Rising Storm 2 Vietnam Closed Beta Livestream


Looks like shit

seems like they're using the same engine that RO2 ran on

Damn, I didn't get an invite.

At least I know I can run it then

The defeat screen sounded like someone was cumming


Tbqh I'm more hyped for that thing to push Squad devs/community to make a Vietnam mod for Squad.

>those retarded announcements every second

>signed up for the beta with 5 different e-mails
>not a single one got an invite

I didn't get an invite I guess

well he's playing commander.

Hey Aleys bae ;)

>you will never wipe charlie's entire village off of the map with your best bros

life is suffering

>tfw it ain't me

>red orchestra reskin
wow! it's fucking nothing
where is my key, you fucking faggots


>that retard physics when a soldier die

looks surprisingly decent in terms of graphics. atleast i would be able to run this at high frame rates


any heli flying gameplay shown?
infantry part looks 100% like RO2

Do the helicopters have to land and drop off people?

yea in the beginning he flew around as commander in a loach marking targets and calling in arty.

This guy is terrible wtf....

The Hueys serve as spawnpoints for squad members. They have to land to let the people off.

>when they headshoot you everything turns black

Cu Chi confirmed

he's an hotshot in some european ro2 servers

>being forced to crank up the gamma to see enemies

Shitty design.

>General Sir Autism

Good to know this jackoff will still be annoying americans with his shitty accent in the sequel

Not gonna lie, this map looks bland as fuck.

>rice paddies and dirt mounds

>no codes
FUCK at least I have Siege

Looks literally exactly the same as RO2

>tfw they only gave out keys to e-celebs or streamer
I probably not gonna care about it til the game come and on sales then

It's coming Soon™ user, have faith

>google the release date
>moved back to 2017


what's with those colors
looks like tf2

You mean unreal engine?

I'm neither of those and I got a key, then again I signed up on the very day the signups appeared.


The trees look like fucking slime. Palm trees and bush are not that fucking green. Looks like puke.

Looks pretty interesting. You can feel some of the guns kick, even on this horrible quality shit show. Pretty disappointed to see it use the same one hand run for baddies, identical engine with new objects. Is tripwire making this or a mod team?

The player is beyond awful and he's triggering me, I really can't watch anymore.

>playing Cuckwire games

>those SKS sounds

I know it's horrible but whenever I watched Nam documentaries I was fascinated by the war crimes, massacres, rapes and stuff.

Used to imagine what I would have done if I were in that situation where all your buddies are shagging some poor girl and asking why aren't participating.

Well shit


They still have place holders for a lot of shit

Neat. I've been itching for a new 'nam-themed vidya. Preferably with a singleplayer campaign that was as great as Vietcong's.

THAT guy, a hotshot?

He plays like a retard.

>team mate to the left got sniped
>proceeds to run through an open rice field
>gets gunned down

Antimatter are making the game

Playing like a true charlie

>he keeps running over open fields
>he keeps standing in the middle of a big open space or on top of a hill to shoot enemies across the map


Who is this fucking retards

I meant it in a sense that he thinks he's hot shit and keeps talking down on other players in RO2

>open steam
>game patches
>crashes after first logo.avi

Thanks Tripwire

nice touch. didn't notice that initially

Now he keeps talking about pointless shit just to hear his own voice


just like in red orchestra 2?
everything except helicopters looks like ro2 reskin

>wanting to use M16
Why the fuck? It's the other way around, an american soldier would want to grab an AK immediately if he could.


that AK sounds like a fucking .50 HMG

>Let me be TL guys, I have never lost a campaign

>starts losing campaign
>leaves server

Or is that another autist? I thought it was Anthony but I can't remember

not this again...

good to see that tripwire has bought the physics engine from bethesda


The cool part is that this is one of he rare instances of an actual-factual beta, with placeholders, wonky systems and everyhing.
Not the "Super-early ultra-unfinished pre-alpha" that is just a glorified demo that mot companies release.
Modern game semantics steam me off.

>just like in modded red orchestra 2?

A couple weeks ago they broke/removed/did something to the lighting and are reworking it.

you can also turn on a movie filter that makes it nice and dull.

>spawn on Squad tunnel that is aligned with the enemy lines
>running around with the enemies
>get shot by team mate
>gets upset
what a fag

>Character customization

Awww yiss, helicopter time


Please dont tell me they use UE again?
Im so tired of the shitty draw distant and pop in from RO2


The graphics are actually worse than Battlefield: Vietnam

That is actually impossible.

Jesus christ that ground texture

beta, an actual beta.

The point is to test for bugs, so they stripped the game to its bare minimum instead of adding in all the bells and whistles

He turned then down because the game was wonky and stuttered.

It looks pretty decent actually, especially the vagitation. Many textures are still placeholders though

betas are usually 99% of retail

beta is supposed to be feature complete.

Are there ANY games with helicopters in them that don't require you to go on a sanic-fast strafing run in order to hit anything?
Helicopters are designed to be able to just hover and launch rockets from afar

Here we go again

Which is why I said an actual beta, not the """"""""""""""""""betas""""""""""""""""""""" that have been flooding early access trash for the past few years

mspaint comics =/= arguments

Not this one, I'm in the Alpha and they have us test maps that are probably 30% done, lots of placeholders and just very loosely designed so we can help them balance. There are also a few maps that are going through huge performance fixes so it's still early.

Game doesn't even have a release date yet .

The beta started? Goddamnit I didn't get an invite. Will there be more?

>99% of retail

this nigga

this was painful to watch
still would love to try out the flying model myself


t. armchair game developer.

Currently, graphic settings have to be set to medium unless you want to crash a lot

I was excited but it looks pretty bad.. i guess i thinking it would be like squad but Vietnam

Why would it be like Squad? It's Red Orchestra: Vietnam edition

Did you not play RO2 or Rising Storm?

hol up, why did that fag streamed? I thought we had a NDA agreement?

someone else is streaming at twitch though
twitch tv/underagedgirl420

Looks absolutely awful. Textures look like they were made in 2004. Sounds are pure garbage, the AK sound was insultingly bad. Guy spent 10 minutes flanking, running to a point - instantly gets one shot by some bushnigger he never has a chance to see. Old geezers taking the shit way too seriously when its a video game

Seems like a complete waste of money, just buy RO2 and save your money


Are you pulling my dick?

it's some fishtalk nigger

god I hope they add proximity voice chat so fucking burger imperialists can here me scream "FUCK YOU GI!!!!!!!"

no, but maybe "she" is