promise it showed starting out.
>sleeve pitch
lmaoing at your life
So was this guy from the trailer supposed to be an early version of Jordan Cross?
Help me lads, how the hell do I get the surgeon to screw up the surgery?
Hokkaido > Colorado > Sapienza > Paris > Bangkok > Marrakesh
>Get kill list off of Yukis laptop
>Upload it in surgery area
>Get helicopter disguise
>Let surgeon get high off of painkillers
The winter suit is pure sex. And the italian suit with gloves looks like something out of Drive.
There's a kill list belonging to Soders next to the Yakuza bitch's laptop and the head surgeon's father just so happens to be on the list.
Take the list, upload it in the small room next to where Soders is, the one with the other two surgeons in, the head surgeon lurks around in that room too so you should know the one.
Upload the list, get Nails' disguise (the heli pilot) and lead the surgeon down to the little room with the drugs in, let him take the drugs then leave him to do what he has to do.
>yfw 47 threw Soders heart into the garbage can
Shoutout to the guy who drew this in another Hitman thread.
God damn I hope they give us another chance to do the elusive targets. I fucked up hard on a lot of them
I am waiting for physical.
How am I going get all these suits if I missed the elusive targets? Did SE fucked me over?
There's going to be a shit load more elusives, especially seeing as the physical game isn't even out yet.
You will have more than enough chances to get them all.
At least 24 more
Agreed, but because of that it had the most atmosphere, which I thought the rest of the levels were sorely missing. The whole game, while great, was missing a certain vibe I think the others had. Probably mostly the lack of Kyd's music.
Is there any sort of underlying story?
Absolution bathrobe?
Pretty much. Although I'm pretty sure a few things were scrapped or postponed for a season 2, like that local.
Yeah but it's still unfolding over two more seasons. It's pretty interesting.
He's been gradually losing his cheekbones.
thanks guys
normie autism
Why is there so much shilling for this game here on Sup Forums?
it's a fun game, but not that fun
Just completed paris.
Took me a hour or so.
pretty good
That's nice to know, since I thought the episodic release would make it all unconnected
They're hinting at one, but so far not really.
Although that's always kind of been an afterthought for the franchise anyway. They should focus more on each individual level's story, side-stories, and quirks. Especially when they're releasing them one by one.
>why is there so much discussion about a videogame on a board dedicated to videogames
damn i really don't know.
The story actually starts tying together by the end of Episode 3, 5 is the overarching plot's climax, while 6 is an epilogue and a cliffhanger
Maybe people who bought the season pass got bored with the game?
I thought half the game was 20/20-ing every map
Is that 2% of players that have that level? Or the base game?
I hope season 2 follows the typical three-act trope of being the darkest. I want a return to the tone of Contracts.
We need another Meat King, or Heaven/Hell party. I want a grisly, surreal, unwelcoming vibe from the series again. So badly do I crave it.
To buy this game or no? On one hand I love getting a sneaky kill in, but on the other hand I didn't even finish Absolution and the last Hitman I truly played from start to finish was Hitman 2 back when I was in Highschool
Buy the intro package and if you don't like it then refund. Absolution wasn't really a hitman game so don't base your expectations from that.
That's the entire game. Most people burn out after playing the same level a few times. That's probably the number one thing holding me back from buying it physical... it has maybe 30 hours of semi-fresh gameplay.
>I want a return to the tone of Contracts.
The majority of players are around 100 hours in though, you can play the levels in so many different ways. When I say different ways, I don't mean you can kill the guy in the kitchen instead of the bathroom, I mean you really can play the entire level from a completely different angle, and there's a LOT of angles.
to be fair the challenges are a lot more gimmicky shite in hokkaido than the others
That white Yukata should've been the goddamn default.
What? No. The most gimmicky shit was Bangkok, hands down.
I agree but Hokkaido is my favourite.
yeah I'll probably put it below Sapienza personally but it's still pretty good
>I don't mean you can kill the guy in the kitchen instead of the bathroom
A lot of it ends up being that though. Yes, occasionally you'll snipe someone from a different vantage point or have to kill a target in a different area entirely (mostly the elusive targets) but the core targets inevitably end up feeling stale. There's actually not much going on mechanically; you either booby trap something and wait or follow someone around until you can take them out and shove them in a closet. I just feel like there isn't enough to play with, like the systems feel kind of sterile after awhile. If I was designing it I'd have very complicated NPC routes and fewer "get past everything" disguises so you actually have to time things really precisely or figure out really complicated interconnecting elements to actually pull off a kill. The suspicion mechanic is way too easy to get around and even when you get into trouble it's usually just a case of running away and changing your outfit/hiding for a few seconds. That's my $0.02, anyway.
There's definitely more ways to kill the targets than in previous games.
The other complaints, too, have been pretty standard in the series. It's the best we have though until somebody comes up with an actual autistic assassination simulator.
So what's the overall hitman storyline anyways? I remember playing a game where I had my base in some kind of church, was taking contracts from a shed and a computer, fighting an exact clone of my playercharacter in russia (which was bugged and he always one shot me so I had to use cheats like the 13yo shitter I was) and the last mission was in the church which was under attack by evil goons
Be glad it wasn't, if it was we'd only have that shit yellow one outside Japan.
>Super awesome genetically engineered supersoldier turns to high-profile assassination after killing his clones and maker
>Other shenanigans involving rival agencies, etc
Each game has its own thing going on, but the newest might be hinting at expanding/retconning on the "lore" we already have.
>absolution doesnt exist
i like this world
I guess, but they could make small changes to the existing formula like making it take longer to change into a costume (thus increasing the risk of doing so) and making combat an insta-kill, just to raise the stakes and make people play more cautiously. Even something like security cameras should be much more dangerous; if you do shit in front of one it should bring all the guards down on you.
i 100% completed every single challenge on the main maps (and the icon + house built on sand)
just need patience and youtube for the more cryptic challenges
cannot be fucking assed with escalations though
What's the story on that game, anyway? I remember the buildup to the game, but not the reaction. I know the developers pretty much disowned it, but what was the problem to begin with? Were they held at gunpoint to create something that did not jive at all with the rest of the series?
Killer nuns
sapienza and colorado suffer from the last objective forcing you towards definitive exits.
i mean yea you could go ahead and destroy the virus first but that seems very unintuitive.
hokkaido is my personal favourite just because of the many solutions and paths you can take to avoid disguises.
It was a new team brought on by Squenix to modernize the series. They were definitely more skilled at programming and polishing than the original Hitman team, but nowhere near as creative or clever, so it just ended up being a generic AAA action-stealth game. Then a bunch of them got fired as a result of poor sales (any sales numbers you see now are the result of literally selling the game for a dollar), so they decided to listen to the fans and make a polished Hitman game that actually felt like Hitman.
>add in all those extra suits
>still don't add Blood Money suit with the jacket closed
For what. Fucking. Purpose.
Should I get this game if I love the Hitman series especially BM?
Is it casualized shit?
I totally agree, Especially the cameras: it makes sense that somebody is watching them, right? And they already backpedaled and made it easier by patching it linking all cameras to any one unit that needs to be destroyed.
That said, I don't think anybody screws up and enters combat and tries to finish out the mission like that. That's where the Elusive Targets shine, definitely. Otherwise, people just savescum. Even then, the gunplay is the best it's been in the series so far (which has arguably always been shit jesus christ)
This is literal fucking neckbeard tier, literally none of the locations in 2016 would it be acceptable to wear a trench coat without making 47 look like an autist
How would you sneak in that
You are literal fucking autist tier.
Why would a private patient in a super duper clinic wear his suit all the time?
Why would someone wear a suit with gloves in italian summer?
A coat is the least relevant detail there.
I actually really like that about elusive targets
They're the safest I play the game, but when you fuck up and go in full panic mode it's actually a lot of fun
The last one on Morrocco I fucked up and got into a massive gunfight and had to make an insane dash through the streets
desu guys i really dislike paris, i dunno why but i cannot get into it
It totally is casualized shit but they, god bless them, added the options to turn ALL the modern annoyances off.
If you turn most of the help off and play the levels through like that, it really does feel like a decent Blood Money sequel. And it's fun. It's even better because there are a ton of ways to go about each kill. But you'll probably be itching to turn on the casualization hints after a while since some of them are rather obscure.
The difference is though if you were walking around town in the summer and you saw a guy in an all Black suit you might think he's a bit warm, but hes clearly got an event he's doing later
47s suit in Hokkaido makes a little less sense, but I would just assume he hadnt changed yet
But youd never see a guy in a thick winter coat inside a fashion show, in an Italian town or a Bangkok hotel it would just be out of place
>I don't think anybody screws up and enters combat and tries to finish out the mission like that
>Otherwise, people just savescum
Or they just run away. It's way too easy to get away from shooting NPCs since you can take a few hits and they aim about as well as stromtroopers. The only time someone would actually die is if they tried to stand and shoot back while they're getting shot at by like 3 guards.
Why would someone be wearing a literal kimono in any level other than Hokkaido?
And how is the hobo-wear not equally noticeable?
With how there's no save limits like in previous games, and how the game constantly auto-saves for you, it seems like it'd be far quicker to just load the game rather than waiting out the guards-on-alert phase.
But I don't know what you're fundamentally talking about. It was so much easier to go Rambo in previous games. You can only take a few hits in this one.
I'm not necessarily saying the previous games were better, just a few changes they could make to make this one a bit more high-stakes and interesting. The increased lethality of combat is a step in the right direction but it's still too easy to get out of it. Also it depends where you're at in a level, sometimes it's much faster to just run into a bathroom or something, change into something else and walk right back out again as if nothing happened.
Even if it were otherwise the best level in the game, it still has that storm shelter objective that can only be completed in one single way. Unlike the Sapienza virus, which has at least two completely distinct ways of accomplishing it (the researcher's laptop, and doing damage to it, which can be further divided into shooting it, messing with the controls, planting a bomb near it and detonating it, or dropping the stalactite on it), the storm shelter can only really be done with the mask (I wouldn't be surprised if you could use Sean Rose's corpse to do it; I haven't tried), meaning it's not just one place you HAVE to stop every time you play the mission, it's two: the 3d printer AND the storm shelter, every fucking time. At least the cave in Sapienza was huge, and you could shoot the virus from plenty of vantage points in it. You pretty much have to stand directly in front of the 3d printer and in front of the storm shelter door every goddamn time. To add insult to injury, unlike Sapienza, where you could at least vary it up a little by doing the virus first, the storm shelter means Colorado always ends the same way. Makes it feel far more repetitive than it probably actually is, since your last impression of the level is always the exact same.
I have other complaints, but I would be at least okay with the level if it weren't for that stupid fucking objective. Either way I still like it better than Bangkok.
You don't need to use the 3D printer.
How can one man possibly be so fashionable?
Literally everything on that is top tier.
Is that what he spends all his money on? Does he have a giant closet full of the world's most fashionable suits?
I hope he actually spent a few minutes watching the fashion show just because he's into that before going after the two targets in paris.
Watched OutsideXbox play, I think only Jane and Andy possibly?, the Hokkaido elusive target level. Was great they didn't need to use many of the containers or boxes as much due to the environment. Especially pushing them over the railings.
If I were to cast a proper HITMAN movie adaptation, I'd choose Jason Isaacs or Daniel Craig. Fuck that. Just get David Bateson.
Yes, because getting Sean to the shelter is soooo much more viable.
>think about buying this video game
>it's still 50 shekels for all the episodic stuff
>I already missed like 16 elusive targets
maybe i should just play blood money instead
It is if you kill him in the house.
Will the elusive targets come back?