Hey kid, I heard you liked gen 1

Hey kid, I heard you liked gen 1.

That's actually a good Alolan redesign, though.

Should've posted Alolan Persian like a normal person.

>I have never seen an oil slick in my life

Also, fun fact Grimer and Muk are an endangered species

S&M really went overboard with the genwun pandering. Fuck's sake, they even have an alolan form Oak.

Swole bug and steenee are the only good new designs.

Caught it at the very beginning to fill out my team with the intention of dropping it later on.
Beat the game, never dropped it.
Probably one of my favourite "new" pokemon besides Stuffle/Bewear.

>stab knock off
>immunity to tapu lele's psyshock
>immunity to prankster
>doesn't accumulate weaknesses to fighting to fairy thanks to poison
where did everything go so right?

Save a muk.
Choke a seagull.

Clearly we need to pollute some more to help them make a comeback.


>Fuck's sake, they even have an alolan form Oak.
Not to mention bringing back Red.

>actually drinks from the probocis like an actual moquito when you feed him

honestly you can tell that gamefreak really enjoyed working with something that wasn't essentially normal pokemons for once because they went the extra distance on fleshing the UB's out and making there models look great

Welcome to the world of the plastic beach.

And people swear up and down that they're running out of ideas. Pokemon from another dimension sound great and while it's not likely they'll expand on them with Gen VIII, it also opens up some new opportunities.

They'd have to make an artificial toxic waste dump. Trainers would have to wear Hazmat suits just to go there, if the game would allow.


Pic related

Nostalgiafaggots are so delusional its emberassing to watch

Where's North from here?

Are you autistic?
Not a joke, just generally concerned

>resorting to "different dimmension"
>not running out of ideas


>just generally concerned
No you're not.

You're right, they should rehash Charizard and Dragonite over and over again.

The reason they had to do that was because pokemon fans are spergs and get angry when the fantasy monster in their doesn't look like an animal.

Muk backwards is kum

"Running out of ideas" is just code talk for "this pokemon doesn't look cool to me so I hate it"

No, they should give up

You sure convinced me.
Let's see YOU do better.

This would be great if it didn't have fucking spikes and fangs for absolutely no reason

Same here. I went Mono-Fairy and Muk

It needs to be "Dark" somehow. That means unecessary spikes, like they put on Rattata's tail. I personally like the addition.

>including gen > 1 in your "creative perfection" section
nutendo faggots literally have hysteria from people criticizing nutendo

Isn't it supposed to be rocks and gravel? Usually seen in oil slicks on concrete.

This. I really like that redesign and a lot of other people do to.

The rocks are crystallized impurities, or what said.

Fucking this. Animals are literally the lowest hanging fruit, the most obvious thing to base a pokemon on

Inanimate object pokemon aren't "running out of indeas", they are incredibly unique and original, moreso than "hurr its a fire dog"

They can't rely only on the pokedex anymore to a pokemon dark type, now that almost every pokemon seems to have a wierd dex

gen VI fox.

but Garfiiiiiiiiiiield

Do pelippers still drop lucky eggs?
finally found some in the wild.
even got a butterfree and thief muk ready.

Both are nice.

It's CREATIVE PERFECTION if people mass produce porn of it/its evolutions.

>all the gen I pandering

the worst part is that if they included more Gen V pokemon it would've made sense, but instead Gen I pokemon take half the fucking regional dex

yes I'm mad

Read the info, it's crystallized Poison.

Rhyhorn as overdesigned instead of "you are just a rhino"?

Reminder that pokemon has never been good and most likely never will be.

I want to stick my dick in a gen VI fox