Planet Coaster has Denuvo

>Planet Coaster has Denuvo

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How about.....just hear me out.........BUYING THE GAME!

Weird concept, I know.

I want to try a demo first. Remember those? Don't they do a great job of showing off the product to those who don't want to just plunge in?

is it any good

>Buy game
>Try it
>Refund if you don't like it

Simple, right? No, you're just looking for an excuse to pirate it.

it also has $3 denuvo bypasses

What if it takes more than 2 hours to reach consensus?

geez i wonder who's behind this post

Then you wouldn't reach a consensus in a demo either.

>How about.....just hear me out.........BUYING THE GAME!
I don't buy Denuvo.
I only buy physical.


>Refund if you don't like it
This is not how refunds work.

Demos. Demonstration. A short part of the game, usually no longer than 1hr. Often with features removed.

How does that work, faggot?

I don't pirate anything, I just refuse to buy anything that has denuvo on it.

yes it is

>Demos. Demonstration. A short part of the game, usually no longer than 1hr. Often with features removed.
Doom and Descent Shareware were much longer than 1 hour.
And they sold me instantly on both games. Which didn't have any copy protection BTW.

I'm just saying, Roller Coaster Tycoon 1's demo had 2 parks to play with.


>I dont steal anything I just refuse to wear anything that has a security tag


>Descent Shareware

And Doom? How much longer do you need to get the fucking jist of it?

HEllO Reddlt

it looks like a dumb shitty game anyway bro

Demos are usually shorter than a hour or two but they also cut out all the intro stuff and plunge you into the good stuff early on.

Dos that mean modding support is busted?

That's exactly how Steam refunds work

This is literally how it works. I did it a few months ago with Hitman Absolution.

>yes it is
Refunds are meant to sort out meta issues:
>accidentally bought the wrong game (shitty "Agricultural Simulator" instead of the good "Farming Simulator")
>bought an AAA game which doesn't run on your toaster
>requires VR but don't own a Vive.
and so on. The refund system is not meant to demo games and if you abuse it this way, you will get locked out of it.

denuvo only protects the .exe so plenty of mods can be made unless you want a nocd mod

I wasn't aware you weren't allowed to remove security tags from bought clothes, and could be prevented from wearing said legitimately bought clothes long after you paid for them because of security tags.

>maybe 50 games out of something like 30.000 have denuvo with no crack yet

>It's over KFC is finished!

>Simple, right? No.
fixed your post
Seriously, there's no reason to not have demos. It's annoying and forces me to look up gameplay up and down to know if a game is shit or not. I don't need to go through loops all because a dev is lazy and/or incompetent.

And no, I don't pirate.

maybe if you get 10 demo's a day but you can refund it with "its not what I expected" and no questions asked unless you never buy shit

>buy game
>activate online
>pull internet cable
>enjoy game without drm

gee that was hard

Security tags get removed at the cash register.

>playing any other rollercoaster game than OpenRCT2

Look around the issues it poses to version compatibility of mods though - Just Cause 3 was interesting in that regard.

Not as innocuous as you're making it sound.

>Devs trying to stop me from stealing their game

Preorder canceled, can't wait to pirate this in 3 months.

To be honest. Demos are outdated. There is more ways to view games than ever before and refund systems allow you to try the full thing out and refund it.

it is extra effort and isn't done because why bother with a demo when most people will pirate the game to try the game without restrictions?

Good. Fuck off pirate fags.
>I-I-I really like this game...but I don't wanna support it

this tbqhfam

it's fucking impossible to find out if a game is good after 2 hours unless it's a pixel art platformer
demos at least would show you some of the features past the very beginning of the game
thankfully user reviews exist though, I'm never buying a game I won't end up liking again

Those demos were 1/4 of the entire game including a satisfying boss fight to conclude the demo section.
Problem is that 1/4 of a 90s game already equals the full length of a 2010s AAA game campaign like Titanfall 2 (which makes you pay $60 for 9 missions).

some games have been out for longer than that and aren't cracked, user. Older versions of denuvo have been cracked.

not everyone is a nostalgiafag stuck in 20 years ago

You don't know how Denuvo works, that's cute.
It's already been proven it will contact a server post install.

Not to mention wanting to install your game long after on a different machine.

And, you know, online activation itself being a shit DRM that shouldn't be.

>I only buy physical.

no, I won't deal with solutions that call home more than once.
If it's pinging anything after install it can fuck off. It should only need to ping when I'm reinstalling it on a new device. Did I mention it needs to be transferable?

You only get your money back in steam if you use a credit card.
If not, you're stuck with store credit, fuck that noise.

Also saved myself so much buyer's remorse by pirating, that I'm 100% sure I will never stop doing it.

That's not really fedorable, user

its also proven you can play PC offline

I'm surprised, cause it's legitimately good.
It's the first good game to have Denuvo.

what if I want to buy the game but don't want to be stuck with DRM?
For example, what if I wanted an Ubisoft game but didn't want to use Uplay?
It used to be you could just crack your game to circumvent it, but now you can't.

it is

>what is hitman

New hitman is up there with blood money.

>its also proven you can play PC offline

Under certain conditions that are beyond your power post buy; putting you under the influence of third parties for no valid reason.

Which is one of the point of contention. However much you may feign not seeing it.

I did not like the new Hitman.
So to me, no good games have expect Planet Coaster.
Agree to disagree, I suppose.

>it's fucking impossible to find out if a game is good after 2 hours unless it's a pixel art platformer
I tried out the NuDoom demo, which is literally the shitty first level of the game only.
So I slogged through it in 10-15 minutes:
>that doesn't look very promising, lets look at the first indoor section, maybe I like it more
>Thanks for playing the DOOM demo! [BUY NOW!]
Fine then.


ok so your solution would be make it fucking easy for everyone to pirate it for free? yeah im sure the devs love to work on these games while they earn nothing for it

if you pay for it there is nothing to complain about

fucking hell your computer, your phone, everything is always online now a days

stop complaing ab

a demo being terrible does not excuse all other games not having one

Maybe I don't want to normalize the idea that people can just put shit on my computer that constantly transmits encrypted shit.

>Android apps got denuvo

>even their shovelware has anti tamper
arent you ashamed Pcfriends?

>he says while using windows

>ok so your solution would be make it fucking easy for everyone to pirate it for free?
As a paying customer I don't care about "pirates".
I expect to get a working non-crippled product and be treated with respect.
>stop complaing ab
Unneeded, keeping the wallet shut is good enough.

resistance is futile

also this

welcome to 201x

>As a paying customer I hate these security cameras in the store

fucking remove it or i dont visit the store anymore

>It's the first good game to have Denuvo.
Denuvo makes it automatically lose the attribute "good game".

I'm not using 8 or 10 sucka.

it does indeed for poorfag piratecucks i imagine

>tfw the only game with denuvo I wanted to play was DooM.
>already pirated it and 100%'d
0 fucks :^)

Windows 7's end of life was in 2015. Enjoy your vulnerabilities.

>fucking hell your computer, your phone, everything is always online now a days

Which is irrelevant, as a consumer why would I accept buying something that can be rendered useless by improper support from a third party when said "support" is perfectly unnecessary to the product I'm buying in the first place?

>if you pay for it there is nothing to complain about

Let me take a recent example: last year, MS removed a DRM support component from Windows in a security update, because said component had become a secutiry liability. Several legitimately bought games were rendered unplayable by this. Among which Vampire Bloodlines.

Was there any support form the companies to offer a solution? Nope, only games that are still playable are games that were cracked, like Vampire. Or you have to rebuy the games.

So yeah, I paid, and I had to complain. And I will have when Denuvo isn't the DRM of the day anymore. Might as well cut the chase from day one.

>ok so your solution would be make it fucking easy for everyone to pirate it for free? yeah im sure the devs love to work on these games while they earn nothing for it

Other industries do well enough along with it.

Incorrect analogy, the store would have to put GPS tracking devices into their products and prevent you from removing them even after purchase with the ability to make the product unusable if you don't meet certain conditions.

Take a look at when microsoft joined the PRISM program sucka.

>that can be rendered useless

oh yeah i remember that denuvo game that they just rendered useless, all those tens of thousands of people got real mad

There is a compromise in the law in that I can demand access to my recordings and ask them to be removed.

Not to mention, that data *is* suppressed periodically, and contrary to DRM I'm not the one being impacted by it.

>I didn't read before answering: the post

Only the mainstream support ended you retard. Windows 7 will get updates till 2020.

...and this would be bad HOW? imagine a store where there was no security cameras and there was no person behind the cash register because you did self check out and the product simply didnt work if you didnt pay for it.

you could walk in, be bothered by nobody, take as long as you want and whatever you chose was effectively private. picking up a fleshlight and a copy of tomb raider? no awkward moment at the counter.

all of my money when

take a look at when microsoft implemented any of that shit sucka

>buying Denuvo games

You know that you will lose your game in a few years right?
If devs don't patch it and Denuvo moves on from it the games become unplayable forever.

>pirating Denuvo games

In windows 7 updates.

lmao no

I buy physical games for consoles. I did pirate shit 20 years ago, but now I have money to spend.
I just don't spend it on crippled products.

yeah just like how you can't play GFWL games anymore
oh wait

>Denuvo made me buy the game
it works, I guess

The refund system is not intended for that purposes, it's intended to test the user's machine for any technical issues, Gaben already mentioned this, the refund feature is unreliable on subjective things like 'finding it out if game is fun"

>mfw all these butmad piratefags coming up with the weirdest bullshit excuses about not going to pay for something unpirateable

>there are people who actually buy games on release 60 bucks a pop
This just confuses me. Surely they realize games are not worth that kind of money.

Then go without playing the game. No matter what demos used to do, pirating isn't a good alternative.

2 hours is plenty of time to test out a game considering many singleplayer games can be finished in 8 hours

25% of the game seems more than fair

also for a sandbox like planet coaster 2 hours is more than enough to make a few rides, place a few questions and some shops and paths

do you literally expect to get 50 hours of gameplay before buying it? wtf man

A few facts about Denuvo.

1) Most games using Denuvo are shit. Especially the AAA garbage

2) In a few years everyone who bought it won't be able to play the games anymore

3) Denuvo has a bad impack on modding and performance. Modding either doesn't work at all or only limited and plenty of Denuvo games suffer from stability issues due to the game checking the online connection every few minutes/seconds.

4) If the game can't connect to the Denuvo server you will just get thrown out of the game

Do not buy Denuvo games at all costs.
Do not support that kind of customers punishment.

Why not? Some copout about intellectual property being a sacred right?

Well you can hardly argue about this, considering you only play AAA games
2 hours at the start of any cRPG will never be enough to tell you if it's good

Yeah sound wonderful.
You buy a toaster but it doesn't work when it's 10 degrees outside instead of 8 and below, while some random guy can see where you're at and how often you use it.
I always wanted to pay my hard earned cash to live in a literal Orwell future!

I bought the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY despite being completely DRM free.
What is your excuse?

>updating windows 7

You're a god damn retard. Don't update it at all, latest updates are spy shit that 10 has.

The "spy" updates are optional, you have to explicitly enable their installation. So only real retards install them.

wew lad. so just dont have

the update