What's a really underrated JRPG?
What's a really underrated JRPG?
The one where all girls are best girls...
Metal Saga
Have you ever played the Final Fantasy series? They all get really shit reviews and nobody plays them, but I think they're pretty good.
Chrono Trigger. Oh wait, did you say underrated?
Xenosaga 2. It's really not THAT bad.
I fell asleep playing the first one. I do very much believe it is. Even the soundtrack is forgettable tripe.
Vandal Hearts
I miss Slayers
When will Granblue Fantasy stop raping my favorite characters?
No, it is bad.
It's not top-tier good, but it definitely deserves more attention than it's getting.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky series
You have to get to the third one, it's so much better than the others. If you're talking about the soundtrack, nearly everything is god tier :
I dont see any rape happening
More like Echoes of Infinite Sadness.
Does Vagrant Story count as an RPG? Probably not, but I love it and it's only occasionally talked about here.
Do I have to play Episode 1 and 2 to enjoy 3 though?
I'm emulating 1 now and this game seems long as fuck, and kinda dull. Also terrible artstyle
Describe the combat to me. I was thinking about giving it a go myself but combat looks really bland from gameplay videos.
If you provide a complete list of JRPGs and their ratings I will tell you one that is underrated.
Same. I want a new series
Probably yeah. Everything is one continuous story. Even though there's a timeskip between 2 and 3 because they didn't have the money to make more games, they'll assume you know what happened and who the characters are.
It's a typical turned base RPG with some changes each game. It's solid if you like the genre, though people have complained about the one in the second game because of its combo mechanics.
Dragon quest 8
Shining Force 2 is one of the few sRPGs that I enjoy but I never hear it being talked about.
There's a recap at the start of 3 but honestly I would youtube the cutscenes of 2 at the least.
I enjoyed 1 but it's a long, long game with boatloads of cutscenes and story problems, an anime artstyle that did not age well and stock standard early PS2 era combat. 3 remedies a lot of this by being very pretty for a ps2 game, having much more interesting combat, a faster paced story and some incredible moments. Would I play it again, however? Ehhhh, I dunno
The Ys, Wild ARMs, and Suikoden series.
I wouldn't call these underrated, maybe Wild Arms
Ys is pretty damn underrated outside of Japan. It was only a few years ago that they even started bringing over decade old Ys games to the states.
i would say Trails series in general, those games are pinnacle of JRPG design and world, and plot building.
Valkyrie profile covenant of the plume for the ds. One of my favorite ds rpgs.
Works of Nihon Falcom are amazing in general
on other hand.. Resonance of Fate was pretty cool, combat system was interesting.
Is that a recolored Lina Inverse?
Most of the Disgaea series just gets written off as "Grindan garbage" and nobody ever tries them out.
I mean, in the postgame, all you're doing is grinding to grind to newer heights, but the games are really fun though.
That the one with all the tanks?
Mein nigga
Nigga, you weren't gonna see ANYTHING with those characters in a long ass time going forward, so stop bitching that they got decent artwork dedicated to them at all at this point.
You have ANY OTHER GAME FROM THE SAME COMPANY you could have named, but you went with the series everyone knows.
Good job.
Those are some pretty decent interpretation of the characters into that artstyle. Lina looks pretty cute.
I want to adventure with Naga
ZHP so underrated theres barely any fanart
that said even disgaea fans forget stuff like la pucelle and mikai kingdoms cause it was ps2 stuff.
Every human alive who has played Soul Nomad or ZHP loved them to death. That's why I didn't mention any other NIS IP. Disgaea, for whatever reason, gets tons of hate.
As it stands, my favorite NIS game is still Soul Nomad
It's overrated.
Not that user, but agreed here.
You could say the people behind them did a good work to translate their models for modern times and they did well.
There will never be a Soul Nomad 2 or a spiritual successor to it...
Who wouldn't?
Star Ocean 2
Final Fantasy II
Dragon Quest II
To Persona for the SMT crowd
To SMT for the Persona crowd
>love slayers to shit
>absolutely loathe grindblue
I wish I could play it for the characters
First time I see anyone talking good things about it.
10/10 game
But nobody talks about it
Lina Inverse was my waifu 10 years ago.
Uuuh excuse me weeb shits but Conan killed jrpgs
Radiant Historia
7th Dragon series
Jade Cocoon
Shadow hearts series
Resonance of fate
Breath of fire: Dragon Quarter
Ar Tonelico 1/2
Vagrant Story
Vandal Hearts
Granstream Saga
Dark Spire
Front mission 3
Langrisser series
Naga´s tits are amazing
None of those are "underrated" retart
Age of Conan was halfway decent but I can't of any other good Conan games.
What's the proper watch order for Slayers? I've been meaning to get into older 90's anime series, but I'm a bit lost when it comes to Slayers.
Xenosaga had this subtle but incredible dystopian atmosphere.
Human life was a commodity in Saga, something to be traded and bartered with, while at the same time not being preachy or overly melodramatic about it.
Man I miss Saga
Took me years to rediscover this. Was really happy when I did. Up until that point my only experience with it was from a PS1 demo disk.
Great game. Sort of like a PS version of Terranigma/illusion of gaia.
More like 4/10.
>RNG out the ass (you could do the SAME attack from the SAME direction and what parts would be damaged is different everytime)
>Literally who tier characters
>Meh storyline (let's stop a missile!)
>Bad pacing (a fuckload of filler quests)
The atmosphere and the setting are cool, but the rest is pure shit.
I'll never share in the joys that everyone else sees in naga unfortunately, but I can enjoy still enjoy the chaos her laugh brings.
Thanks for reminding me of this soundtrack. It's so fucking great.
yup, and the dog with the bazooka, don't forget the dog with the bazooka
I once played a Xenosaga, don't know which one.
All I remember is it had a "movie" which was apparently all the cutscenes of the previous game and it was like 4 or 5 hours long.
Then I played the game and I had to keep sitting through endless cutscenes of people dumping tons of info on me like it was nobodies bussiness.
Movement animation took forever.
Secondar missions took forever.
Fights took forever.
Holy crap, that shit was the slowest game I've ever played.
Mana Khemia 1 and 2
I'd recommend using a gameshark to burn through 1 and 2. 1 is slow as all fuck and the style looks retarded. 2 is plays a bit weird and pretty thin on story. 3 is god-tier. Very good game.
>The vast majority of this board has never played a Growlanser game
This and most SaGa games
Yeah you played Episode 2, the worst of the 3
>tfw no Naga to laugh at me
No matter what Terranigma never gets enough attention.
And neither does fucking Secret of Evermore goddamnit.
>Google game
>anime tiddies galore
Shadow Hearts as a series, but Covenant especially.
>cover spoils the game
Not saying this was a 10/10 game, but it tried many interesting things and the atmosphere was top-tier at the time.
>None of those are "underrated" retart
>are "underrated" retart
learn how to english baka
It's probably because both of those games had limited American releases
The music was also the best in the series
It's a filthy mobile game, its rape by default.
Worth playing the dub. Or at least listening to the dub just once.
>no one likes Phantom Brave
It was always so satisfying to smack people with a vase. And it had some of the best and most creative character designs of the Nippon Ichi games.
Can't believe it cost almost 70 or 80 dollars at point on the e-shop in Canada.
Because Shining Force 1 is better desu
Shame it had a shitty, no-reason time limit.
>Time limit
But it was to make you determine who to put out and when on a map, instead of just having everyone spawn in with an item to throw down to spawn another character and swarm the map with overpowered motherfuckers.
Also the summon turn limit was hardly worth crying, you had more than enough time to utilize whomever you summoned if you weren't a piece of shit crying about MUH PERFECT GRIDS AREN'T HERE, THIS TRIGGERS MY AUTISM
Mah nigga.
Wayfarer of time was the shit.
Don't forget it opened up the ability to do new shit because you could summon guys midbattle into anything.
You could take an enemy's weapon, throw it, and then summon a guy into it.
What else lets you do that sort of shit?
I'm late to this thread, but Magna Carta 2 was pretty enjoyable for me, from a gameplay perspective at least.
Prepare for literally the most cliche anime story in videogames if you get it. Good waifus too.
Who do you think is getting the money from NA digital sales?
I've been looking into imageepoch's history. and I learned that they had underwent bankruptcy procedures.
>They actually animate
Oh fuck, do I play granblue, or is it too late to actually earn those characters.
Tales of the Abyss
Fantastic worldbuilding, amazingly well written characters with flaws that they acknowledge and overcome, great story, fun battle system, really good OST, pretty decent dub (much better than other JRPGs of its era like Persona 3/4 and FF10), high quality translation.
But nobody outside a handful of a few autists like me truly appreciate it. I'm not even a weeb and dislike most other Tales games and can't stand the likes of Neptunia, but TotA is in my top 3 GOAT games
>Literally the most mainstream, most well known tales game
>baiting this hard
it is pretty good though.