Aesthetic Armors in Vidya

Say what you want about Advanced Warfare, their design choice for the exo suit and especially the USMC model are pretty great

Not really, your taste is just really shit

looks boring as fuck

He has basic vest without pretty much anything. What the point in exo, if you can carry this on your own?

Never liked any of the armor models from CoD after MW1. They all looked ultra-fucking tryhard for some reason, and this is coming from a dude that typically likes gear-queer shit.

I liked the titanfall armour design, sure it goes without saying it's not really practical but you can see they went out of their way to make it look visually appealing and thematically appropriate


Because concentrating 50~60 lbs of gear on just your torso can fuck you up in more ways than tiring you out.

That being said, really enjoyed MGSV's models despite the game itself being rather lackluster. Really got the whole retro 80s special forces vibe and loved it all.






Best looking armor in the game, imo.






I'd say this one also works too


simple, but for some reason I really like this


Is that your character I'm guessing not because of Sup Forums file name but whatever

nope, found it in another thread

Literally anything from dead space

Oh okay, thanks

>tfw won't spot Leeterr in a Sup Forums thread ever


As far as sc-fi armor goes I really like the straight surfaces and blockyness of Deus Ex stuff.


Reach was the pinnacle of the series in terms of UNSC aesthetics
And then 343 ruined everything