New Tyranny thread, old one died

New Tyranny thread, old one died.

Beat it last night. Really enjoyed it, but it felt a little short. What was the time difference between PoE and its first expansion?

Also PotD or nah for playthrough 2?

>We wanted to make a game like age of decadence but do everything about it worse.

how do you switch out party members, I don't see a screen

Do you have a Spire unlocked?
If so, go up top and chat them up there.

>like age of decadence

Is tyranny a pick a path book?

Oh fuck off with this shit. This game has literally nothing to do with age of decadence. You have 1 set role and you aren't in an ancient rome desert setting.


Oh, ok, you actually have to go there. Yeah, I got the spire from the 1st act. In the midst of 2 right now.

figuratively literally

Ah, so you're talking out your ass

Says the guy comparing an unrelated game like it's a fucking argument. And posting a shit character to boot.

>this time you can be evil!
>but without any of the character or creature archetypes that make evil fun in a fantasy setting

Anyone know where to pick up the rain expression?

But it IS related? Literally?

Is this game also full of "combat right after dialogue" segments in which the game totally and utterly fucks up your party formation?

Pillars of Eternity had shitton of examples of this and god was it annoying as fuck. You'd walk into a room and after the dialogue you'd find fucking Aloth at the very front and Eder at the very back for some fucking reason.

I have that autistic urge to restart the game, even though I am half way through my first playthrough.
I just don't like my regular boring generic swordsman that has very friendly with the blues and very hated by the reds.
But if I restart I just know I will get bored rushing through the already seen content and quit, and never finish the game. It has happened before.

Fuck. What do I do? FUCK.

No it very much isn't.


It is



Yes, but I don't think party formation matters AS much. I've had times where my mages blocked off my melee attackers or whatever, but for the most part you can crowd control pretty well with the Fatebinder/Barik's taunts.

Far from the extent that PoE had, but it's still present. I recall a glaringly obvious one where the enemy actually advances right next to you, your dipshit party members stand there, and then the combat starts and they rush you.

We can go back and fourth until the thread dies out or one of us leaves, so I'll just ask. How?

Been busy at work. Did we flip around and decide this is a good game? Will this be the Mask of the Betrayer for Pillars?

Wow, I thought people were being overdramatic about how short and out of nowhere the ending is, but it seriously feels like they cut out the entirety of the last act.

I mean two possible boss fights one after another, you get their gear and don't even get to use them? You also get your secret edict power like 30 minutes before the credits.

They're going to be shitting out an expansion to fill in this stuff for another $50, I guarantee.

>No companion quests either.

I'm not debating, I'm stating

To be fair what exactly would your companion quests be? If you listen to their backstories, most of their associates and families are dead. Shit you kill most of them in some conquest paths.

>Will this be the Mask of the Betrayer for Pillars?
You shouldn't post while drunk.

I fucking love Age of Decadence

I dunno. I don't think it's a bad game, at least not in the "LOL TRANNY SJW TUMBLR FILLED SHIT" sense. But it's got a lot of really big, glaring flaws.

In other words, and I'll quote you "Ah, so you're talking out your ass"

who is that?

Yes but if you have pause on enemy spotted turned on then you can stealth immediately after dialogue and before the combat starts.

Which means you have some time to reposition slightly and maybe cast one buff with each character before the combat starts.

But it's not that important in this game.
You can make anyone tanky, give them full light armor max finesse at 19 and cast the singletarget illusion buff you get very early in the game, 50% damage reduction right there.

Remove Siren's helmet and help nurture her power to make her a more formidable party member.
Find a way to ease Barik's suffering inside his walking tomb. Or just outright remove it.
Verse's background with the Reds leaves a lot of interesting potential, especially within her select fighting unit. Before I throw her into Narat's hell-vortex.
Eb is... well I can't think of anything but she was pretty crap anyways. I wish I'd pushed her off the Spire roof.
Lantry as well, being a really old fucker, had lot of potential especially as a Sage.
Really I feel like KiS basically got hers already if you brought her around to the Beast Tribes in the Stone Sea.

It's not necessary really, but it's strange to play this game and not have it. Tell me you didn't expect a Barik quest to remove his armour when you started up.

I didn't say that fagboi

my waifu

How the fuck does shit like this pass through game development, testing and shit?

No one, not a single one of the developers stopped and said "Hey, this is a tactical RPG in which we have positioning and formation and engagements and shit, why do we randomly fuck up formations out of nowhere?" in both PoE and in this game's development?

Sirin would be overpowered wouldn't she? She almost made Kyros off himself after all. I very much agree with the Barik point, though. I was actually expecting to be able to get him out of it, even with an Edict, you're right about that too.

I guess Eb would probably have something to do with her defunct Not-Water Bending guild? Fiction has taught us that when people say you're the last of something, you never fucking are.

>my waifu
please tell me or I'll sit here all day trying to remember

Finish the game and start over. If you can get past act 1, shit can be significantly different in act 2 depending on your choices.

The movements are for dramatic tension. Resetting them would look jarring. I get the thought process, but it's a stupid thought process. They should stop and just stay where they are so after dialog battle isn't a clusterfuck.

Rachael McAdams from True Detective Season 2.

Well, towards the end of the game you're able to go toe-to-toe with other Archons, so having full powered Sirin wouldn't be that big a stretch, right?

And for what it's worth, Eb isn't actually the last of the Tidebenders- she's just the last of the ones that stayed on the continent. The rest of them fucked off into the ocean rather than fight with Kyros.


check out her nudes fambiloni

Both settings are set in the bronze age, so kinda ancient rome.
That's pretty much it.

The other similarities only are shared uninventives tropes like old and extinct civilisation building stuff nobody understand anymore because it obviously was better before.

As for what's dramatically different
> Age of decadence is actually a good game.

Most dialogue is triggered by your approach. If you approach in formation your combat will begin in formation.

You know for 2 armies that ultimately have to rely on you to get the tie breaker vote, even if they were just going to deny you in the end anyway, neither the Voices nor Ashe seem particularly concerned with currying favor with you.

Graven Ashe is a muh honor faggot. Voices of Nerat is a muh edge faggot.

>One of the armies has to take the lead or we all die
>Please could you pick one of us as a neutral third party
>Yeah sure I pick X

>Graven Ashe is still salty that I personally killed his buddy Cairne

Good times.

I wish there was an option to put them both to the sword.
It's what Kyros would've wanted, anyway.

I killed his traitor daughter and her hellspawn and he thanked me for it after I explained how his past fuckups led to it.

You can. You just can't do it then and there because one of those guys would kick your teeth in. Both would turn you into a stain before you could can get the "now" in "now listen here, nigger" out of your mouth.

I also killed both the ho and her daughter. However Ashe didn't buy my story.

I had a few Lore checks involved to make him see it my way after explaining that she shacked up with the guy from the Vanguard.

He is a complicated man.

Unrelated by being an edgelord is kind of amusing in this game. Throwing people to Nerat, legalised highway robbery, solving disputes with a literal "I'm taking the item of your conflict and pocketing that shit" and crucifying people. Good fun in a childish way.

Honestly, the game NEEDS ng+ mode. I really want to go all-out with crazy spells that have bumblefuck retarded lore requirements.

Don't forget kicking people off a spire to deliver a note.

I wanted to give that Eila woman to Nerat but she tries some shit and you just end up stabbing her, shame.

>ywn take Verse to a Linkin Park concert

So what the fuck i'm supposed to do here? Proceed through the story or it's another puzzle?
Tried to switch all lights to amber, didn't work.

I believe that responds to another Torchstone that you get later in the story.

Just go on with the story, you get a new amber later on. Same with the spire in Lethian's Crossing that you return to later in the story.

It's a bit confusing

>Age of decadence is actually a good game
No they are both shit

I wish this game had the PC voice sets that Neverwinter had, I could really go for the sociopath voice, or manic psychotic one on my character, it would fit rather nicely.

There's two sets of torchkeys. You get the other set later.

As an aside, is there any way to say "I don't want war, I want to be a loyal servant of Kyros?" Because that's all I wanted: Was to be a minion.

No because no matter what you are a threat to the image Kyros set, a threat to their power. Doesn't matter how loyal you are. People are noticing, talking about and admiring and / or fearing you. You need to go.

That said I recall options to at least SAY you don't want to disobey Kyros.

B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but you are THE CHOSEN ONE!!

I don't know anything about this game, besides that the game world is supposed to be evil. So on a scale of "Comical Spider-Man Evil" to "Quadraplegic loli sexdoll" how evil is Tyranny?

Has anyone managed to enter Duskwatch Fort stealthily like they ask you to? I can't fucking do it.

>You need to go
But I don't want to go! I'm a civil servant! I work for the people under Kyros' jurisdiction!

It varies.
There's two big factions you can side with, although they're all under the umbrella of one big evil empire.

One side is headed by a psychic vampire who consumes personalities and wants to fuck a 15 year old.

The other side is a bunch of jackbooted fascists who keep their army racially pure.

Nerat has this issue where every single character that you send to him ends up soul-sucked and stuck on a pike in front of his throne.

Lantry best bro

>Promise Kills that I won't lead some kind of weird Beastman extermination campaign thing
>Every single Beastman I come across insists on trying to kill me or impede my progress
Everyone in the fucking Tiers is so god damn hungry for death it's unbelievable
I should've just let the Edict kill everyone in the fucking Valley jesus shit

None of the other archons have a power level of total mind control over anybody.


you literally cannot side with the beastmen if you're working with the disfavored
so feel free to go full edgelord on them, they have it coming

but yeh, so many uncompromising idiots, like the brotherhood who were still pissed over me kicking them out of larian's crossing so they decided to block the only bridge into town, disregarding I literally had the legal authority to put their heads on spikes and those of their families next to it

what about this: an optional quest to remove Sirin's helmet
it ends with a game over where she mind controls pretty much everyone in the tiers, starting with you, in an "ends justify the means" attempt to challenge Kyros's rule

Can someone explain to me why the ending is so abrupt?

If I had known that the Disfavored would've blocked me from working with the Brotherhood or the Beastmen I would've picked the Chorus in a heartbeat
My reasoning for siding with Ashe was literally "Hey, we have to assualt a fortified position, an elite crack force is probably better than a mongol horde
And that one dumb decision basically caused me to murder my way through the Tiers

Probably better than the endings we got

How about an optional quest where we impale her on a tree for being retarded?

How can i get all 5 edicts?

That pissed me off so much. Just trying to talk my way in, getting to know Webly. But nope. Have to slaughter everyone.

Does joining the rebellion mean less deaths?

how about an optional quest where I impale her on my dick ?

Does anyone know what the fuck TR means in the calendar ?

How about an optional quest where I impale her on my dick

Is the game really that good? I'm still in the tutorial and got bored desu, I don't like the Chorus or Disfavored, and not in just a moral way.

Only about halfway through the game but it's my guess that by oposing Kyros you're serving her.
Archons in this world get their power by people fearing/respecting/knowing/thinking about them. Kyros seems to be just a suped-up version of an Archon.
The whole of Kyros's law code and decisions seems to be geared towards making Kyros a constant thought in everyone's mind. The laws about her name, the constant shuffle of merchant permits, the fact that she sent two Archons who are 100% antagonistic towards each other to the conquest of the Tiers.
Having the Tiers in a state of constant war or even in open rebellion keeps the world from falling into a state of complacency, and Kyros's name on everyone's mind.

Turkish Revolution

How about an optional quest where i burn you alive for being paedophiles?

Bleden, Library

oh don't worry, there's another fun murder option coming
thanks to a bug there's no option to disobey ashe at the end of your current zone leading you to basically commit genocide

>Kyro's Day of Swords
Yeah you got a point.

Why would you side with the Brotherhood over the Forge-Bound? Artifact level gear manufacturers beat a couple hundred more bodies to throw at the enemy everytime.

>Giant Boulder satisfyingly knocks down any human enemy on its path

>aiming it just right that when they're about to get up, the boulder rolls over them again

Just finished it an hour ago. I sided with the Disfavored and i never really felt that i was truly 'Evil' beyond killing Beastmen. The only actual terrible thing i did was Kill the Stone Archon and blight Azure. Is the Scarlet chorus path more edgelord? the last words of Nerat hinted that theres method to his madness and i might try them out.

But i enjoyed the game and ill probably try doing a playthough where i side with the rebels in a week or two. Also fuck Bleden mark hes literally 'pssh nothin' personal Kid'

It's mainly "uncaring conquerer/overlord" kind of evil, with NPCs ranging from "cannibal rapist edgelord" to "not a bad guy but he does work for the bad guy".

It doesn't really have any comedy apart from an obligatory sarcastic response now and then.