I hope it's Torb. Just to fuck with shippers.

Doesn't LofL have a gay man?

It's going to be Torb. Anyone else would piss off the waifu/husbando fags.

And of course confirming that the rest of the heroes are cis/straight will piss off tumblr but they would be mad anyway, so who cares

Unless they retconned someone recently, no.

Even Taric is just flamboyant.

Well he is from Sweden






How many times a day are you going to make this thread, you fucking dipshit?

Like you wouldn't wanna see Widow and Tracer scissoring

Why does anyone even care?

Why does this honestly matter in the slightest to fucking anybody?

Will it change how that character plays? Will it give them new voice lines? Will it change how that character interacts with other characters?

No, it won't fucking do any of that. It'll just be some ham-handed addition to their profile where it mentions they like dicks/munching carpets.

This is easily the stupidest fucking thing I've seen related to Blizzard in the last several years and its genuinely mind-boggling to me that its even worth making news posts about.

I hope it's Mercy so all the healslut faggots get btfo.

So is it different than SJW's getting triggered over white male main characters if I get triggered over this? I'm better than they are, right guys?

games fuckin shit

its pandering to dykes cus thats the main playerbase, dykes and faggots

enjoy the bed you made

I hope this doesn't limit future porn.

Didn't we have this same thread just a couple of minutes ago?

It's going to be Reaper.

They've been saying they'll announce who it is for weeks now, why not just get it over with at this point?

I hope it's Winston

>not healslutting for mistress widow

You seem to care about it quite a lot.

I like how fags use this same arguement AGAINST sjws, and now they are using it to promote it because Muh blizzard

fake and gay

none of the characters have been implied to be lbbq at all.

how does that matter in a game where all you do is shoot people in an arena box?

Want to retype that in English with proper grammar?

>Laughing at Blizzard's pathetic pandering means we're triggered

Yeah alright animefaggot, shouldn't you be culturally appropriating Japan some more?

Make it mei to piss off china even more

If it's McCree I quit.

Reminder that the life expectancy of a male homosexual is 38 years

Enjoy dying to early onset colorectal cancer even if your negbutt doesn't end up pozzed, faggots

same desu

>yfw it is a completely oversexualized lesbian character that hates omnics

we're not so different you and i, kid
we both hold beliefs, although differing, that means we're the same.

Huh, better tell all the 70, 80, and 90-year-old gay guys that, then, they're not playing by your rules.

Because it keeps getting mentioned over, and over, and over, and over again.

As if when they make the announcement all the LGBT issues in the world will finally be resolved, just like when Obama was elected president it meant racism was finally over.

But it won't. Nothing in Overwatch will actually change. You'll just see whichever character they end up picking out of the hat used for tons of LGBT pride bullshit in embarrassing tumblr/facebook caps, and a possible increase in gay porn involving them.

Isn't this game dead anyway?

More important question is, who is futa ?

>implying i want to live
where do i sign up for that shit

>Faggot doesn't understand what an average is


>faggots in charge of understanding what "life expectancy" means


Why do these degenerates feel like they should be catered to?

Not the same.

Its winston

The Tyrande Silence shit was way worse. Beware the angst of frothing neckbeards.

Yeah, because retards like you insist on posting this exact same thread fifty times a day for attention and bites. Blizzard mentions it a grand total of twice in a year and you people lose your fucking minds.

>As if when they make the announcement all the LGBT issues in the world will finally be resolved

So now you believe that's the reason Blizzard is doing it? You people are worse than any number of SJWs, when digging as deep as you can to find something to be outraged about doesn't work you just make shit up in order to be outraged over something.

Sounds like someone is a LITTLE too familiar with the "homosexual lifestyle". How you doin' hunni

>Overcucks shit on Battleborn for have SJW crap
>Overcucks defend Overwatch for doing the exact same thing ten fold

>Sup Forumsirgins thinking they know anything about anything outside of video games and raging over absolutely nothing

As long as it doesn't affect the actual game, why not throw the fag lovers a bone?

wtf I hate overwatch now

It's only a big deal because of all the SJW tourists that have infiltrated Sup Forums over the last few years. They base their entire identity around their made up sexuality so it's only proper that the only thing they care about in Overwatch is made up character's sexuality.

>Global warming??? hah, it's cold as FUCK outside my house! Checkmate atheists.

This is you, faggot.

Isn't Hanzo's VA homo? Shouldn't his character be by extension?

The only people making it a big deal are the /po/tards and children who need their daily dose of incoherent rage.

Because not everyone wants to have agendas shoved down their throat when they are just trying to play video games

I play video games to get rid of politics, libcucks use video games now to spread theirs. It's fucking annoying, I'm not a conservative I'm not a liberal I'm not anything I don't care It's just fucking annoying.

its obviously going to be either Lucio or Zenyatta.

yeah because the tourists are the ones making threads like OP. retard


>Faggot trying to damage control after showing what a retard he is

Yeah I'm really "raging" right now.

Overwatch was a mistake, and Quake Champions is the remedy.

t. the best Overwatch player on Sup Forums

So glad I returned this casual garbage

wheres da prooovvessss :DDDDDD

What is the sexual preference of the characters adding to the game exactly? Why is this even a thing?

I didn't say Blizzard has kept talking about it, only that some batch of idiots has.

>So now you believe that's the reason Blizzard is doing it?

No, I quite firmly believe the only reason Blizzard is doing it is for attention, pure and simple. They throw this little bone to the group of people who gets needlessly riled up over stupid bullshit like this and they're absolute heroes for it.

Its incredibly shallow to seemingly just pick a character at random and decide they're gay, because they obviously weren't designed with it in mind or else they would've just said who it was months ago.

On that note isn't this the kind of shit the LGBT crowd should be getting upset about? Just using LGBT as a convenient label to slap on a character for goodboy points?

Stay delusional, clearly its been working for you so far

Ask why they made anna straight then

You do it very well.


Keep throwing shitfits over nothing, kids, gotta maintain that board culture in the asshole of the internet.

From the sounds of it, you are a faggot though, you should be glad you're getting more representation.

So you don't want the sexuality of any character revealed?? straight, gay, bi, lesbian ETC. and since Overwatch has no "campaign" the only reference would potentially be one or two new lines. How is that shoving it down your throat

you fags are kinda insane desu

This is the only thread I've seen where the OP is against this shit. Every other thread I've seen so far has been "Gigglesquee! Who do you think the faggot in Overwatch is omgomgomggg let's all ciclejerk for 500 posts guessing these fictional character's sexuality and shipping them!!~"

Just get over yourselves.

i've already seen enough overwatch porn to know tracer wants alien sniper pussy and no canon explaination is going to change that.

Because people keep talking about it, best advertising ever.

>Quake Champions
That shit looks slow as fuck.

I want to suffocate in widowmaker's immaculate butt

He's not confirmed to be gay, and him acting like a faggot is some huge meme.
He's basically a caricature of a gay man.

My only question is why even include them at all? Does a character being LGBT improve the game? It's just blatant pandering to like 2% of the population who probably don't give a shit either way, just to get their brownie points.

What exactly am I being delusional about? Can you explain?

We had a thread with this same image 50 minutes ago

OP read, and I quote "Dropped"

Fuck off.

Wait, the SJWs are the ones getting upset over this? I thought they championed this kind of thing. Can't keep the narrative straight anymore because you're so upset about a fictional character not being straight?

Seriously, people, life's too short to get this constantly angry over something that affects you not in the slightest. I know it's our duty as 4channers to rail against the rest of the world over nonsense but god damn.

You got called out because you said something dumb, get over it bro.

I thought we elected Trump to end shit like this

why do i need to know if character x has a dick? im not going to worship the character in the next 5 years, im not even gonna play the shit game 10 days from now after i finish it

tell me why sexuality is so important to you
cause this is starting to sound like a safe space area

Great, I didn't see it. Sorry I'm not on Sup Forums all the time.

Overwatch characters are so ugly. Widowmaker looks like she has FAS and so does Hanzo and Mei.

The only person who looks alright is Reinhardt and Genji because both of their faces are hidden 90% of the time.

>still shitposting about this
>every single source still writing "news" articles

They've barely said anything about it and that was like 3 weeks ago.
Shut the fuck up and just wait for it before bitching/rejoicing.
Holy shit.

Stop pretending to be retarded, this same fucking thread gets made multiple times a day and it always goes the exact same way.

Then fuck off with your assumptions you dipshit

>Anyone else would piss off the waifu/husbando fags.
Imagine if it turns out to be D.Va or Mercy.

>hurr pointing out how stupid all of us are over this means YOU said something dumb, I win I win I win!

That would be great.
Pharmercy confirmed when

It was an anecdote, I didn't assume anything.

Hermaphrodite if you want to be technical. Still, you love dick.

Well then fuck off with your anecdotes

what does that even mean

trump says we have the best gays, dont you remember

Alright I'll do that if you fuck off with your Overwatch shipping circlejerks.

>not LGBTQ2

Op here, can confirm this is my first thread I made. I was in the last thread saying the same thing 2/3rds of the way down.

correction: it's ok when they're sexy

Trump's pro-LGBT, it's the non-whites he hates.

Overwatch shipping circlejeks are fucking great
Homophobia isn't

>Still, you love dick