>ITT:Games for reddit
ITT:Games for reddit
my goty so far
It's really good 9/10
Could cut out the einstein quotes and had like two game breaking bugs
>le super deep fill-o-soff-i-kal kitty memes
nah nigger you're just a moron or you think puzzle games are "SO GAYY!!!"
it's a great puzzle game with an interesting setting.
For fakes sake, just say you want to talk about the game. Enough of this ironic beating around the bush, it got fucking old 3 years ago.
It was good, though.
And you weren't here for the Help Threads it spawned. Cozy as hell.
In my honest opinion, it needed about 20% more content. I liked the Challenge and the bonus puzzles in the Mountain proper, but by that point, I was only unsure on color shit and all the others I whipped through in just a few tries and it left me a touch empty inside when I was done with everything.
Okay beat my ass with your dick, there, I said it
OP did you think nobody was watching the post count? You literally just samefagged to save your own thread.; Cmon now.
I've never visited Reddit, and it's easily my GOTY so far.
One thing I can say for sure is that it's a game that casuals hate
if you don't like these games, you don't like puzzles.
don't like puzzles, don't play puzzle games, it's simple
came here from catalog
>one of the most casual puzzle games out there
>casuals hate it
if it's so casual, why haven't you beat it :^)
Sean go to bed
If it's a strong game why do you have to strawman to defend it :^)
If it's an objectively weak game why do you have to use unfalsifiable claims to attack it :^^)
what's the point of samefagging contradicting statements
the game was really nice and challenging without the guides, though i dropped solving the environmental puzzles
If it's an objectively strong game why do you have to use unfalsifiable claims to defend it
>one of the most casual puzzle games out there
It's definitely much harder than mainstream puzzle games like Portal.
It's also doesn't have a story, which is also a thing that casuals hate
Looks like Sup Forums is afraid of games where they can't bruteforce their way into being good through mechanics and tutorials and actually require a brain
Why would OP reply to his own thread 10 minutes after it was created and likely near page 10? Hmm I don't know.
Made by Jonathan Blow.
Jonathan Blow the BRAIN RAPIST.
Your favorite video game.
I agree, majority of witcher haters seem to be coming from Reddit. They got a hate boner for this game.
Comparing it to portal doesn't really mean much. 10 is much bigger than 3 so it's obviously a huge number. There are plenty of games which casuals love that don't have a story. Almost any mobile game, pretty much the sims and animal crossing, minecraft, etc.
Because Skyrim; which is Leddit the game, is always bullied by witcher fags ;_;
No,i actually enjoy puzzle games and especially detective ones,they're my favorite
But this one was
>le emptiness is art
top kek
>Finishing the color lab and the Tetris Swamp on their own
>Or the Castle
Literally not possible.
Why would someone accuse me of samefagging even though i didn't on anonymous imageboard
How sad is your life faggot?
>implying casuals won't look up the answers and then completely disregard that they didn't solve it themselves
I believe you. There has to be some other explanation as to why some random person decided to reply to your 0 replies thread right before it 404'd and just so happens to be on the same router and so it didn't increase the number of posters.
This is true of any game ever. They can get a friend to help them or look up a guide on how to get better or a guide for a specific puzzle.
Point is, Witness isn't a game for casuals.
>game requires zero mechanical skill
>not for casuals
Reddit post
By that logic, Myst is for casuals.
And I guarantee you won't find a single casual who wants to play or likes that game.
Casuals these days? Sure. Casuals aren't interested in older games except for retro hipsters.
the cake is a lie
>ITT: autistic failures try to give themselves a superiority complex through a nonexistent website war
The worst thing about these games is that their fanbase think they're super intelligent just because they play that shit instead of other types of games
Seriously kys all of you who actually like this kind of stuff
If you enjoy puzzles you enjoy the witness. Simple as that.