Bioshock Collection

Is it worth getting at 32 bucks?

I never played the 7th gen versions when they came out.

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I'd say so, rapture in 1080p looks amazing (you see less of a change with Infinite, but it still looks great) - plus it runs at a consistent 60FPS

It's a shame that you don't get Bioshock 2 multiplayer, but I can understand why they didn't include it.

Just get the originals for way cheaper whenever they go on sale. You don't need redux releases of games that came out in the last 5 years

Yep, it's worth it.
If you never played any of the Bioshock games, just do it.

One amazing game plus one okay game (Bioshock 2 sucks ass, i didn't touch it)

>bioshock 2 sucks ass
Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock game.

>sucks ass
Nigga you what?

>Just get the originals for way cheaper whenever they go on sale.
Do these run on PS4?

Oh, no. I assumed you had the console or were gonna play on PC

My best friend bought it and it's great, especially if you didn't play the original 2 games when they first came out. Infinite is mediocre, but the first two have great atmosphere, mysterious world that is quite fun to explore, yet also manages to be interesting. That 50's, late 40's atmosphere is one of my favorite aspects of the original two, including it's world as well.

Absolutely. You are bound to find at least one of the games among the best gaming experiences of your life.

Which game that is tends to change from person to person. I'm partial to Infinite myself (favorite game of all time), other will say Bioshock 1 is better, and some maniacs will profess their undying love for Bioshock 2.

Whichever one you will like, it will definitely be among your favorites.

>bioshock 2 sucks ass
>I never touched it

Then how would you know you dummy

Why Infinite, arguably the worst of the bunch? I'm quite curious.

2 is great, fuck off.

this post is very profoundly reddit

This collection made me mad. It shows that developers can do a half-ass reskin and add some new lighting and people will eat that shit up -- for games that aren't but a few years old. First this and then Skyrim.

I played the original one on Xbox 360 years ago. Finished it and it doesn't come close to the first one.

Irrational Games didn't have anything to do with that crap, and it shows.

I bought it, since I haven't played any of them, and I can say I got my money's worth. First 2 were amazing, but Infinite paled in comparison.

I'd recommend it for the price of 30-40 bucks max.

>It's a shame that you don't get Bioshock 2 multiplayer, but I can understand why they didn't include it.
It's not a problem, I don't have a subscription anyway. :^)
>Oh, no. I assumed you had the console
Well, I still have a PS3 in storage, but I don't think it's worth hunting down the last-gen versions.
>or were gonna play on PC
I heard the PC ports were pretty shoddy with lots of unfixed bugs. IIRC it was made for the 360 as lead platform.

Post bioshock-esque music

>and it shows
I agree, you could tell Irrational had nothing to do with 2 because it actually had good gameplay.

Poor man's System Shock.

Easily. All three are fantastic games. Among my all time favorites. The first game is the only one that got any special treatment here though, the graphical remaster is quite good and the added behind the scenes documentary is great. I already owned all three games on 360 and I still bought it again full price to play them again and don't regret it.

It's the same as the first one with small changes. It hardly innovated anything.

Bioshock 2 sucks, period. They tried to create a 'villain' similar to Andrew Ryan and failed miserable (don't fucking tell me that Sofia Lamb is a good antagonist) Poor plot, boring enemies, mp for a game that doesn't need it , and fucking Big Sisters? what the actual fuck

Infinite is another story. Is an okay to mediocre game. Elizabeth is probably the only good thing about that game and maybe the crows.

could you delete and repost this one more time just for good measure?

Bioshock 2 was shit. The story and characters are the definition of forgettable, practically fan fiction tier. Lamb is a terrible villain and the writers were so far up their own asses that that they clearly want the player to agree with her. The game play also got casualized to hell with the most egregious auto aim I've ever seen in a console shooter, the first one had none. It was also about 6 hours too long, it drags big time. Bioshock 2 is the only bad game in the series, but all the same is probably still worth one playthrough.

It had spoilers, i don't want to fuck up the experience of OP.

Now, can you elaborate a better response than "report the same hur durr"

Thank god i'm not alone.

>It had spoilers, i don't want to fuck up the experience of OP.
Thank you