Are you a teamplayer or more of the lone wolf, Sup Forums?

Are you a teamplayer or more of the lone wolf, Sup Forums?

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I'm a lone wolf teamplayer

I only play multiplayer game to kill time until a good singe player game comes out

I never play multiplayer games because gamers are complete autistic retards.

im a teen wolf

Markiplier siphons his followers strength from the soul stone, he grows in power

I play sniper in every fps

Im a Kirito. I play solo, then show up to a raid and show everyone up, but still walk away, also im covered in bitches.

I'm a play wolf teamloner.

This. I'm a body for hire.

Random team and ALWAYS positive. ;)

Team player.

I like communcating with my teammates and social aspect of multiplayer games.

That's why I play Dota 2, people actually talk to each other, even if it just to flame sometimes.

I'm a cubwolf with a diaper.

I don't really play games. More of a LetsPlay co-player desu

It depends on the genre, but I'll usually play tanks and be a protector or initiator.

So I'm definitely a team player.


Im a loneteam player wolf

im a nolife no friends player, so a lone stinky wolf.


I'm bad at games so I don't play multiplayer games and have no friends. Sucks desu

I wish I could be Markiplier's friend.
He seems like a cool guy to hang around even if his constantly changing hair color would bug me.

I lone wolfed over 500 hours in PS2. People playing in teams just zerged. I actually did shit that supported my team and helped the battle

>implying I have friends

Where's his controller or KB+M? I don't even see any cables leading to a console or a desktop. Don't tell me that nigga is playing fruit ninja on his smart tv or all in one desktop.

oops forgot to get rid of that

Playing in team with friends, even online friends, if they are not autistic Sup Forumsirgins. Also spamming ggez because all those neckbeards can't handle the bantz.

I've yet to find a friend from a game, I've only played games with people I know IRL.

It didn't have to be this way. If you isolationist cunts would just prioritize game chat I could help you out, coordinate.

Until then I just quietly breath into the mic , alone, on an empty channeling, running interference and sacrificing k/d ratios for objectives and team scores.


I'm more of a team player. It feels good to fight out a tough match with a some good pals or some randoms. Plus you can make some pretty cool friends


I wish i were a teamplayer but i have no friends

What would that screen really say?

>Mid or I feed
>Switch off Hanzo faggot

I wish i could solo around without having to rely on my team but i'm only as good as the rest of the team is. I rely on them too much to be competent and go along with me or else i'll get fuck all done.