>setting doesn't contain any Phoenixes
>still has Phoenix Down
>setting doesn't contain any Phoenixes
>still has Phoenix Down
your sexlife is non-existant and yet you still have a penis
fucking ROASTED
does anyone have that wallpaper of a sky(?) with OP's pic very faintly superimposed onto it?
Put me on the screencap!
i cant even tell if this is the shopped one or the original teedus anymore
also get fucking destroyed
Hello rëddit
hi OP~
Put me in the screencap
Did that sick burn hit somewhere personal, op?
I'm just a concerned citizen upset by the redditification of Sup Forums
If you want siqq berns just go there
Fun-fact : the feather was actually a chocobo's feather, as they can revive allies or enemies like they did in FFT.
Yeah, sure you are op. Just go back to crying in your corner already.
Be honest, after an assburn of this magnitude, you would also try to save face by any means necessary.
where do you think you are?
but Chocobo Feather is a separate item in FFX
really makes you think
Posting anonymously on an anonymous imageboard.
Just abandon thread and go shitpost in another.
>caring about a burn in an anonymous board