>Rashid is bad
>Beat one of the best Nash players by just doing whatever you want
sfv thread
Rashid is bad
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Whens Makoto?
Urien is fun.
The game has enough boys who are far more cute
EU lobby when?
Rashid is pretty good. Probably a 6 in the tiers imo. Good Rashids are super fun to play against but I've barely fought any lately.
I want to see more of Infil's Vega, only pro I've seen who mostly used claw on
Rashid is hard to use, lots of work needed for comparitively little payoff - and in such a simplistic game, why even bother when the general gameplan is the same irrespective of character?
Cause you beat Bonchan 6-1 by just being crazy?
Daily reminder that Rashid is the worst Street Fighter character ever designed, straight out of the bowels of Tumblr, and should be deleted from the game.
>LED lights and antennas on his Muslim hat
>Ridiculous "high tech" Nike Air 2.0 Back to the Future Edition Muslim Sandals
>Shouts "Yahoo!" as he jumps around like Super Mario
>"H-hey Rashid! W-wow, you're so well adjusted and friendly and everyone likes you!"
>"You're a wandering hero, huh? T-that's amazing, what a likable guy! God I hope his back pack isn't full of explosives."
Pretty much the average traditional SF design, yeah. Him and Fang are visually the only SFV newcomers who you could stick alongside the SF2 cast without looking out of place, whether that's a good or a bad thing is up to you I guess.
>a pathetic attempt at making muslims seem like cool high tech heroes
no. a "traditional" sf design would have made him stereotypical or funny.
dead thread
dead game
muslims are garbage and whatnot but why are you upset about having a stereotype in a fighting game?
like gief is the most stereotypical professional wrestler I've ever seen, but you're fine with that
>muslims are garbage and whatnot but why are you upset about having a stereotype in a fighting game?
since when is being a high tech hero with an american accent a stereotype of muslims? is this bait? rashid is not a stereotype, its pandering tumblr garbage.
this desu
he's brown and wears white robes and sandals
pretty fuckin' muslim to me
Traditional definitely would've made him some long bearded, possibly overweight and filthy looking oil baron or something.
Or basically Iron Sheik.
Not with that shit damage and low health. He'd be lucky to touch B-tier.
>long bearded, possibly overweight and filthy looking oil baron
Well he is pretty close
>Rashid isn't stereotypical
Okay user.
>shit damage
he needs his combos and most players don't know them, trust me he has access to plenty of damage
He doesn't.
Since when was looking like a terrorist and being rich not arab stereotypes? It's literally all anyone on here ever says about him even.
He's about as pandering as dhalsim is, a fire-breathing yoga indian who wears skulls around his neck but is actually a total nice guy (about 90% of the cast in this series are "nice", SF is Saturday morning cartoon-tier)
don't be talking shit
literally top 10
Wow. 2 bars and his entire V-Trigger on top of a reset mid-combo. He has no damage.
Literally bottom 10. One person doing well with him does not magically make the character good. It just means Takeuchi is godlike and you're all retards.
seriously though, what is with those skulls?
Is there any chance for Bison in season 2, or he is staying bad character for whole game lifespan?
>Him and Fang are visually the only SFV newcomers who you could stick alongside the SF2 cast without looking out of place
Laura would fit in well with SF2 too. even necally would be ok - his 'lore' is out of place as fuck, but apart from that he's alright.
wanna know a secret?
I'm a sim main and
our characters are bar none the two most likely to win in online matches
so stop crying
they're for yoga
Johns doing great but its not just him dumdum. Always multiple rashids placing in top 32s
Dead kids from his village or some shit
Laura would fit in SF2 better than some SF2 characters, T-Hawk is an awful design
>top 32
You know who else is placing in top 32? Gief. I guess Gief is top 10 now, huh. Stop being retarded.
when's InfilCummy?
Nigga there were 4 rashids in top 16 just today
Don't get mad that your character is good
Has he ever played cammy? 4 or 5
not him but it depends on what type of tier list you're talking about
the pro tournament tier list is completely different from the online and casual tier list, and they have very little relevance to each other
alex, for instance, completely destroys in online matches but falls apart in tournaments so everyone thinks he's bad
>most likely to win in online matches
You mean that Bison is a scrub killer who destroys mashers online? That's true. But I recently played my first offline tourney, and playing against local top players who actually know matchup somewhat changed my opinion.
Japanese aren't as wrapped up in being politically butthurt as you are. He's just some typical anime character who happens to be middle eastern.
That user posted a bad example of a damage combo for Rashid, but I've seen good Rashids do insane damage with trigger and one bar. If you ask me I think Rashids damage should be the average for sfv, and not ryus. Although it's pretty hard to compare to ryu without resets or being chun anyway.
There are also a lot of high level rashids, such as valle who do some neat shit with him and make him work just fine. He has enough options, safe pressure, easy cc buttons that have good frames and reach, and a good v reversal and trigger. He's definitely above someone like juri and urien, and I say that as someone who finds urien to be really fun.
that bird knows whats up
i saw him trying her during the beta/early days of sfv. and who knows, he's the type of guy who probably has some secret characters ready to blow ppl up, and Cammy has some good matchups on her favor
Bison also benefits a lot from lag
Just stop going to tournaments or main a tourney top 5 like CL if you want to win them. I guess you could practice your bison and maybe eventually do well but it would be an uphill battle for tournament wins.
I'm not even going to bother with tournaments because of input device incompatabilites
Alex could be top 10 too desu
I actually think that
>your character
Nigga, I play Birdie and Urien. Rashid is free to both of my characters and to me. He's got some nice mixups but none of them net him any damage. His max damage barely peaks 300 without CA. Come the fuck on. A fourth of the cast can top his damage with meter without it.
If you're going to arbitrarily split the tier lists then he's still stuck in low tiers in both. You simply have to do too much work to get results most other characters get much easier and once you know his gimmicks, even getting the little bits of damage he does get is hard.
>If you ask me I think Rashids damage should be the average for sfv
Then everyone would do shit for damage. And Ryu's damage isn't the average for SFV. People have been complaining about his damage being insane, because it is.
Now that's cute. Guy's a tournament threat at best and he had a great set against Bonchan and sick Ryu mirror with Daigo in USF4 and SSF4 respectively and has done nothing of note since ST and Alpha. Cool dude, but don't cite him as some bastion of skill when he's outplayed by people less than half his age.
Maybe but that's mainly because of how bad she is rather than how good Rashid is.
>better than Urien
Not a chance in hell. Urien has a lot more going for him.
US East Coast lobby
CFN: EllisFreeman
Pass: 1212
sick trips I'd join but I'm trying to finish up a paper
Who cares if people out damage him, his pressure is really good so he cracks people open over and over
4 rashids in top 16 just today
And it doesn't matter if he cracks people over and over when it doesn't do anything. It takes him 5 or 6 good combos to kill when it only takes other characters 3 or 4 good combos to do the same and gimmicks do not make up for this.
Come back when this level of Rashid placement is consistent over numerous tournaments. Then I'll be ready to concede.
>Maybe but that's mainly because of how bad she is
Shit, I just bought Juri with some FM.
I think she's fun to play, but I have yet to take her online.
I have noticed that I can't seem to get anything going without a jump in HK.
who honestly actually wants honda
all of like 3 people play him
The kick that goes behind her head has a deceptively good hitbox and some decent priority. Most of her game revolves around extending pressure with her fireball which unfortunately requires a charge. I still hope you have fun with her. She's neat but she feels underdeveloped.
Someone please join
I understand user. I've got a shitton of projects to wrap up myself. Can't wait until this semester is over.
It is over numerous tournaments
Sure he does lower damage but who cares if they opponent doesn't get to play
Dudley or bust
The charge isn't so terrible. It stops fireballs.
The s.HP is the kick you're talking about and I'm getting some mileage out of it when I'm fighting friends.
I still need to use the v-trigger effectively, I feel like it goes to waste most of the time.
>It takes him 5 or 6 good combos to kill when it only takes other characters 3 or 4 good combos
Oh no, a character who has the ability to easily mix-up the opponent with great mobility has to do 1 or 2 more combos to kill? Which he can easily achieve due to said mobility and mix-up affinity?
>Then I'll be ready to concede.
Who the fuck are you supposed to be? I don't give a fuck if you're ready to concede or not. Fuck out of here you clown.
When are they going to fix Ibuki?
>block a jumping attack from one side
>they land on the other side and get free hits
Has this been happening to anyone else recently? It used to be rare, but happened to me like 5 times yesterday. Maybe it's just online being shitty.
This is the first time Rashid has placed this well. Until it is consistent like this, I'm chalking it up to chance and people not knowing all the gimmicks.
I wouldn't expect a moron to understand the risk in having to get that extra combo or two so I'll put it simply.
Any time that he spends trying to get those two extra combos when they would have been dead with any other character is a period of time where the momentum could shift and Rashid could lose any and all work he's done all round. It's risky and his mixup game is not nearly as strong as everyone makes it out to be. When people actually start reading up on his frame data and practicing against his gimmicks because of how well he placed today, he will lose some of that ability to get in as well as not having any real damage. And when I said 5 or 6 good combos, I'm talking full BnB in the corner, not some little 3-piece into mixer.
>you're a nobody so I don't care about what you think but I'm gonna be a loud cunt if you don't care about mine
You're an insect and your nigger talk will not give you any "cred" in this discussion and it certainly won't save your side of the discussion. Sit down and don't speak back up until you have something worth saying.
I don't think you understand. The jump attack gets blocked from the front and doesn't cross up, but then they land behind me for some reason. Is that supposed to happen?
you can cross up post attack
I've had it happen with Nash's jump mk a few times myself. Don't know what to tell you.
>This is the first time Rashid has placed this well.
no Infiltration won with him before
And of course john takeuchi won first attack where he had to beat Go1
Do you have brain problems? Use context clues. I'm talking about the pure quantity of Rashid's placing, not a single person playing hitting the highest mark so far.
not even in this argument but it's clear that you're selectively disregarding evidence because you don't want to be wrong on the internet
>. I'm talking about the pure quantity
>This is the first time Rashid has placed this well.
This statement is still wrong
Plus if you want to play that game, some characters like chun haven't won much at all and not consistently. So she is no low tier according to you
You sir have good taste.
I think the user was replying to you incorrectly saying that this was the first time Rashid's placed this high, chill user
Or I'm discarding it because it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
>not even in this argument
I can tell because of how clueless you are on what's being discussed.
>still wrong
Then go ahead and pull up some other bracket results where 4 Rashids were in top 16 at a major. I'll wait.
>chun hasn't won much at all
She hasn't won a major at all actually as far as I'm aware. Guess she's only top-tier on the online tier list. :^)
>chun hasn't won a major
fucking evo was a chun mirror you retard
You keep running with that goal post
>fucking evo was a chun mirror you retard
I'm not sure if you or him is stupider
Infil will win capcom cup with rashido
How many more do you need dumbass? He's consistently been top 32 or higher, he's had a few wins, and he's widely considered good by almost everyone except for you. He has tools, options, mix ups, set ups, a projectile, anti projectile options, v system that's actually worthwhile, and good pressure. He has damn near everything except for your seal of approval, which is hard to care for when all you say is that damage is his lacking point and sucks because of it, which is provably false since damage isn't the end all be all anyhow
I'm going to go with my experience and everyone else's ranks over yours, especially since you haven't given any reason why others should be above him.
how long till some PC modder mod that new airplane stage and make that part where you go thru the dubai twin towers look like the WTC
When's the next live event?
Tonight or tomorrow morning?
not him but he has low damage and his option are mediocre unless you get reads on your opponent, right now people dont know the matchup because they dont punish his fake pressure and his mixup are bad outside of the corner where every character is godlike anyway and since everyone has corner carry..
Probably tomorrow morning
When SFV first launched he was considered top-tier, but his tactics wore thin and now he's sinking to the bottom.
High level players can block his shit and beat him with superior tools. Yes his online win rate is high, but he's just beating low-end players who don't understand him.
Low block guards against everything he has. No overhead, no DP, no command grab.
>being this wrong
>calling anyone else a retard
It was Nash vs Mika, dipshit. Actually kill yourself.
I never moved the goalposts. Proof has not once been provided to counter anything I've said. There's no reason for me to change my argument when none of you idiots can even challenge it properly. See below for a prime example.
You have one tournament as proof and for all anyone knows, could be the only time Rashid places this well. For the rest of SFV, Rashid could never show up in top 16 again and this tournament would mean jack shit, hence why it does not matter right now and why you need additional proof. It's like you've never even taken a basic math course that contained probability and statistics in it in your entire life.
>widely considered good by everyone except for you
Except almost everyone considered him bad for fucking months. A good turnout for the character at one tournament does not magically make him good. When this isn't an isolated incident, then you might have some weight behind your pathetic excuse for an argument filled with bandwagon and other assorted "proof is in the pudding" type garbage.
>damage isn't the end all be all
I'd say it can make or break a character considering Ryu is only as good as he is because of it. Take away his damage and leave everything else as it is and Ryu would flounder down to mid-tier and that's if he's lucky.
Believe what you want but I'll be laughing till christmas at your choice to be an idiot. Who would have thought that a character with such glaring weaknesses and barely anything to make up for it would make him bad. It's just like Gief but almost completely reversed.
Sim is exactly the same, but neither need a buff
>tfw bad at uriens cr. fierce -> aa fireball -> fierce chariot tackle
name one good player playing bison
Tampa got 32 at the most recent CPT
Tampa Bison? idk about good but he's the only significant one I can think of
that one jap guy
im being serious
just die you overpowered bastard
>Hakan, his big titted wife, and beautiful daughters will never be seen again in a mainline SF game
Why even live!?
getting btfo by every urien that exists atm
Honda would need a major design overhaul to work because Alpha and IV showed how one-dimensional the character archetype is.