Ending is a cliffhanger

>ending is a cliffhanger
>sequel never happens

Other urls found in this thread:


Female Ranma is cute!

How do we take the concept of a harem anime and put it in a video game?

What is megaman legends 2?

Nobody ever explained to me what happened between the time Solid Snake jumped off Arsenal Gear and when he met Raiden after Solidus' death.

Also how could Solid Snake survive the jump after he dived off Arsenal Gear?

You mean a Visual Novel?

RPG with lots of party members
Link attacks based on how much they love you

Just better combat.

porn game

>trailer is a cliffhanger
>the game never happens

D-D-Does ramna end on a cliffhanger?

I've always wanted to watch it ;-;

Advent Rising
Megaman Legends 2

Megaman Legends 3?

Half-life 2

I think the anime version ends before the manga does

the anime ends with a "fuck you"
manga ends with Ranma marries akane while Happosai drinks the antidote to his curse thinking is sake

>Ending closes up all loose ends and is a proper conclusion to the series
>Sequel happens anyway

>sequel or reboot happens
>no new quality porn

Dante's Inferno looked like it was setting up for a sequel in Heaven, that would've been fucking rad.

Alright, thanks Anons


>tfw sequel's ending repeats the previous cliffhanger

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn


Fortune Summoners?

It pains me to no end that we will never get a sequel to this game.

>ending isn't a cliffhanger
>sequel happens and ruins everything the first game established

Why are games set in Heaven or at least has Heaven a visitable location so rare?

anything for more syaoran

Chrono Cross

It hurts every day


probably because dealing with butthurt christians isn't worth it and heaven is gonna draw a lot more of them than hell would

god of war

I'll do you one better

>Entire game is getting sidetracked and manipulated by villains whose motivations are never expanded upon
>Ending has you back to square one after undoing your fuckup because of said manipulation
>Ending is a cliffhanger
>Sequel never happens because of atrociously bad sales


Sacrilege. Most people still have some close ties with Christianity therefore they fear divine punishment would befall them if they tried to depict it in a way that may offend God. It's like trying to draw Mohammad in front of Isis members.

What happens if female Ranma gets knocked up?

I don't know and you shouldn't be asking those questions

What? The manga ends with the girls crashing his wedding, refusing to give him up, and no romantic resolution what so ever. Because the mangaka admitted they had no fucking clue how to end it satisfyingly. Which, to be fair, is a massive problem in the genre. People get pissed when a girl is actually chosen. Thank you, Vampire Rosario

don't make it worse than already is for those who haven't read it

I still think it's a good manga. And an alright anime. It also only just occured to me whenever people draw Ranma they usually put both his forms right next to each other.

What? The manga ends with ranma drinking the antidote just as water is splashed on him so he remains a girl forever

I agree, ending or not is still a fun one.

We will never find D.

>ending is a cliffhanger
>sequel never happens
>years later they get a kickstarter going and finishes it
>it's actually good and continues what you loved from the older games

Tactical role-playing game

I wish I lived in your fantasy world, user.

>Ending closes up all loose ends and the protag being the strongest being in existence, able to wipe out planets in the blink of an eye or some dumb shit
>Sequel happens and is about the original big bad's never before mentioned or even alluded to third cousin George causing trouble
>George is so strong the protag is unable to even touch them and now has to find a power up to match George

You mean Purgatory.

Star wars 1414

Granted I doubt anyone who haven't played the rest of the series would see it as especially good.

It's a shame it didn't happen with Dreamfall Chapters, fuck that catastrophic still hurts, couldn't even play past Episode 1 I felt so angered by it.

FF X-2

>game's ending is a cliffhanger
>next game is a reboot

>is a massive problem in the genre. People get pissed when a girl is actually chosen

Fucking hate that. Nothing less unsatisfying than watching a romantic anime that ends with everything pretty much being just the same like it was on Episode 1.



Fuck you Quake IV fuck you to death

I wish.

What did you hate so much you dropped it so fast? I played it all in one go (from the longest journey then dreamfall then chapters) and found it OK, granted the longest journey was far better, and some choices were VERY questionable, but after the initial shock I got to complete it and in the end found it acceptable.

>series switched main writers each time so the plot isnt concise whatsoever and the ending retroactively ruins the entire series




but muh Schala

Thought someone bought the rights and released remasters.
Maybe Darksiders Three finally?

A pity that with today's current climate, we'll probably never get a sexy Fury.

Rest easy, user. Thanks to the horrible writing, by the end of the series, nobody was best anything. They can all exist in your mind now.

Well. I played it first at release when there was only Episode 1, then as the new episodes rolled out I just never bothered continuing it.

Guess It's more just how I hoped the game would turn out. I hoped for more of a return to TLJ, a glorious mix between that and Dreamfall's third person view. But instead we just kinda got a Dreamfall but even less of a game. Felt a lot of like a Telltale game and I can't stand that formula.

I didn't really care all that much about the SJW pandering Sup Forums blew a gasket about, I can overlook that stuff, and Episode 1 didn't really have any story to it so I guess I can't really comment on that.

Also didn't help that it was barely playable(at least on relesae) due to the usual Unity optimization being non-existent.

Does to story go anywhere interesting? Because I might give it another shot and power through the "April Ryan will remember this" Telltale crap.

>harem series
>at the end the character that all the others are after tells them to fuck off and stays single
>epilogue shows them with someone we've never seen before and they actually seem happy for the first time in the series

Wasn't that the basis to that one girls route in Amagami's anime? I've always felt like 80% of all created harem fiction should just end on the harem note. It's already pandering, just finish it with some more. That anime about the guy who pilots an insanely overpowered mecha did it alright too.

>will remember this
It's like a blow to my stomach every time I see it.

>"April Ryan will remember this"
except it wont change much of the preordained events...
Sadly that telltale crap is almost all there is to the whole game, the puzzles are almost inexistent but get a bit better.

I have to admit the first part was very boring with stupid choices, but then yes it got better. In my opinion it gave enough closure to the dreamfall part of the longest journey, thou the last episode felt a bit rushed out and some things remain not completly clear.

>phrase not found

The fuck guys?

Fuck you I don't want to remember. All I want is a god damn modern space bounty hunter game. But no, I get coffee cup morph monsters instead.

>ending of great game is a cliffhanger
>sequel is fucking trash

complex motives


Ranma continued in the manga. It was the anime that stopped.

Play the SAO games

It's not hard to explain all the snakes

Typical doujin response is that she stays female for good if she gets knocked up

