>barely any games where you are the ancient evil
Why is that?
>barely any games where you are the ancient evil
Why is that?
Because devs are pussies.
there's a limit to the amount of interesting games that can be done with that idea
because devs are pussies.
>you actually dont
that's just silly, you need to be a good guy
>Ancient evils are usually extremely powerful, limiting the amount of progression you could include to keep the player interested
>It's harder for the average person to relate to and get invested in stories from the viewpoint of powerful evil overlords
>Ancient evils often have tons of minions to do their bidding, making the player inherently overpowered
>A "good" ending would include the good guys losing and evil ruling the world, which many people wouldn't want to see
There are some good ideas you could get from an evil perspective, but it doesn't have as much inherent appeal to general audiences as a hero story.
>heaven/church are bad guys
If you need progression to make your game fun then your game is not fun.
Ancient evil =/= OP evil
You could be just waking up from some form of hibernation or getting free from being imprisoned and thus weakened after a shitload of time.
>tfw still no good games where you play as an evil character
I just want to take over the world and unleash my army of skeletons upon the "good guys".
All i can think about is Overlord.
Overlord is basically ancient evil.
>Ancient evils are usually extremely powerful, limiting the amount of progression
Why would it limit it?
Overlord is one of the game that do it right, even if the final twist is a good one.
The rest of the list is shitty writer masturbating to avoid dealing with the fact you have no argument.
Go home todd, you are drunkard
But anons, you are not the ancient evil, you're just his temp.
Are we? I played the first one and it was a couple of years ago.
Whats the twist?
>The storm of skellies
>Not the storm of death wave
Smh desu senpai.
It's hard to take on the role of an ancient evil.
You could become an ancient evil that just regaining his power after being defeated you know?
And the "good guys" being at war at each other for so long and you decided to enforce peace by any means neccesary can be a pretty interesting viewpoint.
>What is Planescape: Torment, Alex?
Avellone is the guy you want writing evil, and he already wrote the "you're the big evil behind it that awakens" game. Maybe he could do another one, but it doesn't seem like dev teams understand how much better he is than their other writers and he only writes like small parts or a couple characters or arcs rather than being on lead story design.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain does that but backwards.
You end up being the ancient evil.
Does Dungeon Keeper count? (Dont start shit storm over the mobile atrocity that was made pls)
You're not. There very much is an ancient evil and you very much fight it at the end of the series, just not at the end of the first game. Kain is actually pretty much the Savior pretty much as it's told, they just misinterpreted what saving them meant. Kind of a bring balance to the force situation.
>you will never lead your glorious legion of darkness to conquer the world.
>you will never encounter and battle a "chosen one hero" and his follower
>you will never crush their resistance so much that they lose all hope.
>you will never unshered a new world order lead by you.
Does Overlord count?
>That which sleeps will never release
yeah but they end up choosing the "bad ending" as canon for the sequels instead of the good one where Kain sacrifices himself for the sake of Humankind.
No, the canon ending is correct. He does not sacrifice himself. He defeats the Ancient Evil at the end of LoK: Defiance once he can finally perceive it thanks to Raziel. And yes, the Ancient Evil was the thing corrupting the pillars just in case you were wondering.
>there's a limit to the amount of interesting games that can be done with that idea
>implying there is no limit to the amount of games where you fight the ancient evil
Kha-Beleth is the best vidya dad
What is Soul Nomad (demon path)
>Play as an ancient evil
>Literally just a guy that has the same capabilities as any other decent warrior/wizard out there with a demon gimmick
>3 minute sequence at the end of the game: "You're basically an ancient demigod son"
The idea is fine, but it'd be interesting if the gameplay actually reflected that, instead of being pure fluff.
New Doom
Warhammer Total War
It's all in the kicks.
The twist is that the heroes defeat the ancient evil at the start of the game, the MC dying doing so, but is possessed by the evil, you end up fighting the real evil's body at the end of the Raising Hell DLC ending.
Would you prefer a serious "play as the ancient evil" game? Or a more jovial one that is essentially "Ancient evil conquers the world and gets up to shenanigans"
I'd love to play as a Necromancer who gets up to humerus shenanigans in the midst of a rather shambolic attempt to conquer the living world with his undead legion of wise cracking skeletons.
>the closest we get is either chaotic good, lawful good, or lawful neutral
I want to be lawful evil damn it
>Does Dungeon Keeper count?
anyone else play "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?!" except me?
Overlord did it well.
In the first you could either be 100% evil or be something of a villain with good publicity.
In the second you could be either a destructive maniac or a dominator who enslaves people.
And in all Overlord games it was shown that the good guys went bad over time to the point that you are hailed as the hero (see the WII game where the MC is liked more than his siblings due to the fact that he actually gives a damn despite being a Overlord).
Also just because you are a ancient evil doesn't mean that you are like stupid evil, chaotic evil or so.
You could very well be an ancient evil, but still have standard compared to other evils (or in some cases even call out the heroes on their bullshit instead of putting more effort into their work).
You pretty much described overlord. Except it with gremlins and not skeletons.
>There could be a game where you're awakened by chance blood spilled over your unmarked tomb.
>There could be a game where you begin so weak you are little more than a shadow, an apparition. As you regain your strength you become more physical.
>There could be a game where you wander into towns as a dark stranger with forbidden knowledge of events long passed, and slowly take the town under your umbra. Later in the game taking becomes true conquest.
>There could be a game where you can conscript mercenaries and betray them into thralls, or raise monstrosities as war beasts, or use simple slave legions.
>There could be a game where the heroes have grown complacent, or greedy or a bit corrupt and your logic warps it as something to be purged.
>There could be a game where you crush your enemies through might or through guile, slowly whittling away at all they hold dear, until they're nothing more than a lapdog in all but name.
>There could be a game where at the end, through your decisions, you can have a world of true pandemonium with you as king of chaos, or a new age of order and rule with you at the helm. Where the trains always run on time.
>There isn't.
Wasted potential.
Aye. But Overlord was 6/10 and frustrating to play.
I did. Played the fuck out of that game on my PSP. Loved it to death.
True. Wished someone would refine the formula instead of butchering the franchise.
Because we aren't allowed to have fun.
Or any kind of fun in general.
Overlord did well only conceptually, game was undeveloped as fuck.
Cool, though every time I played it I felt like I didn't have enough control over what's happening and the losses weren't entirely my fault.
Dunno if I was just bad or the game was just designed like that.
Tyranny has an awful lot of Lawful Evil options.
I loved that series.
You literally described the Overlord series.
Armstrong just wanted to make America great again.
In the most dumbest and stupid way possible.
Hilarious game and was obviously tongue-in-cheek the entire time, but goddamn was it stupid.
Might and Magic 7
Because most games still follow the ancient formula of hero defeating the ancient evil.
the game is just kinda like that, sometimes you just get really shitty RNG from your monsters.
>there's a limit to the amount of interesting games that can be done with that idea
>implying there isnĀ“t a shitton of 'guud goi' games
>being this naive
It's a basic element to making a satisfying story. If the story doesn't matter and you just want to be an all-powerful dick there are games for that.
You didn't conquer the world though. It was more like you arm a army of skeletons with laser guns, but you didn't do any of the conquering or ruling from what I remember.
I just want a game where you play as the dragon that awakens and terrorizes the countryside, hoards gold, steals princesses, become an ancient holder of knowledge and all that dragon stuff
Why isn't it a game? The closest I've seen is Hoard, which was pretty fun, but nearly deep enough, or that CK2 mod where you could be a dragon starting in the faroe islands, but it had basically no features for them
mother fucking dark messiah
>Really, really want to play it again.
>Know if I start playing it again I'll burn out again before we get more factions.
Fucking damnit.
That's because the conquering was supposed to happen in a HoMM3 campaign but they cut it out due to some butthurt HoMM fans.
A goofy comedy of "evil"? Yeah, gtfo.
Kholek sounds like your guy
>One of the world's most ancient beings
>Was around when his race offered it's servitude to the evil gods in exchange for immortality
>Immensely powerful
>Objective is to raze the world
Total Warhammer is fun, too bad that Warriors of Chaos is the least fun faction
Too bad Heroes of Might and Magic has been forever ruined by shitty companies. Sandro is the hero we deserve
Gotta love the 80s fantasy stuff.
Filled with such crazy shit.
Mod Skyrim and play an argonian.
Where is my fucking skeleton game you stupid fucking industry
We were so close with Hellraid and then it got canned out of nowhere
Fuck you, HoMM6 was goddamn brilliant.
HoMM7 is still mediocre though, even with countless patches.
>not playing as a naive adventurer slowly turning into a disillusioned fuck and going full big bad through NWN2 and MotB
play world of xeen for toppest tier fantasy setting
That don't even end up mattering in the end. Game was really mediocre.
But then you would have to go through NWN2 OC.
A lot of the choices matter, user. Depending on your conquest choices and who you ally will actually lock you out of areas. It was meant to be replayed.
Is this a thing? I'm tempted
I fucking played that shit and enjoyed it. Well, most of it.
It's understandable why they decided to scrap the setting and start over since the games are 95% strict fantasy and then all of a sudden you have robots, submarines, computers, goddamn laser guns and whatnot.
It's debatable but I'm mostly talking about being lawful evil in general. What was the point if I still end up betraying the overlord no matter what I do?
It's a staple of the series and pretty much just a twist at the end in every game except World of Xeen and barely even present in the HoMM games. Jewbisoft just replaced it with the most boring and banal setting ever.
Because of you ARE anciens evil, what is there for you to beat? Just sit around in your dark castle all day waiting for some unnamed hero who's defeated all your minions waltz in so you can curbstomp him? It's much more fun to be the underdog that has to ride to the challenge rather than an established power maintains the status quote
Being the Evil Overlord is only fun I'm RTS games where you can command large armies and siege weapons to assault the bastions of good.
That shit was cool, the overarching story of M&M was awesome.
Well, you won't play a dragon. More just a bandit with scales that can breathe fire.
Also, play Divinity: Dragon Commander if you haven't. Ypu aren't a Smaug style dragon. But you are a dragon that can reign fire on RTS armies while conquering the world, and that's something.
And why can't the ancient evil be the underdog?
You can have a party of dragons in Might and Magic 8 and they're extremely overpowered. You can make a "dracon" party which is just a humanoid dragon in Wizardry 6-8 too.
Because that'd be pretty lame for an ancient evil. When you think of ancient evil, you think of like Sauron or something, with his legions of orcs. He wouldn't be much of an intimidating threat if he was the underdog
Also most players aren't edgelords, they have more fun thinking they are on a quest to Save the world and maybe score some tight Virgin princess pussy as a reward, not to destroy the world
>Skipping the part where they wake up and all the world has forgotten about them and they have to go out and conquer it again
Seriously, man. Overlord 1 was a really fun game.
Give it some DLCs (both paid and free) and expansions and they'll be fun.
Especially the last expansion with Chaos Divided.
>When you think of ancient evil, you think of like Sauron or something, with his legions of orcs.
Just because you think of that doesn't mean everyone else does as well.
You are not the representative of a whole.
>most players aren't edgelords
Putting aside that no one wants to play as some kind of "edgelord" to begin with, yes, they are. Most players nowadays are what you classify as edgelords and they glory in it.
What are some games where you play as the bad guys? Not RTS stuff like CIV or AoE2 or whatever, I'm talking an actual story where you are bad. I've always loved the idea of a Mass Effect game where you're the bad guy.
Nah. Not really. As someone said. Great concept, but the actual game is kinda shit and not that funny to play.
Why does it have to be lame? I think it it'd pretty interesting to play as an evil character that has to go against the good guys who are stronger and have more resources than him in order to accomplish his goals. And even then, you can still become more and more powerful as you progress.
I'm not even an edgelord, I just want variety. After years of playing as the good guy, the formula becomes boring. But hey, that's my opinion.
Red dead redemption
Any rockstar game
Looking past the satire of it all I'd say you are playing the bad guys in Liberal Crime Squad. Setting up a terrorist cell in the name of good. But I doubt your methods are something anyone wants.
>Adipose tissue
>Your people have tasked you with conquering an alien planet alone
>You build up and industrialize, then slaughter BILLIONS of innocent Biters, Spitters, and Worms, raping and ruining the ecosystem of an otherwise peaceful planet.
RPG's like Fable and the TES games?
Wood Elves are next month I think
and Bretonnia in February